Anyone diagnosed with PMR after the Pfizer vaccine?

Posted by mellee @mellee, Feb 28, 2023

I received the Pfizer covid vaccine and had horrible joint pain 8/10 as a side effect. I reported it online. 7 months later I developed horrific joint pain in my shoulders, hips and knees(same pain after the vaccine, but worse). I was ultimately diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica. I wish there was a site to go to and report these things.
I am only 57 and was a runner most of my life up to the age of 51, so I am not in horrible shape for my age. The pain from that PMR was very disabling. I am now on Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg BID and Prednisone 10 mg a day. Not happy about having to take more medications.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


Since PMR is an immune system response, I will question getting any vaccine from here on out.
My dad was a physician and so I grew up trusting whatever they recommended.
Hope you are healing. I know how frustrating the pain is. Just trying to pull a shirt over your head!
I have started some supplements with my functional Dr. I am hoping to get this inflammation under control. Liver detox, gut repair and some peptide injections. Looking for a long term solution. hoping I have something positive to post in a few months.
Hang in there!

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Yep, pull shirt over head, uh no, can’t, well not early am, later in day I can now.
Your peptide injections sound interesting, hope it does work out positive, let us know. I’ve had this PMR 7 months now without pred, the pain is definitely much less now, could prednisone prolong PMR, those taking it seem to have no end to it. Luck be with you sheaphey.


My PMR symptoms started within 3 days after my last Moderna booster on Oct. 9, 2022. Severe joint and muscle pain in shoulders, elbows, wrists and hips to the point I could not sleep. Labs confirmed it was PMR. Doctor referred me to integrative doctor and now on 1/2 CBD/THC gummy plus melatonin every night. Went through a round (15 days)of prednisone when I was going to be entertaining family for a week and that provided enough relief to be able to enjoy my family. I see medical doctors who are very conservative and she does not want me on prednisone more than twice a year. I sleep better with the gummies and make an effort every day to walk on the treadmill at least 2 miles and then 2 miles on elliptical. Pain is worse in the morning and I still am awakened with it in the middle of the night but believe the THC has been a lifesaver! I am not able to do the fitness routine until afternoon but believe it also helps. I have never used marijuana nor have I ever been tempted by it, but I truly believe it has helped me. Only one half a gummy a day so I am not abusing this treatment. As my doc says, it is better than being on the stronger stuff!

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Prednisone is the one safe drug that will keep your inflammation under control. Find another doctor. I’ve been taking 5 mg of Prednisone for 27 years with Plaquenil 200 mg Twice a day. I have chronic PMR that stays under control. I’m 74.5 and no problems from prednisone. My condition is chronic because my first rheumatologist didn’t put me on prednisone for 7 months and I suffered like a dog. My family doctor gave me my life back.


Thank you for your reply! I have glaucoma and severe osteoporosis and prednisone will also make those conditions worse. That is why my doctor is conservative. I was surprised she sent me to an integrative medical doctor (who is affiliated with a reputable hospital) and she recommended I take 1/2 CBD THC gummie with melatonin every night. It was a game changer for my sleepless nights. Although my sedimentation rates are 60 and I have a lot of PMR pain, I would rather have that than be blind and have broken bones. Unfortunately, I am in a no win situation, but wanted to share about the gummies. I could take 1/2 gummie during the day as well, I try to only use them in the day for extra bad days. Many of the doctor’s patients are cancer patients who have also had success with them easing symptoms.


Here is what the NIH (National Institute of Health) is saying about the link between the COVID vaccine and PMR:
'This case-series highlights that PMR can follow vaccination against COVID-19. This potential link between vaccination and new onset or relapse of PMR/giant cell arteritis was previously described with influenza vaccine [1]. The role of the adjuvant was suspected to induce inflammatory cytokine production such as interleukin-6 or tumor necrosis factor-α, leading to a flare of the disease [1]. For PMR after COVID-19 vaccination, only few cases were previously reported [4], [5], [6]. Recently, Cadiou et al. reported, after 7 to 14 days after first dose of vaccination, two patients with new onset of PMR and GCA, and one PMR patient relapsing with a final diagnosis of GCA [4]. COVID-19 mRNA vaccines had no adjuvant, but they can themselves stimulate innate immunity with activation of Toll-like receptors (TLRs), notably TLR-7 and TLR-9 [7]. TLR-7 and TLR-9 are overexpressed in mononuclear cells of patients with active PMR [8], which could explain the occurrence of PMR after mRNA vaccination. As previously reported [1], the clinical presentation of PMR after vaccination was similar to that without identified triggers. In our case series, the prognosis did not seem to be modified, with good response to the usual therapies.

