Aortic Aneurysms – Introduce yourself & meet others

Welcome to the Aortic Aneurysms group on Mayo Clinic Connect.

An aortic aneurysm is a bulge in the wall of the aorta. The aorta begins deep in the heart as it emerges from the powerful left ventricle, gently arching over the heart, descending into the chest, and finally into the abdomen. Some aortic aneurysms can be harmless; others can lead to catastrophic problems. I invite you to follow this group and connect with others, share experiences, exchange useful information, and learn about aortic aneurysms.

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Hi - I am a 77 year old female widow of two years, now living alone. I have been diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm, though they are monitoring it every six months with ultrasound. I had a 4-way bypass in 2020 and I also have leakage in the aortic valve with thickening. I’ve been experiencing some partial blindness when I bend over sporadically. My right carotid artery is 70% blocked and now my cardiologist is referring me to a vascular surgeon to clean out the artery. I live each day with thoughtfulness. I can’t exercise much due to pretty severe knee issues but stay as active as I can in my garden and around the house herding my cats. Any insight you have for these issues would be appreciated. Traveling via a jet is now a distant thought.


My name is Pam and I was diagnosed with a thoracic aorta aneurysm in April. My dad had one years ago. My doctor says they will check it again in a year. The size of mine is 4.2 I believe. I would like some feedback if anyone has some to offer.


Hello I've just started following this group and have a question as the recently widowed 62 year old woman. My man died from a dissecting aorta in a matter of minutes. He had been feeling unwell and had pain in the Left side of his chest - on the side only! ECG was clear. Nothing else was looked into until he collapsed for the second time ( in hospital- where he had been in Energency for 12 hours) They did a CT then but it was too lste! Would a CT on arrival at emergency have shown anything prior to his collapse? As in would he have had an Aneurysm priop to dissection or is it usually just a spontaneous thing? I just want to know as I am not handling his passing too well and just want to know what actually happened so I can work it out in my own head? Thank you in advance to anyone that answers❣️

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Hello Yelsel. I am so very sorry for your devastating loss! No words can truly console that emptiness. Aneurysms dissect in numerous ways. They present symptoms differently from person to person. I have no answer for you. All of us here in this aneurysm group ask that same question, probably everyday, though we try not to ..... as it will consume us. We are continuously looking for explanations and strategies. You have experienced the worst outcome, and I think everyone reading this site probably is likely feeling your deeply seated pain and frustrations at some level, and the fear that goes forward. I hope you can move forward❤️

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