Effexor and Mirtazapine: Any experience with this combo?

Posted by doorman @doorman, Aug 31, 2019

Been on 7 different meds for anxiety. None have worked. In fact, the last one ( Zoloft) caused me to have WORSE anxiety. It sent me to the ER, and a voluntary commitment to a psych ward. One of the worst 3days of my life. I’m now on Effexor and Mirtazapine ( California rocket fuel). Been on it for 3 weeks. Still feel like crap. I’ve been told it takes a minimum of 6 weeks to start working. I’m not looking forward to the next 3weeks. Anyone here have any experience with this drug combination?

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I know what severe anxiety is, believe me. So sorry for you. I tried Lexapro. It didn’t work for me. The Mirtazapine in the evening is a godsend. Be careful with relying on the clonazapan......I’m sure you will not let it get ahead of you. Best of luck to you my friend!

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Did the mirtazapine work right away? I’m on my first night , been on 150 Effexor for three weeks, no appetite and trouble sleeping thanks for your feedback!


Did the mirtazapine work right away? I’m on my first night , been on 150 Effexor for three weeks, no appetite and trouble sleeping thanks for your feedback!

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The Mirtazapine worked very quickly for me. It’s affinity for histamine receptors causes sedation. And it helped me tremendously getting to sleep. Effexor works on norepinephrine, which can cause a feeling of “jumpiness.” That’s why I only start ONE MED AT A TIME. Give the Mirtazapine more time. I did poorly on Effexor. Good luck.


@doorman: Mirtazapine is very effective in calming anxiety. But Effexor (Venlafaxine) does not suit everyone, so one has to be careful with it. It did not suit me and I suffered a terrible withdrawal reaction when I stopped it after taking it for just three weeks. At what dosage are you taking it? How is your body reacting to it? Please indicate the dosages of both meds. Also, are you taking any benzodiazepines or other anti-anxiety meds for immediate relief?

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I have been taking Effexor 37.5 for 3 weeks and it has made me extremely short of breath. Anyone else experience this? It’s like it has lessened the benefits of my trelegy inhaler. I did not take it last night because I want off this crap and I feel worse now than when I started it. Any advice? I know I can take Prozac but not sure if I can just switch. Seeing my Dr. tomorrow but I absolutely will not be continuing this medication if she ask me to. NO WAY!!


@doorman: Your concern is well founded. Please tell your doctor about your suffering, and request her to switch your medication to another medicine such as Prozac. All good wishes.


I have been taking Effexor 37.5 for 3 weeks and it has made me extremely short of breath. Anyone else experience this? It’s like it has lessened the benefits of my trelegy inhaler. I did not take it last night because I want off this crap and I feel worse now than when I started it. Any advice? I know I can take Prozac but not sure if I can just switch. Seeing my Dr. tomorrow but I absolutely will not be continuing this medication if she ask me to. NO WAY!!

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I didn’t know how to start my own thread so I posted mine above, I hope that’s ok


@doorman: Your concern is well founded. Please tell your doctor about your suffering, and request her to switch your medication to another medicine such as Prozac. All good wishes.

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My dr switched me from Prozac to this crap and I trusted her so agreed. I have Prozac here and so want to take one because as the evening is passing I am starting to feel blah from not taking that dang Effexor last night.

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