Airway clearance techniques

Posted by brian93 @brian93, Jun 23 6:18pm

I have bronchiectasis and follow the Lung Matters Protocol ,(LMP) , and do airway clearance techniques (ACTs) 2x a day. I treated MAC for 2.5 years with antibiotics and am now MAC-free. LMP advocates using albuteral and hypertonic saline solution to clear the lungs and discourages use of any cough suppressants, steroids and many other things. Even doing ACTs, I still cough almost all the time. I'm at the point where I can't even socialize.

My question is: What can a pulmonologist possibly do to help me if I can't take any other drugs to help this cough? If I didn't have this cough, I would feel so healthy and normal.

I feel like I'm on my own with treating this condition with no relief in sight.

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My friend is an MD so she should know to use a spacer!!

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He Who Acts as His Own Doctor Has a Fool for a Patient!


My friend is an MD so she should know to use a spacer!!

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I’m guessing she also knows to rinse thoroughly before and after using it. 😀 I had trouble with thrush when the steroid was added to my steroid inhaler and steroid nasal spray and stopped it intermittently over 3 months. I finally figured out that making sure all the rinse solution had finished dripping and then rinsing solved it.


If anyone can help me sort this out, concerning saline and airway clearance. Since I was diagnosed with spinal compression fractures in May of 2024, I have had to discontinue use of vest therapy. This has led me to be more fastidious in doing airway clearance.
I use first levalbuerol inhaler, followed by 3% saline am and 7% saline pm, then immediately low dose steroid inhaler (Breyna, which is generic for Symbicort).
This is my question: Can I use 1/2 vial 7% saline in the morning, say for 5 or 6 minutes, save the rest of the vial and nebulize the remaining 7% in the evening, until finished, about 6 minutes more?
Since losing vest therapy, it is trial and error to see what works. Pharmacologic Airway clearance twice a day, morning and evening. Manual clearance mid-day with lying on my back, vigorous exercise, deep, controlled breathing, huff coughing, and recently adding postural drainage, lying on either side while doing percussion palpitations along the sides of my chest.


I’ve used half of the saline vial in the morning and then in the afternoon the rest. I left it at room temperature. Some might say to refrigerate it. At room temperature, cover with a tissue or in the fridge cover with plastic wrap.

FWIW, my lungs really need all the moisture they can get. On really hard days I neb two saline vials instead of one. If you can get away with a half a vial more power to you! Sounds like your routine is pretty darn awesome!

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