AREDS 2 and side effects

Posted by sally1b2b @sally1b2b, Jul 15, 2018

My eye doctor put me on Areds2 .it is causing an upset stomach, has anyone else had this ?

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My wife started taking AREDS 2 approximately one year ago. Shortly after starting she started experiencing extreme dry mouth along with a burning sensation in her mouth accompanied by an uncontrollable urge where her mouth makes a sucking motions that are involuntary (as if sucking on hard candy between her tongue and the roof of her mouth). If she consciously tries she can stop the sucking motion. But only as long as she's thinking about it.

Any thoughts?


Yes third time I took it. Severe ab pain even with radiating up
chest pain or from via esophagus . Worst than reflux . I called nurse triage to check what else could do. She said go to Er cuz heart ( have heart condtion too) but I do often yearly so thinking I vould wait hour & see. I took 2 tums, then 2 more later. Asked if could takr my tylenol pm
with 25 mg antihystamine ( took 500 coated tylenol safer for tummy & 25 antihytamine separste at same time .. I wanted to sleep as bedtime but too much pain. Slept or rested in recliner couch. I used electric warm pak on front which helped . Had fabric ice paks too which I use for back dics pain other condition DDD. Time maybe helped to get it thru system.
I am allergic to nickel so thinking maybe allergin it is the COPPER in AREDS 2 .. not sure what. Anyway it softened leaving so I could sleep after few hours. I need lactose free diet snd have many allergies or GI insensitivities.
I am not planning on taking AReND 2 and no copper….but I do have separate vitamins that I will use .. vit C 500 chew, Zinc 30 so 1-2, vit E 400 on hit miss basis so far. I have luitein 25 &’zeth.. combo
one later daily for years. Bunch People dont seem to tolerate the ARED 2 well. Shucks. I have bad mac degeneration in R eye so will meet with more specialists as large central drusen. Screen time really bothers me like this …Any ideas?


That also happened to me. From reading Mayo Connect, I learned to take Areds2 after eating & I switched to the Chewables. I no longer experience nausea.


Optometrist prescribed Perservision Areds2. I tend to have dry eye as I have UC/Chrons. And am frequently dehydrated. Stable for years. I am very careful with my diet and after a month of taking these PA2 I was sick!! Nauseated, bloated, chronic burping, couldn’t eat, exhausted, weak & insomnia. I am absolutely pissed as I questioned the doctor about my digestive issues and he said “ no problem” BIG PROBLEM for me! Stopped dosage and feel great. There should be more studies about usage for people with digestive issues.


Optometrist prescribed Perservision Areds2. I tend to have dry eye as I have UC/Chrons. And am frequently dehydrated. Stable for years. I am very careful with my diet and after a month of taking these PA2 I was sick!! Nauseated, bloated, chronic burping, couldn’t eat, exhausted, weak & insomnia. I am absolutely pissed as I questioned the doctor about my digestive issues and he said “ no problem” BIG PROBLEM for me! Stopped dosage and feel great. There should be more studies about usage for people with digestive issues.

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Yep. The fact that Preservision AREDS has multiple side effects, debilitating for some of us, seems to be a well-kept secret.


I have been taking Preservision Areds2 for a couple of years. I've noticed that there were times i was truly sick to my stomach and vomited when I would take medication prior to eating - have had to leave meetings or pull off the road because of this. I narrowed it down to the Areds2 medication and am wondering if that is what also has contributed to the bloating and lots of gas. I'm not others have had problems too but am relieved to know I'm not the only one. Will be contacting my Retina specialist to find out what other medication he'd prefer I take.


I have been taking AREDS2 for only 4 days. I now am experiencing small very itch wells on my chest and underarms. This started with just one and have increased each day. I know I am allergic to geraniums. Which cause me to have a very red very itchy rash. Could my current rash be a reaction to the marigold flower in the AREDS2 vitamin? Has anyone else had this problem?


I found the below by Googling your question...

They are related
They are related and the confusion began when plant fanciers centuries ago mistook pelargoniums as geraniums. Even though we now know the difference, we still mostly just call them all geraniums because it seems simpler — and in our mild climate we can grow both as perennials. › 2021/11/26 › bay-area-gardening-qa-marigolds-and-geraniums
Bay Area Gardening Q&A: Marigolds and geraniums


I have an older comment on this. I was advised last year to take Areds. I started having severe stomach/GI pain right away but didn’t make the connection, until I found here & on the internet that the Areds ( brand name) contained way too much zinc. I stopped taking the Areds and found another pill with no zinc. None. I have been taking those for 10 months now with NO side effects. Tomorrow I have my annual eye checkup and intend to tell my doctor about the Areds she prescribed ( also otc med ). Apparently she & other eye drs don’t know about what’s in those and the problem of overdosing with zinc. My suggestion is check the amount of zinc in what you are taking .


Yep. The fact that Preservision AREDS has multiple side effects, debilitating for some of us, seems to be a well-kept secret.

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Check the zinc content in those. Way too much.

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