Anyone diagnosed with PMR after the Pfizer vaccine?

Posted by mellee @mellee, Feb 28, 2023

I received the Pfizer covid vaccine and had horrible joint pain 8/10 as a side effect. I reported it online. 7 months later I developed horrific joint pain in my shoulders, hips and knees(same pain after the vaccine, but worse). I was ultimately diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica. I wish there was a site to go to and report these things.
I am only 57 and was a runner most of my life up to the age of 51, so I am not in horrible shape for my age. The pain from that PMR was very disabling. I am now on Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg BID and Prednisone 10 mg a day. Not happy about having to take more medications.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


My first pains occured within a week after my second Pfizer vaccination (March 2021) and took 4 months to diagnose because it only hurt when in bed and got worse around 4:00 to 6:00 AM. I had no inflammatory markers at all. My pain initially was in my muscles of my thighs and upper arms. No real joint pain that I can recall. I managed to taper off of the Prednisone after about 1 1/2 years (started with 10 mg), but after I contracted COVID in Dec. 2022, it came back, so I'm currently on 2 mg. It is now confined to my upper arm muscles (?deltoides). BTW, I am a registered dietitian and eat a whole foods organic diet, high in anti-inflammatory foods. There is a government agency to report this to, which I did. Here is the link:

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Oh, I would love to hear what foods you are eating and what you avoid. I, too, have been eating what I think is an anti-inflammatory diet based on some research I've done, but I would love to hear from an expert with experience.


Great to hear all of these comments. I was diagnosed with PMR at 50. Took a long time to get the diagnosis, but one day I couldn't get out of bed by myself. I guess I wasn't crazy after all.
It was in remission for a decade. In hindsight I realize that the start of my shoulder pain was likely the return of PMR triggered from the vaccine shots. I rock climb and assumed I had injured my shoulder or developed bursitis. Then it was both shoulders. Then my hips became stiff. It's identical to 10 yrs. ago. I was on prednisone about 18 months last time.
I did a couple of prednisone bursts, but don't want to go on a regular dose ever again.
I finally made an appt. to see a functional MD in about a week. They focus on what is going on in your body instead of treating symptoms. I am hoping he can help get rid of the inflammation. The process may take some time, but if I have success, I'll be sure to share. Hang in there everyone.

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Please do share and best wishes!


I received my second immunization of Pfizer the end of March in 2020. I started experiencing pain in my hips and shoulders while sleeping at night. I thought that at 59 years old and my mom’s terrible history of arthritis, it was just because I was getting older. It got progressively worse!By December, I could hardly walk in the morning. I was in soooo much pain. I was diagnosed in Feb of 2021. Because prednisone causes me unbearable side effects, severe depression, that was not an option. I’ve taken ibuprofen daily for a year. And I stopped to see what would happen. I’m pain free!!!!!!! Maybe I’m free of this horrible disease!!!

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I got the dates wrong. Immunizations were March of 2021 and diagnosed with PMR February 2022


Great to hear all of these comments. I was diagnosed with PMR at 50. Took a long time to get the diagnosis, but one day I couldn't get out of bed by myself. I guess I wasn't crazy after all.
It was in remission for a decade. In hindsight I realize that the start of my shoulder pain was likely the return of PMR triggered from the vaccine shots. I rock climb and assumed I had injured my shoulder or developed bursitis. Then it was both shoulders. Then my hips became stiff. It's identical to 10 yrs. ago. I was on prednisone about 18 months last time.
I did a couple of prednisone bursts, but don't want to go on a regular dose ever again.
I finally made an appt. to see a functional MD in about a week. They focus on what is going on in your body instead of treating symptoms. I am hoping he can help get rid of the inflammation. The process may take some time, but if I have success, I'll be sure to share. Hang in there everyone.

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There is no way I am ever having another vaccine, my one Pfizer booster has reduced me to a frail person with heart rhythm problems and this awful PMR pain. I was ok before.


I too, was diagnosed with PMR after a Pfizer immunization. And then also getting giant cell. I was perfectly healthy before not a runner, but I did walk a mile a day, and I was a very active person. PMR has brought me to my knees for sure. Now struggling just to find a little glimpse of the energy I once had. Taking baby steps back.

