Just diagnosed with Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma: What to expect?

Posted by rose53 @rose53, Oct 21, 2021

I was just diagnosed with this uterine cancer. I am 68 and I'm so freightened. Waiting to see doctor for hysteroctomy. This is all I know. I had a biopsy done and this is the result. Anyone please let me know what ro expect and do before hand and any suggestions are embraced. ❤

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Yes, @naturegirl5 I didn't fit the picture of a cancer patient either. Honestly I told my closest family and friends that the surgery was the easy part. It was the news and hormonal aspect that knocked me down. Even my PCP was shocked that I had cancer.

I am so glad you enjoyed dinner and yum chocolate cake is my favorite. I am currently dieting (Weight Watchers) and try to limit snacks and sugar, but occasionally give in.

I did spend the day relaxing and it was so nice. I am glad you were able to relax too.

Thank you for always being encouraging.

I hope you have a wonderful week.

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@cmb2022 Yes, I agree. The actual treatment is the easy part if there is anything easy about endometrial cancer. While I am post-menopausal and did not have the hormonal symptoms that you have had it is and was the emotional impact that has been so difficult and exhausting.

I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer about two months after developing symptoms of vaginal bleeding and eventually cramping. It felt like the worst periods I had when I was a teenager. I went to my gynecologist and he did the D&C. All the symptoms went away and since there were a few fibroids and the endometrium had thickened the gynecologist was encouraging when he gave me this information after the D&C. When the results came back my gynecologist was shocked that it was cancer. When I met with him to discuss the results my partner was there too. Two men whose hands I practically had to hold because they were almost more shook up than I was. So anyone who believes that doctors don't feel emotional pain about their patients is sorely mistaken.

I'm doing my best to eat healthy and eliminate refined sugar from my diet. It's a challenge but like you I occasionally give in. I have to remind myself that this is a long term strategy for my health and. What can you say when you are having dinner with friends? What helps most is to keep those snacks and sweet stuff out of the house. Of course, then there's the work setting where there is always some sweet snack available.

I hope you have a good week ahead too.


@cmb2022 Yes, I agree. The actual treatment is the easy part if there is anything easy about endometrial cancer. While I am post-menopausal and did not have the hormonal symptoms that you have had it is and was the emotional impact that has been so difficult and exhausting.

I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer about two months after developing symptoms of vaginal bleeding and eventually cramping. It felt like the worst periods I had when I was a teenager. I went to my gynecologist and he did the D&C. All the symptoms went away and since there were a few fibroids and the endometrium had thickened the gynecologist was encouraging when he gave me this information after the D&C. When the results came back my gynecologist was shocked that it was cancer. When I met with him to discuss the results my partner was there too. Two men whose hands I practically had to hold because they were almost more shook up than I was. So anyone who believes that doctors don't feel emotional pain about their patients is sorely mistaken.

I'm doing my best to eat healthy and eliminate refined sugar from my diet. It's a challenge but like you I occasionally give in. I have to remind myself that this is a long term strategy for my health and. What can you say when you are having dinner with friends? What helps most is to keep those snacks and sweet stuff out of the house. Of course, then there's the work setting where there is always some sweet snack available.

I hope you have a good week ahead too.

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@naturegirl5 , I understand the emotional part was unlike anything I could grasp for a while. Some days I think I am still in denial. The menopausal symptoms were and sometimes still are overwhelming. I sleep better, but not like a year ago.

Your gynecologist sounds amazing. Doctors are human too. I can't imagine being in the medical field, but that is just me.

I began having prolonged vaginal bleeding. I would bleed for 10 days skip a couple and bleed for many more. I mentioned this to a coworker and she said she did that around the same age and it was perimenopause. I did that for about 2 months then developed a discomfort in my abdomen so I made an appointment with my PCP. A few days prior to my appointment I began gushing at times. I told my PCP and she suggested it could be early menopause and took some blood work and asked that I return for an exam in a few weeks. At the exam she asked if the bleeding was still as persistent and when I said yes she said she would like for me to have 2 ultrasounds and to prescribe Progesterone. She said the prescription would stop the bleeding (it never did). I had the ultrasounds and they came back normal. When they called with the results I told the nurse it had been close to 2 weeks and no sign of stopping. She relayed the info to my PCP and called back and said I needed to see a gynecologist. So less than 2 weeks went by and I met a wonderful one and she said my PCP did everything she would and my tests were all suggestive that everything was good (my pap smear did come back as abnormal, but they said heavy prolonged bleeding can cause that). At that point she asked if I would allow her to do a biopsy just to rule out any endometrial issues. I said yes when and she did it that day. She called me a week later saying it showed precancerous cells and was suggestive of adenocarcinoma, but not definitive and she recommended a total hysterectomy as soon as possible. So 2 weeks later I met with my surgeon.

