Just diagnosed with Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma: What to expect?

Posted by rose53 @rose53, Oct 21, 2021

I was just diagnosed with this uterine cancer. I am 68 and I'm so freightened. Waiting to see doctor for hysteroctomy. This is all I know. I had a biopsy done and this is the result. Anyone please let me know what ro expect and do before hand and any suggestions are embraced. ❤

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@cmb2022 We haven't communicated in a while so I thought I'd check in with you. How are you doing?


Yes. I will.

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Hello, @rose53 I've been thinking about you. How are you doing today?


@cmb2022 We haven't communicated in a while so I thought I'd check in with you. How are you doing?

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Thank you for reaching out. I am still a bit under the weather. First I had a cold that turned to bronchitis. So it has been a long couple of weeks. I am still tired, but over all am doing better. How are you feeling? I hope you have a great weekend.


Thank you for reaching out. I am still a bit under the weather. First I had a cold that turned to bronchitis. So it has been a long couple of weeks. I am still tired, but over all am doing better. How are you feeling? I hope you have a great weekend.

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@cmb2022 I can relate to an upper respiratory infection like a cold that turns into bronchitis. The year that the flu vaccine was very ineffective in maybe 2015 I had the flu in February and then bronchitis that lasted well into April. I finally got medical care to knock that bronchitis back. With all that has occurred for you I'm thinking you are very fatigued. Is the coughing from bronchitis keeping you awake at night? Is it time to go to your primary care doctor and get some cough medicine?

I'm glad to hear you are doing better.

We had ice, snow, sleet - you name it - over the past few days. It must be Spring some where but not where I live. I try to balance each day with my obligations and rest as I still get fatigued.

I'll have dinner with neighbors this weekend. She's an excellent cook. Everything she makes is to texture and taste. More of a chef, really, so it's a treat to be invited. So I'm looking forward to that tomorrow evening.

I hope you get good rest this weekend.


@cmb2022 I can relate to an upper respiratory infection like a cold that turns into bronchitis. The year that the flu vaccine was very ineffective in maybe 2015 I had the flu in February and then bronchitis that lasted well into April. I finally got medical care to knock that bronchitis back. With all that has occurred for you I'm thinking you are very fatigued. Is the coughing from bronchitis keeping you awake at night? Is it time to go to your primary care doctor and get some cough medicine?

I'm glad to hear you are doing better.

We had ice, snow, sleet - you name it - over the past few days. It must be Spring some where but not where I live. I try to balance each day with my obligations and rest as I still get fatigued.

I'll have dinner with neighbors this weekend. She's an excellent cook. Everything she makes is to texture and taste. More of a chef, really, so it's a treat to be invited. So I'm looking forward to that tomorrow evening.

I hope you get good rest this weekend.

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@naturegirl5, I am sure you can relate. I am sorry you were sick for so long. I have seen my PCP and she has given me some medication that seems to be helping. I have asthma, so most respiratory issues turn into bronchitis for me. I am very worn out. I try to rest as much as I can. I wish I had taken a couple more weeks off after my surgery. Right now taking more time off isn't really an option.

Thank you! I am really glad that the menopausal symptoms have somewhat lessened.

I understand the weather as we have seen all four seasons in the span of a week (rain, snow, sleet, ice, thunderstorms and a few beautiful days). You never know what to expect.

Oh, how wonderful! Enjoy the time with your neighbors. That sounds like a well deserved treat!

I want to rest and clean and do laundry over the weekend. I feel like it gets ahead of me.

Take care my friend!


@naturegirl5, I am sure you can relate. I am sorry you were sick for so long. I have seen my PCP and she has given me some medication that seems to be helping. I have asthma, so most respiratory issues turn into bronchitis for me. I am very worn out. I try to rest as much as I can. I wish I had taken a couple more weeks off after my surgery. Right now taking more time off isn't really an option.

Thank you! I am really glad that the menopausal symptoms have somewhat lessened.

I understand the weather as we have seen all four seasons in the span of a week (rain, snow, sleet, ice, thunderstorms and a few beautiful days). You never know what to expect.