The CDC of course does not recognize the link as to what we’re all suffering. I believe they do not recognize that because there has been no studies. They are just completely ignoring it for the present time, otherwise other people would not get immunized. It’s definitely a cover-up as far as our concerns are. They don’t want to admit their fault in all of this.

They just say there’s no there has been no link, but what they’re not saying is they’re not looking for one either.
I guess when the trust in your in the CDC has gone I don’t know where to turn for truthful answers. It’s just frustrating.
Thanks for letting me vent my own personal thoughts..

Hope everyone has a good day. 🌻


I too, was diagnosed with PMR after a Pfizer immunization. And then also getting giant cell. I was perfectly healthy before not a runner, but I did walk a mile a day, and I was a very active person. PMR has brought me to my knees for sure. Now struggling just to find a little glimpse of the energy I once had. Taking baby steps back.

The CDC of course does not recognize the link as to what we’re all suffering. I believe they do not recognize that because there has been no studies. They are just completely ignoring it for the present time, otherwise other people would not get immunized. It’s definitely a cover-up as far as our concerns are. They don’t want to admit their fault in all of this.

They just say there’s no there has been no link, but what they’re not saying is they’re not looking for one either.
I guess when the trust in your in the CDC has gone I don’t know where to turn for truthful answers. It’s just frustrating.
Thanks for letting me vent my own personal thoughts..

Hope everyone has a good day. 🌻

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Yes. First Pfizer vax May 2021. Pain in neck and shoulders all that summer. I bought several pillows, thinking that was the problem. It was not. Second Pfizer vax August 4, 2021. Went on a little car trip with family on August 14th. After the first night at the motel, woke up unable to move. Still thinking it was either the bed or the pillows, in so much pain got into the tub and was unable to get out. I had to get my daughter to help me. It escalated from there, to carpal tunnel-like symptoms in my right hand. It kept going numb from thumb right around to middle finger (which has never lost the stiffness completely). Was wearing a carpel tunnel splint, so I could use the computer mouse (working from home). Family doc (who has since retired) poo-pooed it as "old age stiffness". Eventually, I could do not even the smallest thing. Had to take unpaid sick leave from work. Went to a Chiropractor, physio. Nothing was working. Could barely sit on the toilet and had to get a riser seat; could not reach around to clean. Did some research. Asked the Chiro if he thought it could be PMR or RA. He didn't think so. Finally my pharmacist suggested I get blood work done to test for RA. I convinced the GP for the bloods and CRP was up to 42 (which he did NOT notice). He finally in December 2021 urgently referred me to a Neurologist, who diagnosed PMR (Jan. 2022) and put me on 20 mg Prednisone. Immediate relief. Recently (Jan. 2023) I had a GCA scare and put up to 60 mg. Prednisone. Had TA biopsy done, which appeared to be negative, although the Prednisone could be "helping" that. Ophtamology says eyes are good.Right now I'm dealing with extreme, extreme fatigue, exhaustion, weakness and sweats, sleeping for 2 hours in the afternoons after a brief walk around a store; waiting for blood work results for Glucose (never a problem in the past) and of course SED and CRP. I now have no GP and the unreachable Rheumatologist. Prior to the vax in May 2021, health problems were NIL. There are many with the same or similar stories.


Yes. First Pfizer vax May 2021. Pain in neck and shoulders all that summer. I bought several pillows, thinking that was the problem. It was not. Second Pfizer vax August 4, 2021. Went on a little car trip with family on August 14th. After the first night at the motel, woke up unable to move. Still thinking it was either the bed or the pillows, in so much pain got into the tub and was unable to get out. I had to get my daughter to help me. It escalated from there, to carpal tunnel-like symptoms in my right hand. It kept going numb from thumb right around to middle finger (which has never lost the stiffness completely). Was wearing a carpel tunnel splint, so I could use the computer mouse (working from home). Family doc (who has since retired) poo-pooed it as "old age stiffness". Eventually, I could do not even the smallest thing. Had to take unpaid sick leave from work. Went to a Chiropractor, physio. Nothing was working. Could barely sit on the toilet and had to get a riser seat; could not reach around to clean. Did some research. Asked the Chiro if he thought it could be PMR or RA. He didn't think so. Finally my pharmacist suggested I get blood work done to test for RA. I convinced the GP for the bloods and CRP was up to 42 (which he did NOT notice). He finally in December 2021 urgently referred me to a Neurologist, who diagnosed PMR (Jan. 2022) and put me on 20 mg Prednisone. Immediate relief. Recently (Jan. 2023) I had a GCA scare and put up to 60 mg. Prednisone. Had TA biopsy done, which appeared to be negative, although the Prednisone could be "helping" that. Ophtamology says eyes are good.Right now I'm dealing with extreme, extreme fatigue, exhaustion, weakness and sweats, sleeping for 2 hours in the afternoons after a brief walk around a store; waiting for blood work results for Glucose (never a problem in the past) and of course SED and CRP. I now have no GP and the unreachable Rheumatologist. Prior to the vax in May 2021, health problems were NIL. There are many with the same or similar stories.

