At home covid test positive: What should I do next?

Posted by hello1234 @hello1234, Oct 19, 2022

Hi all,
Coughing, runny nose, headache. I just took and at home covid test and it's positive. Does anyone know the process from here? Is there a way to coordinate monoclonal antibodies infusion locally here in Florida? Does the transplant team coordinate the infusion or is that something I need to do? Has anyone gone through this process?
Thanks everyone!

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I didn’t get the Evushield shot in fear of unpleasant reactions. My husband got Covid from work which understandably and unavoidably shared to me. It’s almost impossible not to get exposed to it regardless of how careful you are.
We need stay cautious and hopefully don’t get it for the second time.


@loribmt @leahdrose @jackiez @jennifer0726 @estrada53 @rosemarya 😊
I am laying here in my bed recovering from covid and I am trying to figure out what to do and not do in the future. I have friends and family that have come down with covid multiple times so I don't think there is an immunity developed. How much do you do? Do you ever eat out? When do you wear your mask? Do you shop wearing a mask? Are there times that you feel comfortable showing your face in public? Mask while pumping gasoline?
If you had Evusheld, do you think it helped to protect you?
Thanks everyone! Now back to my hot tea ❤


@loribmt @leahdrose @jackiez @jennifer0726 @estrada53 @rosemarya 😊
I am laying here in my bed recovering from covid and I am trying to figure out what to do and not do in the future. I have friends and family that have come down with covid multiple times so I don't think there is an immunity developed. How much do you do? Do you ever eat out? When do you wear your mask? Do you shop wearing a mask? Are there times that you feel comfortable showing your face in public? Mask while pumping gasoline?
If you had Evusheld, do you think it helped to protect you?
Thanks everyone! Now back to my hot tea ❤

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@hello1234, I am sorry to learn that you tested positive for Covid. I know from your conversations and responses here on Connect, that you are being extremely proactive about your health and that you are following the safety guidelines for Covid protection. In my opinion, you are doing the right things, however this illness is defying all of the rules that we know.
I don't know why or how you caught it and I don't know why I have not yet caught it. Could it be that I am 13 years post transplant? Maybe. Why did I not catch it when husband got in before the vaccines were approved?
I am fully boosted and have had Evusheld. I continue to take precautions which are pretty much the same precautions that I learned to follow when I received my transplant in 2009. Covid brought the addition of a mask. I am selective of where I go and when I go.

I hope that you are enjoying another cup of tea and will continue to feel better.
Were any of your meds adjusted due to the Covid? Will you have additional labs, or doctor visit?


Hi @rosemarya 😊
Thank you so much for your detailed response. I have to know when your husband got covid what precautions did you take? How did you possibly not catch it...that sounds like a miracle! Did you both mask inside, you slept in a separate room, did you eat separately or outside? Plastic utensils, separate laundry? It sounds impossible to live with someone and not catch it!
I had no additional immune suppression adjustments. My meds are currently reduced to treat my BK virus. I was told if I get severe symptoms to call back. I know if you are hospitalized for covid, many times they will lower immune suppression.
Regarding follow up labs, because of my BK virus, I have labs done every other week so I will have labs done as soon as I feel better and turn negative. Hopefully, all of my function tests will be unaffected and my BK continues to resolve.
I will definitely keep you posted!
Thank you again Rosemary


@loribmt @leahdrose @jackiez @jennifer0726 @estrada53 @rosemarya 😊
I am laying here in my bed recovering from covid and I am trying to figure out what to do and not do in the future. I have friends and family that have come down with covid multiple times so I don't think there is an immunity developed. How much do you do? Do you ever eat out? When do you wear your mask? Do you shop wearing a mask? Are there times that you feel comfortable showing your face in public? Mask while pumping gasoline?
If you had Evusheld, do you think it helped to protect you?
Thanks everyone! Now back to my hot tea ❤

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I wear my mask whenever in public and wash my hands at least 15 times a day. This includes whenever I am near anyone else including pumping gas or going through a toll (parking), or just walking on a street.
My son and husband just got over having COVID. While they had COVID they were quarantined to their respective rooms and were only allowed to use one of the bathrooms and had to stay on the second level. Whenever they came to the same floor as me, they and I would wear a mask. I would wipe down anything that they touched. When I would use the same bathroom as them, I would have my husband clean it with bleach right before I would use. I would deliver their food at their door and pick up dirty dishes from outside their respective door. For one week after they tested negative, I still made them wear a mask if they came on the same floor. If I were to use the same bathroom as them, I would wipe it down.
Luckily, I haven't contracted COVID since November 2020 (before the vaccines of which I have had 4 before my transplant).