Oh, how wonderful! Enjoy the time with your neighbors. That sounds like a well deserved treat!

I want to rest and clean and do laundry over the weekend. I feel like it gets ahead of me.

Take care my friend!

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@cmb2022 We really are so alike. I have asthma too so like you anything upper respiratory has to be treated.

Ha! Yes, all four seasons in a week. And I'll bet sometimes all within one day. Yes, you never know what to expect. It's a good learning opportunity for me because if I don't like the weather I know if I wait it will change. And there is nothing I can do to change that.

Cleaning and laundry can be restful in itself. At least it is for me as I feel better when my home environment is clean and has less clutter. It's hard to keep up when you're busy all week. Well, it's just hard to keep up.

I'm glad to hear your menopausal symptoms have eased up.

I can't recall if you wrote this before but when do you return for your first follow-up exam? I have an exam at the end of this month which will be 3 months after finishing radiation treatment. The radiation oncologist told me in January that they won't see much after just 3 months but I'm nervous anyway. I return every 3 months for two years.

It's nice to be referred to as "my friend". You too. Take care.


@cmb2022 We really are so alike. I have asthma too so like you anything upper respiratory has to be treated.

Ha! Yes, all four seasons in a week. And I'll bet sometimes all within one day. Yes, you never know what to expect. It's a good learning opportunity for me because if I don't like the weather I know if I wait it will change. And there is nothing I can do to change that.

Cleaning and laundry can be restful in itself. At least it is for me as I feel better when my home environment is clean and has less clutter. It's hard to keep up when you're busy all week. Well, it's just hard to keep up.

I'm glad to hear your menopausal symptoms have eased up.

I can't recall if you wrote this before but when do you return for your first follow-up exam? I have an exam at the end of this month which will be 3 months after finishing radiation treatment. The radiation oncologist told me in January that they won't see much after just 3 months but I'm nervous anyway. I return every 3 months for two years.

It's nice to be referred to as "my friend". You too. Take care.

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@naturegirl5 , We are a lot alike. That makes me feel good to know that you understand how I feel. Some days I have felt so alone.

Yes, I love for my house (and life) to be neat and tidy and clean. It makes me feel better even on the worst day.

Thank you and me too. It is so good to rest at night and not lay there wishing for sleep or time to get up. That also made for some super long days as I was a walking zombie.

I probably didn't mention it, but will see my oncologist every 3 months for next 2 years then every 6 months for 3 more. My next visit is in early June. I don't recall the exact date. I am sending my thoughts and prayers to you on your upcoming visit.

I hope it is okay that I referred to you as a friend, because I feel like you are.


@cmb2022 We really are so alike. I have asthma too so like you anything upper respiratory has to be treated.

Ha! Yes, all four seasons in a week. And I'll bet sometimes all within one day. Yes, you never know what to expect. It's a good learning opportunity for me because if I don't like the weather I know if I wait it will change. And there is nothing I can do to change that.

Cleaning and laundry can be restful in itself. At least it is for me as I feel better when my home environment is clean and has less clutter. It's hard to keep up when you're busy all week. Well, it's just hard to keep up.

I'm glad to hear your menopausal symptoms have eased up.

I can't recall if you wrote this before but when do you return for your first follow-up exam? I have an exam at the end of this month which will be 3 months after finishing radiation treatment. The radiation oncologist told me in January that they won't see much after just 3 months but I'm nervous anyway. I return every 3 months for two years.

It's nice to be referred to as "my friend". You too. Take care.

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Ps. I am sure you are nervous. This whole ordeal is scary. I don't know about you, but I like to be in charge. This ordeal has knocked me off feet in more ways than one.


@naturegirl5 , We are a lot alike. That makes me feel good to know that you understand how I feel. Some days I have felt so alone.

Yes, I love for my house (and life) to be neat and tidy and clean. It makes me feel better even on the worst day.

Thank you and me too. It is so good to rest at night and not lay there wishing for sleep or time to get up. That also made for some super long days as I was a walking zombie.