In the context of worldwide vaccination against COVID-19, physicians must be aware of the possibility of the onset or relapse of PMR, notably in the first 2 weeks after vaccination. This short delay between the first PMR symptoms and vaccination strengthens the probable role of the vaccines in the occurrence of incident PMR. The start for vaccination for individuals over 75 years with comorbidities or living in nursing home started in France in January 2021. The intensification of COVID-19 vaccination for all individuals over 55 years occurred in France until May 15th of 2021. During this period (May to October 2021), 12 patients were diagnosed PMR including our nine vaccinated patients. Regarding the same period of May to October from previous years, PMR were diagnosed in 3 (2020 with confinement) and 6 (2018 and 2019) patients suggesting an increasing incidence of PMR. Despite this possible link, we cannot exclude that these patients would have developed PMR also without vaccination. In view of the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, the interest of the vaccination remains superior to the risk of PMR or GCA.

We report here series of patients with incident PMR occurring within 2 weeks after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. Our findings suggest a possible vaccine causality and, in the context of the ongoing international COVID-19 vaccination campaign, encourage a search for recent vaccination in patients with incident PMR."

And here is the link to the report:


Yes - two days after my second Pfizer booster I started experiencing pain in just about all my muscles. After two months of chronic pain I finally went to the doctor and was dxd based on my inflammatory markers. Afraid to get any more boosters...


I had been dealing with excruciating pain beginning of October 2021. Same as a lot of you, it started in my left upper knee to my hip. I had my first Pfizer vaccination in December of 2020, my booster late January 2021. I started to have mild pain in August of 2021, from there it continued to move from my left side (leg, hip, shoulder, neck, down the left side of my back, my buttocks. In Sept 2021 it began to get worst, from my lower right upper leg, hip, lower back, buttocks and from there up my right shoulder and neck. Several weeks later it hit me with a ton of bricks in both of my upper arms. I could not dress, brush my teeth, wash my hair, body, nor could I put on my clothes. I ended up driving myself at 4:00 am to the ER. They ran all kinds of tests and found my CRP to be at 46.2. My previous blood test for CRP was 29.6. While I was in the ER, I was given 60 mg of prednisone, and a script for 20mg. I was to follow-up with my PCP to get the prednisone lowered to 15mg. I have seen several specialists - Rheumatologist, neurologist, ENT, ortho, and I'm to see a GI doctor next week. I started taking Methotrexate in May of last year, this has helped me to lower the prednisone gradually. It took almost 4 months for the Methotrexate to fully work. Because I was on such a high dose of prednisone for so long, my PCP put in an order for a bone scan. I was 4'11, I am now 4'10! I am still tired all the time; my eyes are very blurry after working several hours in a day, I've seen an eye doctor five times in 13 months. For the longest time they really did not know what I had. Both rheumatologists and neurologists were both stumped. I've had X-Rays, CT scans, MRI scans, and many blood tests, two procedures (EMG needle scan in my right leg, and a muscle biopsy in my left upper leg) I have muscle damage, mostly from prednisone. They just diagnosed me with PMR four months ago. I was a pretty healthy 57-year-old. I have been on intermittent FMLA for the last nine months. Through all this I have had to still work, even with the extreme pain. What is crazy is, I work in an internal medicine office with five physicians, and two nurse practitioners. I do not see any of these physicians as a patient, so in the beginning they didn't know anything about these issues and what to think of it. I had 190.4 vacation hours, over the course of fifteen months I'm down to 30 hours. I have been under a lot of stress for the past six years, my neurologist said this may have contributed to my diagnosis. I was wondering if there were any lawsuits filed against Pfizer, or someone to report this to? I still deal with mild pain, and I am on 5 mg of prednisone, ever since getting on methotrexate the lowest I can go before the pain starts to kick in has pretty much stayed at 5mg. I really want answers, and I really want off all of these meds I am on!