I am like you. I don't purchase junk food or sweets and the temptation isn't here. I also try to eat more fruits and vegetables and smaller portions. My work does have lots of snacks, but I tend to not stop and look at them. Out of sight, out of mind I suppose.

Thank you and you too!


@naturegirl5 , I understand the emotional part was unlike anything I could grasp for a while. Some days I think I am still in denial. The menopausal symptoms were and sometimes still are overwhelming. I sleep better, but not like a year ago.

Your gynecologist sounds amazing. Doctors are human too. I can't imagine being in the medical field, but that is just me.

I began having prolonged vaginal bleeding. I would bleed for 10 days skip a couple and bleed for many more. I mentioned this to a coworker and she said she did that around the same age and it was perimenopause. I did that for about 2 months then developed a discomfort in my abdomen so I made an appointment with my PCP. A few days prior to my appointment I began gushing at times. I told my PCP and she suggested it could be early menopause and took some blood work and asked that I return for an exam in a few weeks. At the exam she asked if the bleeding was still as persistent and when I said yes she said she would like for me to have 2 ultrasounds and to prescribe Progesterone. She said the prescription would stop the bleeding (it never did). I had the ultrasounds and they came back normal. When they called with the results I told the nurse it had been close to 2 weeks and no sign of stopping. She relayed the info to my PCP and called back and said I needed to see a gynecologist. So less than 2 weeks went by and I met a wonderful one and she said my PCP did everything she would and my tests were all suggestive that everything was good (my pap smear did come back as abnormal, but they said heavy prolonged bleeding can cause that). At that point she asked if I would allow her to do a biopsy just to rule out any endometrial issues. I said yes when and she did it that day. She called me a week later saying it showed precancerous cells and was suggestive of adenocarcinoma, but not definitive and she recommended a total hysterectomy as soon as possible. So 2 weeks later I met with my surgeon.

I am like you. I don't purchase junk food or sweets and the temptation isn't here. I also try to eat more fruits and vegetables and smaller portions. My work does have lots of snacks, but I tend to not stop and look at them. Out of sight, out of mind I suppose.

Thank you and you too!

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@cmb2022 I apologize for not replying sooner to your post. Besides some internet connection problems there have been many things happening within our household. My stepson (an adult) is on the autism spectrum and is low functioning. Through CT scans he was provisionally diagnosed with liver hemangiomas with one of these very large. I think the next step is a biopsy and so my partner has been beside himself with worry. With my worries about recurrence and an upcoming appointment in a few weeks we are both on edge.

Your symptoms of bleeding kept on for so long must have been so scary and painful for you. Your gynecologist sounds wonderful and kept on with you until the cause of all this was finally revealed through biopsy. These are the results we hope we will never hear and now I know that with my gynecologist (and yours) it's the not result they want to hear either. So once the diagnosis was made you got into surgery quickly. That was the same with me and with the plan in place it helped me calm down a little at the time. This is because I knew the cancer was being treated and quickly.

I'm at a retreat this weekend and have a gorgeous view from my room of Lake Superior. We *still* have snow with fresh snow falling this morning. A group are snowshoeing as I write this but I decided I needed some Connect catch up time and no socializing for a few hours. Then perhaps a nap before we reconvene later this afternoon. I will confess I have given in to a few sweet treats like cookies and stollen. The temptation is right in front of me. Sigh. Not out of sight and thus so in my mind.

Thank you for sharing your journey to your surgery. I wish you peace and calm this weekend.