@loribmt @leahdrose @jackiez @jennifer0726 @estrada53 @rosemarya 😊
I am laying here in my bed recovering from covid and I am trying to figure out what to do and not do in the future. I have friends and family that have come down with covid multiple times so I don't think there is an immunity developed. How much do you do? Do you ever eat out? When do you wear your mask? Do you shop wearing a mask? Are there times that you feel comfortable showing your face in public? Mask while pumping gasoline?
If you had Evusheld, do you think it helped to protect you?
Thanks everyone! Now back to my hot tea ❤

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Hi @hello1234
These are good questions. I never wear a mask to pump gas as it is outside, but as a longtime germ-a-phobe I use hand sanitizer after touching anything in public. I do occasionally eat out, but go at off times when there are less people. I was surprised this week at a local Dr appointment they have dropped masking. I still prefer to mask when in close contact indoors, but not at home. I was potentially exposed to Covid last Sunday when driving my daughter back to college after she had been out of town at a wedding, but so far I have tested negative. (she didn’t have symptoms until Monday) Maybe Evusheld is still helping? I have been debating getting my second round.


Hi @jennifer0726 😊
Thanks for letting me know your routine! That was my routine too until I got covid. I was just enjoying life a little tiny more than complete isolation in my social bubble with my parents. I started eating out at very off times when the restaurant was empty, in a quiet corner, etc. Unfortunately, I did go to some doc appointments with Mom and no one was wearing a mask in the waiting room. I always sanitize after pumping gasoline. I wear my mask in the grocery store. I feel like I will never be able to smile at a stranger passing by because my face will be covered. After this experience, I want to glue the mask on to my face! After 90 days, I am definitely going to get my Evusheld booster. I think Evusheld may have saved you! The only reason I didn't get my Evusheld booster on time, was my concern about my BK virus diagnosis. When I asked about getting the Evusheld booster, I received mixed messages. Of course, no one knows for sure how all of this works together in the body.
Thank you so much for letting me know I am not alone in this. It sounds like we are both handling the situation similarly except you received your Evusheld on time and I got covid. Definitely get your Evusheld boosters ❤


Hi @chickytina 😊
Great to hear from you! Wow, you are my hero. I am in awe of people that live with covid patients and don't catch it! It sounds like you handled everything perfectly and your husband and son were very compliant and helpful! Do you also get Evusheld in addition to vaccines? When did you have your transplant?


I haven't had Evushield. I had my transplant in May 2022, so I am still on high antirejection medications. I was so close to death before my transplant that my husband and son will take extra precautions. My son and husband still wear their masks whenever in public. However, this is the second time my husband brought it home. So I don't know what he is doing at work that he catches it.


@loribmt @leahdrose @jackiez @jennifer0726 @estrada53 @rosemarya 😊
I am laying here in my bed recovering from covid and I am trying to figure out what to do and not do in the future. I have friends and family that have come down with covid multiple times so I don't think there is an immunity developed. How much do you do? Do you ever eat out? When do you wear your mask? Do you shop wearing a mask? Are there times that you feel comfortable showing your face in public? Mask while pumping gasoline?
If you had Evusheld, do you think it helped to protect you?
Thanks everyone! Now back to my hot tea ❤

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@hello1234 Not a transplant patient, but severely compromised with blood cancer, end sage kidney disease, and autoimmune conditions.

I mask outside of my house. At store, gas station, any medical appointment, eating out. And use antibacterial hand sanitizer all the time. Sometimes I wear disposable gloves for pumping gas. Can't be too cautious, is my opinion. Eating out at offtimes, same with store visits. Learned a long time ago that I get my smile "go to my eyes" to convey my emotions.

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