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Thank you mild835, this is not mild! Your detailed description of what happened to you is helpful, my pain started with the carpel tunnel symptoms first, both hands still feel numb. No doctor or rheumatologist here either, the last one I spoke to seemed to gaslight my pain.


Oh, I would love to hear what foods you are eating and what you avoid. I, too, have been eating what I think is an anti-inflammatory diet based on some research I've done, but I would love to hear from an expert with experience.

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Here is a typical day:
Breakfast: homemade oat granola with walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, cinnamon, ginger, and gogi berries--no added oil, but I do add a little organic maple syrup before baking it lightly. (don't bake the goji berries). Then I top with berries--usually organic blueberries. I use Silk unsweeetened soy milk. Note that the cereal isle in the grocery store is really the dessert isle--highly processed with a lot of sugar. And dairy milk is really best for calves--not humans.

Lunch: either leftovers from dinner or a slice of organic whole wheat bread that contains walnuts and cranberries. I toast it and add some organic grass-fed soft butter that is mixed with avocado oil. Plus a piece of fruit--orange or banana, and maybe a hard-boiled free-range, cage-free egg. Or sometimes I will eat nut crackers with organic tumeric hummus. Note that I normally avoid most breads, especially white bread, or any processed food.

Dinner: Before dinner I drink a green smoothie made with organic greens, raw beet, avocado and green juice that is not highly sweet. This is because I am not a fan of these foods and it is easier to drink them than eat them. If you choose to eat a salad, use only a little olive oil (vinegar is fine). All other oils should be avoided, except for avocado oil.
Microwaved sweet potato, cruciferous vegetable, and a small portion of organic, naturally raised meat, poultry, or fish. Wild salmon is high in omega-3's. If I have dessert, it is usually berry pie with most of the crust removed or some fruit topped with unsweetened grass-fed yogurt. This is normally the only dairy I consume because it at least offers you some probiotics, which are essential to gut health and your overall health in general. 70% of your immunity starts in your gut! Note that your gut microbes eat fiber, so eat all your food whole.

Supplements: Omega-3's twice a day, turmeric with black pepper twice a day, and Vitamin D when I'm not out in the sun,
Hope this helps.


I too, was diagnosed with PMR after a Pfizer immunization. And then also getting giant cell. I was perfectly healthy before not a runner, but I did walk a mile a day, and I was a very active person. PMR has brought me to my knees for sure. Now struggling just to find a little glimpse of the energy I once had. Taking baby steps back.

The CDC of course does not recognize the link as to what we’re all suffering. I believe they do not recognize that because there has been no studies. They are just completely ignoring it for the present time, otherwise other people would not get immunized. It’s definitely a cover-up as far as our concerns are. They don’t want to admit their fault in all of this.

They just say there’s no there has been no link, but what they’re not saying is they’re not looking for one either.
I guess when the trust in your in the CDC has gone I don’t know where to turn for truthful answers. It’s just frustrating.
Thanks for letting me vent my own personal thoughts..

Hope everyone has a good day. 🌻

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Did your report your case to VAERS? If not, here is the link:


Oh, I would love to hear what foods you are eating and what you avoid. I, too, have been eating what I think is an anti-inflammatory diet based on some research I've done, but I would love to hear from an expert with experience.

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PS, I forgot to mention that I try to eat beans every day since your gut microbes love the fiber in them. Black beans and garbanzos are some of the best for gut health (and longevity, as evidenced by the centenarians from the Blue Zones). Try to avoid eating them with added oil, except for olive oil in hummus. Any oil heated up is not healthy, BTW. But I don't have a problem eating fat from a naturally raised animal.

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