Airway clearance techniques

Posted by brian93 @brian93, Jun 23 6:18pm

I have bronchiectasis and follow the Lung Matters Protocol ,(LMP) , and do airway clearance techniques (ACTs) 2x a day. I treated MAC for 2.5 years with antibiotics and am now MAC-free. LMP advocates using albuteral and hypertonic saline solution to clear the lungs and discourages use of any cough suppressants, steroids and many other things. Even doing ACTs, I still cough almost all the time. I'm at the point where I can't even socialize.

My question is: What can a pulmonologist possibly do to help me if I can't take any other drugs to help this cough? If I didn't have this cough, I would feel so healthy and normal.

I feel like I'm on my own with treating this condition with no relief in sight.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.


I'm just north of Charlotte. Sounds like UNC - CH is my best option. Probably a 3-hour ride.

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Hi Brian: Just wanted to say I've been in your shoes too. I finally had to travel 3 1/2 hrs to see an expert but it was so worth it. After a couple of years I was able to be referred to a facility 1 1/2 hrs away. Stay strong and be diligent. With the help of the fine folks in the group, you'll get the care you need. Blessings. Faye


Have you looked into getting an infectious disease, doctor?


I did have one while I was on the big three antibiotics, but after testing negative for Mac and going off the antibiotics, I had my pulmonologist ordering the cultures to check my sputum regularly. Do you think there is an advantage to still using an ID doctor if I'm MAC negative?


Thank you for your helpful suggestions. I've been doing LMP for a year and while it's been helping me clear my lungs, I definitely need something more.

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LMP = ???


LMP = ???

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Lungs Matters Protocol, which includes Airway Clearance Techniques (ACTs)


Brian, just to share my recent experience, everyone is different. I was having the same coughing and producing more clear sputum than normal. I felt like my lungs and throat might be irritated so I dropped back to once a day nebulizing and ACTs. It has made a world of difference. I only cough now to clear the mucus and producing less mucus.


Brian, another thought. Sometimes it can be something as simple as sinus drainage causing throat irritation and a cough. My primary care picked up on this and ordered me a nasal spray which helped a lot but I didn't get rid of cough until I cut back 7% nebs to once a day


Tissues in people with lung disease can "leak" during the night. Perhaps you might have silent GERD/reflux. Do you sleep at an angle and modify your diet to avoid triggers? I ask because I weaned off of PPI (over 2 1/2 month period) and thought I was doing great. Apparently I did not modify my diet enough even though I avoided eating/drinking 3 hours before sleep. My lungs became very inflamed and it seemed there was one area of my lungs I could not clear no matter what I did. It turns out I had an infection that needed abx treatment. Presently, I take PPI every other day, which is 50% reduction. Small successes. When there's a stretch of time to work on modifying diet again I will. LMP recommends the Acid Watcher Diet, which reads quite restrictive but people follow it with success it appears.

BTW, many of the PPI studies cited by LMP take place in ICUs in elderly populations. It makes sense to think about PPI use and wean before we become older/elderly, of course. Weaning should occur however when lungs/cough are stable.


Thanks for your comments. Yes I sleep in an adjustable bed, and I generally watch what I eat. But I'm sure I have some degree of reflux.


Brian, another thought. Sometimes it can be something as simple as sinus drainage causing throat irritation and a cough. My primary care picked up on this and ordered me a nasal spray which helped a lot but I didn't get rid of cough until I cut back 7% nebs to once a day

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Is the nasal spray prescription or OTC? Thought about doing the neti pot, but still a little wary about introducing water to my sinuses.

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