Just diagnosed with Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma: What to expect?

Posted by rose53 @rose53, Oct 21, 2021

I was just diagnosed with this uterine cancer. I am 68 and I'm so freightened. Waiting to see doctor for hysteroctomy. This is all I know. I had a biopsy done and this is the result. Anyone please let me know what ro expect and do before hand and any suggestions are embraced. ❤

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I'm so glad you have a close friend who is good to talk with. I remain humbled by my friends who were so supportive during and after my surgery, and especially during my chemotherapy (yikes, that was a nightmare!). And I'm glad you're considering that you're not "wrong" for feeling (or not) a certain way. All of our feelings are valid; it's our behavior that needs moderating. I constantly remind myself of this! Uncertainty is a part of all of our lives, but those of us who've experienced a health crisis have had to face that uncertainty head-on. Most of the time, and certainly before my diagnosis, I could avoid looking at uncertainty. Now, I have to practice getting used to it. Hope today is a better day for you!

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@valentiaz. This is such good advice. Although I have always wanted more certainty in my life as I've become older I realize that there isn't much of that. And yes, a health crisis forced me to stand up and face forward. I've spent a lot of time avoiding in the past - avoiding my feelings, and avoiding conflicts with others, but I don't do that as much anymore. And fortunately I did not avoid the early symptoms of pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding (after menopause) that got me to the gynecologist and that early diagnosis of endometrial cancer. It would not have gone away no matter how long I avoided it. So yes, I remind myself to practice because I've had such a long history of avoidance.


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Thanks, Colleen. Good idea.


Rose, that's a lovely picture of you. Will you add it to your profile?

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Yes. I will.


I'm always shocked when I review how old I am! What?! 🙂 I hope today will be one of those days that you're feeling better. Our culture seems less and less tolerant of anything less than toxic positivity sometimes, doesn't it? It's okay to feel bad, or however we feel, because feelings come and go like waves. I know that once I allow myself to have a good cry, or a good rage, the storm of it passes, and somehow, magically, it's not so bad for the moment.

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@valintinaz. "Toxic positivity". Thanks for your post. That's a good way to put it. The difficult bit is how can I stay true to my authentic self when I feel irritable and anxious (a frequent state for me) and still be kind to others. After all, my mood or state is not their fault. Like you if I can find the time and place to remove myself from others for awhile then that helps. If I'm at work it's not always possible. Eventually, the storm will pass as you said and then voila! The sun comes out and my mood lifts.


@valintinaz. "Toxic positivity". Thanks for your post. That's a good way to put it. The difficult bit is how can I stay true to my authentic self when I feel irritable and anxious (a frequent state for me) and still be kind to others. After all, my mood or state is not their fault. Like you if I can find the time and place to remove myself from others for awhile then that helps. If I'm at work it's not always possible. Eventually, the storm will pass as you said and then voila! The sun comes out and my mood lifts.

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Hoo boy, do I feel your 'difficult bit'! 🙂 I can't imagine how challenging it is to be at work while recovering from cancer. And to be honest, I have spent plenty of time apologizing to my spouse when my anxiety, pain and/or irritability got the best of me: I'm lucky to be married to such a gracious person. Wishing you more time and places to find a bit of peace while you wait out those 'storms.' All the best to you!


@cmb2022 @valentinaz @rose53 @esikora
This is wonderful. You all have kind words and support for one another. That's why I love Mayo Clinic Connect. We've been through it and can provide for support for another.

@cmb2022. While I sometimes don't like how I feel or I'm having a hard time I have learned to tell myself that there is no "wrong" when it comes to how I feel about how cancer has affected me. Most of the time I don't know what I want when someone asks how they can help. Just the fact that they asked and are willing to help is often what I need in that moment.

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Yes, I know what you mean. I don't know what I want or need either. I think I want to be alone, but I'm not sure that is good. Being back at work has been hard. The schedule is good I guess, but I am exhausted. Today was exceptionally busy and stressful and I was tired before I even went to work. I feel so selfish several in my family have said you are back to work and everything is back to normal. O would love for it to be nor.al, but I don't think my life will ever be normal again.