@cmb2022 I apologize for not replying sooner to your post. Besides some internet connection problems there have been many things happening within our household. My stepson (an adult) is on the autism spectrum and is low functioning. Through CT scans he was provisionally diagnosed with liver hemangiomas with one of these very large. I think the next step is a biopsy and so my partner has been beside himself with worry. With my worries about recurrence and an upcoming appointment in a few weeks we are both on edge.

Your symptoms of bleeding kept on for so long must have been so scary and painful for you. Your gynecologist sounds wonderful and kept on with you until the cause of all this was finally revealed through biopsy. These are the results we hope we will never hear and now I know that with my gynecologist (and yours) it's the not result they want to hear either. So once the diagnosis was made you got into surgery quickly. That was the same with me and with the plan in place it helped me calm down a little at the time. This is because I knew the cancer was being treated and quickly.

I'm at a retreat this weekend and have a gorgeous view from my room of Lake Superior. We *still* have snow with fresh snow falling this morning. A group are snowshoeing as I write this but I decided I needed some Connect catch up time and no socializing for a few hours. Then perhaps a nap before we reconvene later this afternoon. I will confess I have given in to a few sweet treats like cookies and stollen. The temptation is right in front of me. Sigh. Not out of sight and thus so in my mind.

Thank you for sharing your journey to your surgery. I wish you peace and calm this weekend.

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@naturegirl5 , oh my. I am very sorry you have had a stressful week. I keep you and will add your partner and son to my prayers.

Oh how nice that you are on retreat. I hope you enjoy some time away and are able to relax and not stress for a few days. Oh, enjoy the special treats as they don't come everyday!

My elderly mother requires a good bit of attention/help and while I still am under the weather she needed some things today so while I would have rather stayed home and rested I ran some errands for her and picked up some necessities that we both needed.

My gynecologist is wonderful. I don't think I mentioned that she did my biopsy on the last working day that her office had before Christmas and she told me my results would take longer than normal because they were closing for the holidays. She said she would be in the office one day before the end of the year and if she had them she would call me as she knew I was very concerned. She called me on New Years Eve and I missed the call because I was helping get my mom into her house after running some errands. When I heard her message to return her call I called immediately and she told me she had left the office, but knew I was anxious to hear about the biopsy. She explained the results and then told me that the number she had given me was her personal cell and that if I had additional questions or was worried to please call her even if it were 4 in the morning. I was amazed that she would make such an offer to someone who was almost a stranger to her. I am forever grateful to have been referred to someone so compassionate.

We are getting snow here too today. I sure hope that spring comes soon.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and take care my friend.


@naturegirl5 , oh my. I am very sorry you have had a stressful week. I keep you and will add your partner and son to my prayers.

Oh how nice that you are on retreat. I hope you enjoy some time away and are able to relax and not stress for a few days. Oh, enjoy the special treats as they don't come everyday!

My elderly mother requires a good bit of attention/help and while I still am under the weather she needed some things today so while I would have rather stayed home and rested I ran some errands for her and picked up some necessities that we both needed.

My gynecologist is wonderful. I don't think I mentioned that she did my biopsy on the last working day that her office had before Christmas and she told me my results would take longer than normal because they were closing for the holidays. She said she would be in the office one day before the end of the year and if she had them she would call me as she knew I was very concerned. She called me on New Years Eve and I missed the call because I was helping get my mom into her house after running some errands. When I heard her message to return her call I called immediately and she told me she had left the office, but knew I was anxious to hear about the biopsy. She explained the results and then told me that the number she had given me was her personal cell and that if I had additional questions or was worried to please call her even if it were 4 in the morning. I was amazed that she would make such an offer to someone who was almost a stranger to her. I am forever grateful to have been referred to someone so compassionate.

We are getting snow here too today. I sure hope that spring comes soon.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and take care my friend.

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@cmb2022 Your gynecologist certainly went above and beyond. As you wrote she very much understand your anxiety about awaiting your results and then made certain that you had the results as soon as they became available. Isn't it wonderful when someone who has known you for such a short time understands that this was not only a physical diagnosis but also affected your whole being?

It's wonderful that you live close enough to your mother that you can help her as needed.