After 2 initial Pfizer shots in March 2021, experienced fatigue, myalgia, balance issues, leg rash, ringing in ears, mass in shoulder above injection site. Pfizer booster on Dec 28,2021. Increasing arm/shoulder and pelvic girdle pain till hardly able to stand and unable dress myself. 3 Urgent Care visits for prednisone
taper packs. Presently trying to lower inflammation markers with 10 mg prednisone & plaquenil after 15 month journey with several flares.


I had been dealing with excruciating pain beginning of October 2021. Same as a lot of you, it started in my left upper knee to my hip. I had my first Pfizer vaccination in December of 2020, my booster late January 2021. I started to have mild pain in August of 2021, from there it continued to move from my left side (leg, hip, shoulder, neck, down the left side of my back, my buttocks. In Sept 2021 it began to get worst, from my lower right upper leg, hip, lower back, buttocks and from there up my right shoulder and neck. Several weeks later it hit me with a ton of bricks in both of my upper arms. I could not dress, brush my teeth, wash my hair, body, nor could I put on my clothes. I ended up driving myself at 4:00 am to the ER. They ran all kinds of tests and found my CRP to be at 46.2. My previous blood test for CRP was 29.6. While I was in the ER, I was given 60 mg of prednisone, and a script for 20mg. I was to follow-up with my PCP to get the prednisone lowered to 15mg. I have seen several specialists - Rheumatologist, neurologist, ENT, ortho, and I'm to see a GI doctor next week. I started taking Methotrexate in May of last year, this has helped me to lower the prednisone gradually. It took almost 4 months for the Methotrexate to fully work. Because I was on such a high dose of prednisone for so long, my PCP put in an order for a bone scan. I was 4'11, I am now 4'10! I am still tired all the time; my eyes are very blurry after working several hours in a day, I've seen an eye doctor five times in 13 months. For the longest time they really did not know what I had. Both rheumatologists and neurologists were both stumped. I've had X-Rays, CT scans, MRI scans, and many blood tests, two procedures (EMG needle scan in my right leg, and a muscle biopsy in my left upper leg) I have muscle damage, mostly from prednisone. They just diagnosed me with PMR four months ago. I was a pretty healthy 57-year-old. I have been on intermittent FMLA for the last nine months. Through all this I have had to still work, even with the extreme pain. What is crazy is, I work in an internal medicine office with five physicians, and two nurse practitioners. I do not see any of these physicians as a patient, so in the beginning they didn't know anything about these issues and what to think of it. I had 190.4 vacation hours, over the course of fifteen months I'm down to 30 hours. I have been under a lot of stress for the past six years, my neurologist said this may have contributed to my diagnosis. I was wondering if there were any lawsuits filed against Pfizer, or someone to report this to? I still deal with mild pain, and I am on 5 mg of prednisone, ever since getting on methotrexate the lowest I can go before the pain starts to kick in has pretty much stayed at 5mg. I really want answers, and I really want off all of these meds I am on!

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I feel your pain, but not as badly as you've experienced. My onset of PMR was within a week after my second Pfyzer vaccination--from what I've read from others, this seems to be about the norm. Having it flare up on you months later doesn't seem like it might have been the causal event. Take good care of yourself.


Sorry to hear about your struggles. I had alot of aches and pains in muscles and joints after my 1st 3 Pfizer vaccines, but gradually it got better. After my 4th vaccine in May 2022 - Moderna (I later learned that Moderna has 3 times the amount of mRNA material in the vaccine than the Pfizer) - within a week I started to severe joint pain and stiffness and it didn't go away, it got worse. My GP diagnosed PMR in August and I have tapered down to 4 mg. After finding this forum and hearing others' stories there is no doubt in my mind that the mRNA vaccine triggered my PMR. I reported it to The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) which is a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in vaccines used in the United States. Here is the website:
I am not aware of any lawsuits at this time.
Good luck with everything.


My PMR symptoms began after my last vaccination of Moderna. Cramping I couldn't explain; feeling tired and as though there was some weird layer separating me from reality. Blurry vision, dizziness. Hard to concentrate.
It started probably 3 or four weeks after the vaccination but I made no connection between that and the way i was feeling off and on. Then, end of September I got out of bed to terrible pain in neck and shoulders. Couldn't get any relief from it. Thought it would go away; it didn't. I thought I'd been bitten by a tick or something.Got in to see my doctor about 10 days later. She put me on prednisone and within hours the pain was almost gone.
It was only after joining this group and consulting my records that i see the suspicious coincidence of vaccination and onset of PMR.

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