I probably didn't mention it, but will see my oncologist every 3 months for next 2 years then every 6 months for 3 more. My next visit is in early June. I don't recall the exact date. I am sending my thoughts and prayers to you on your upcoming visit.

I hope it is okay that I referred to you as a friend, because I feel like you are.

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@cmb2022. Yes, there are days I feel alone too. I'm glad to hear you are getting better sleep.

Yesterday I received a phone call from Mayo Clinic. I couldn't answer the phone right away but when I saw the area code and realized it was Mayo I became very nervous and couldn't concentrate until I listened to the message. It was a phone call to change an appointment. I became anxious because it was late October last year when I got the phone call about the recurrence. While I'm grateful that I have good health insurance that allows me to to be seen at Mayo and for all the care I have received it doesn't mediate the anxiety I feel about being a cancer survivor. The anxiety is there and I continue to work on acceptance. There is a saying that is meaningful to me. "When you argue with reality, you lose.." Are you familiar with radical acceptance? That's what I mean by acceptance. Not that I'm giving up or hopelessness sort of acceptance. It's a way to view reality for what it is, not that I have to like it or agree with it, but not fighting with it. It's a challenge for me because like you I"m a take charge person. I can help to direct my cancer care but I can't take charge of reality.

Your cancer survivorship plan is like mine. Every 3 months for 2 years and then every 6 months for the next 3 years. My take charge personality means that I will show up at all of my appointments and do whatever the cancer care team advises. Your next appointment is not long after mine so I'll be sending you positive energy now and as the appointment time comes closer.

And yes, of course it's okay that you refer to me as a friend. I feel the same about you as we are partners in this cancer thing and have shared so much here.


@cmb2022. Yes, there are days I feel alone too. I'm glad to hear you are getting better sleep.

Yesterday I received a phone call from Mayo Clinic. I couldn't answer the phone right away but when I saw the area code and realized it was Mayo I became very nervous and couldn't concentrate until I listened to the message. It was a phone call to change an appointment. I became anxious because it was late October last year when I got the phone call about the recurrence. While I'm grateful that I have good health insurance that allows me to to be seen at Mayo and for all the care I have received it doesn't mediate the anxiety I feel about being a cancer survivor. The anxiety is there and I continue to work on acceptance. There is a saying that is meaningful to me. "When you argue with reality, you lose.." Are you familiar with radical acceptance? That's what I mean by acceptance. Not that I'm giving up or hopelessness sort of acceptance. It's a way to view reality for what it is, not that I have to like it or agree with it, but not fighting with it. It's a challenge for me because like you I"m a take charge person. I can help to direct my cancer care but I can't take charge of reality.

Your cancer survivorship plan is like mine. Every 3 months for 2 years and then every 6 months for the next 3 years. My take charge personality means that I will show up at all of my appointments and do whatever the cancer care team advises. Your next appointment is not long after mine so I'll be sending you positive energy now and as the appointment time comes closer.

And yes, of course it's okay that you refer to me as a friend. I feel the same about you as we are partners in this cancer thing and have shared so much here.

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@naturegirl5 , For me it is hard to share my feelings with my friends and family. While they are supportive, they don't seem to grasp that it wasn't just surgery, recovery and done. If I am honest I never realized that prior to my diagnosis either. I don't want to dwell on this, but it is hard not to

I understand your anxiousness from the phone call. I have always been nervous and anxious at medical appointments and I really don't know why.

I was not familiar with "radical acceptance", but that is a fair way to look at the reality. Life is so confusing and down right hard isn't it?

I will do as my doctors' advise too. I had always been healthy prior to this and hadn't required a lot of follow up and frankly tried to avoid unnecessary visits but definitely went when I needed to.

Thank you for sending positive energy for my appointment. I will be honest I am nervous about it. I meant to ask,, but was preoccupied as we covered many issues in just a short period of time. I feel less anxious with these things if I know ahead of time what to expect.

Thank you for being so supportive. I can't imagine how many lives you have changed! I know how grateful I am to have connected here.

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