At home covid test positive: What should I do next?

Posted by hello1234 @hello1234, Oct 19, 2022

Hi all,
Coughing, runny nose, headache. I just took and at home covid test and it's positive. Does anyone know the process from here? Is there a way to coordinate monoclonal antibodies infusion locally here in Florida? Does the transplant team coordinate the infusion or is that something I need to do? Has anyone gone through this process?
Thanks everyone!

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Good morning, @hello1234 Oh blargh, I’m so sorry you picked up Covid after dodging it for so long. If you haven’t already, just call your transplant team for information on how to proceed.
They can call in prescriptions and direct your care. If you need an infusion and it’s available at your local infusion center, the nurse coordinators usually set those up for you from your transplant team.
I hope you get well soon! Air hugs!


Hi @hello1234
I'm sorry you're feeling miserable. Reach out to your transplant team as soon as possible. They need to know about your infection and will be able to send you for treatment.
Hoping you feel better soon.



Thank you so much @loribmt and @estrada53 😊
I contacted Mayo and they recommended that I come in for tha antibodies treatment (four hour drive) or contact my local nephrologist for assistance to get the treatment locally. I am happy to report that my local nephrologist got involved. My local hospital contacted me tonight and told to me to come to the ER tomorrow morning for the infusion. I am very hopeful that the antibodies infusion will be helpful. They told me it is a three hour process. (I think one of the hours is observation after I receive the infusion). I will keep you posted. My appointment at the ER is 7am.
Thank you again for jumping in to help me!


Good morning @hello1234
I don’t have any answers for you, but just know I am thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon!
I have heard the monoclonal antibodies work fast. I am sorry to hear you have been facing so many challenges. Year two has been harder for me, too. Take care!


@jennifer0726 Thank you so much for your positive thoughts. It really means a lot. I am leaving now for the hospital infusion and hoping it works fast. You are correct that it has not been an easy year, but I always look at the alternative and my current challenges always come out better than that.... So I plug along!
Talk to you soon and thanks again for your morning note. It arrived at the perfect time! 😊


Good luck! You are always so thoughtful and helpful on here. Wishing you a quick recovery!


Thank you so much @jackiez
@loribmt @estrada53 @jennifer0726 😊
I am happy to report that I had my antibodies infusion yesterday morning in the hospital ER. It was surprisingly easy. I thought it was going to be a time consuming IV bag of antibodies, but I was pleasantly surprised to learn it was a one minute shot that is injected into your IV needle and then a one hour observation period. I had a wonderful and kind nurse. All went well. This morning I woke up feeling much better. My deep, heavy congested cough has been replaced with an occasional light cough.... Much better! It's like a miracle. Thank you all for being so caring and supportive.
I really appreciate you!❤


Oh that is so wonderful to hear! The wonders of modern medicine!


@hello1234 Sorry for being MIA and to hear that you got Covid. I had it last month with the same symptoms, treatment and experience like yours. The antibodies infusion works fast and is like magic although the scratchy throat lingers for a couple of weeks.
I’m happy that you feel much better. Stay well 😘


Hi @leahdrose 😊
It's always so great to hear from you! I am so sorry that you had covid too. It's terrible. Did you have the Evusheld shot before getting sick? How do you think you caught it? I think it's almost impossible to live our lives, and not get exposed. Do you feel the same way?
I thought I was being sooo careful, but I guess it only takes one person being sick to expose us to the infection!

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