Yes, I know what you mean. I don't know what I want or need either. I think I want to be alone, but I'm not sure that is good. Being back at work has been hard. The schedule is good I guess, but I am exhausted. Today was exceptionally busy and stressful and I was tired before I even went to work. I feel so selfish several in my family have said you are back to work and everything is back to normal. O would love for it to be nor.al, but I don't think my life will ever be normal again.

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@cmb2022 I agree with you. Going back to work only means you're back at work. It doesn't mean anything is normal. One of my co-workers asked me how I was feeling today. I was at first startled by the question wondering why she was asking me that and then realized why. I was out for 6 weeks when I was in Rochester for radiation treatments. I told her I was tired but doing basically OK. She replied that it was nice that I was back. That comment meant so much to me.

You had a really busy day and I'm thinking you need this weekend to rest. You're allowed to be selfish for your own health. What will you do for yourself this weekend?


@cmb2022 I agree with you. Going back to work only means you're back at work. It doesn't mean anything is normal. One of my co-workers asked me how I was feeling today. I was at first startled by the question wondering why she was asking me that and then realized why. I was out for 6 weeks when I was in Rochester for radiation treatments. I told her I was tired but doing basically OK. She replied that it was nice that I was back. That comment meant so much to me.

You had a really busy day and I'm thinking you need this weekend to rest. You're allowed to be selfish for your own health. What will you do for yourself this weekend?

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It is so nice when someone genuinely asks how you are. I am so glad you were uplifted by your coworker. It is nice to know that we are missed or cared about, thought about and loved everyday, but especially during this time in our lives.
I apologize I didn't realize that your radiation treatments were so recent. In my mind they were atleast a year ago. Many prayers and good thoughts are being sent to you. I hope this weekend is filled with lots of rest and relaxation.


It is so nice when someone genuinely asks how you are. I am so glad you were uplifted by your coworker. It is nice to know that we are missed or cared about, thought about and loved everyday, but especially during this time in our lives.
I apologize I didn't realize that your radiation treatments were so recent. In my mind they were atleast a year ago. Many prayers and good thoughts are being sent to you. I hope this weekend is filled with lots of rest and relaxation.

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@cmb2022. Thank you for kind words.

I've been thinking about you and wondering how your weekend is going. Are you finding some time to be on your own and rest?

My initial diagnosis of endometrial cancer was in 2019. I had a radical hysterectomy with salpingo-oophorectomy at the beginning of August, 2019. I was already in menopause at the time. I'd been keeping up with my regular follow-ups and the recurrence was found in October last year in 2021. Big, big shock as you can imagine. I lived in Rochester for 6 weeks from early December, 2021 until mid-January, 2022 for radiation treatments. So, now I wonder if the fatigue I feel off and on is still related to the radiation, to my mood or to something else. Time will tell I suppose. My next follow-up will be at the end of April. So that's my timeline.

Did you get that snowstorm you were expecting? I like to cuddle up with a book while I snowstorm is raging. What did you do today?


You are so welcome! Thank you so much for all that you do. You are a true inspiration. ❤ I don't know where I would be without the support, encouragement and information I have received here in this forum.

Your fatigue may be a combination of things. I am certain that radiation takes a lot out of a person. That along with the stress and having to relocate for a significant time must have been daunting.

I did sleep well (finally) and took an extra long nap today. I still feel tired, but sure enjoyed the extra rest. I did watch some TV. Tomorrow I plan to cook some so that I won't have to do that in the evenings next week. I think that will help some. Yes, we did get snow. It was a winter wonderland today. Hopefully that will be the last this year. I love to read too, but have found it hard to concentrate on that since my surgery. I don't know why.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend and that you get lots of rest and relaxation.
Many prayers and good thoughts are being sent to you.

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