The retreat was a working retreat. It's first time we have seen one another in almost two years because of the pandemic. So, in addition to our strategic planning work we had lots of time for socializing and recreation and rest. There was an opportunity for snowshoeing but I elected to stay in my room and nap.

As I reflect on the weekend this was the first time I've been with this group as a cancer survivor. I volunteered to take the lead on two of our initiatives; one short term and one long term. In the back of my mind I wondered what I can accomplish and whether I may need additional cancer treatment down the road. Now that I am almost three months out of radiation therapy I feel a little more accepting of what the future might bring and that I have no control over that. That's the whole purpose of these every three months follow-up appointments.

I hope you have had a restful Sunday as you ready yourself for the coming week, my friend. I can smell Spring in the air.


@cmb2022 Your gynecologist certainly went above and beyond. As you wrote she very much understand your anxiety about awaiting your results and then made certain that you had the results as soon as they became available. Isn't it wonderful when someone who has known you for such a short time understands that this was not only a physical diagnosis but also affected your whole being?

It's wonderful that you live close enough to your mother that you can help her as needed.

The retreat was a working retreat. It's first time we have seen one another in almost two years because of the pandemic. So, in addition to our strategic planning work we had lots of time for socializing and recreation and rest. There was an opportunity for snowshoeing but I elected to stay in my room and nap.

As I reflect on the weekend this was the first time I've been with this group as a cancer survivor. I volunteered to take the lead on two of our initiatives; one short term and one long term. In the back of my mind I wondered what I can accomplish and whether I may need additional cancer treatment down the road. Now that I am almost three months out of radiation therapy I feel a little more accepting of what the future might bring and that I have no control over that. That's the whole purpose of these every three months follow-up appointments.

I hope you have had a restful Sunday as you ready yourself for the coming week, my friend. I can smell Spring in the air.

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@naturegirl5 , she certainly did. She was so concerned and her offer that I could call was over the top amazing.

Your retreat sounds so nice. My work did something like that a few years ago. It was just one day, and some loved it and others hated it.

Sometimes it is good to have something to focus on so the initiatives you are heading may be a great distraction for you. At my work we have short term projects and some I love and others not so much.

I think I have said it before, but I don't feel like a cancer survivor. Right now I feel like a cancer victim. Did you have such thoughts or feelings? I feel as though my days are spent just trying to maintain keeping my head above water.

I hope that you are having a good week. Take care!


@naturegirl5 , oh my. I am very sorry you have had a stressful week. I keep you and will add your partner and son to my prayers.

Oh how nice that you are on retreat. I hope you enjoy some time away and are able to relax and not stress for a few days. Oh, enjoy the special treats as they don't come everyday!

My elderly mother requires a good bit of attention/help and while I still am under the weather she needed some things today so while I would have rather stayed home and rested I ran some errands for her and picked up some necessities that we both needed.

My gynecologist is wonderful. I don't think I mentioned that she did my biopsy on the last working day that her office had before Christmas and she told me my results would take longer than normal because they were closing for the holidays. She said she would be in the office one day before the end of the year and if she had them she would call me as she knew I was very concerned. She called me on New Years Eve and I missed the call because I was helping get my mom into her house after running some errands. When I heard her message to return her call I called immediately and she told me she had left the office, but knew I was anxious to hear about the biopsy. She explained the results and then told me that the number she had given me was her personal cell and that if I had additional questions or was worried to please call her even if it were 4 in the morning. I was amazed that she would make such an offer to someone who was almost a stranger to her. I am forever grateful to have been referred to someone so compassionate.

We are getting snow here too today. I sure hope that spring comes soon.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and take care my friend.

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@cmb2022 Happy Easter, Chag pesach sameach, Happy Sunday, however you celebrate. I hope you are seeing sun today and far less snow. We had so much rain this week that the snow is almost gone although it's been cold with flurries the past few days.

I apologize for waiting so long to reply. I've not been on Connect much the past few days as work and the family stresses I wrote about earlier have consumed me. With this weekend and the opportunity to rest I'm feeling better.

Wow, I don't recall a physician ever giving me their personal cell number. Your gynecologist is so empathic. Doesn't it feel wonderful to have someone on your team who listens to you and cares for how you feel?

My 3 month follow-up is on April 26 - a little more than one week away. Mayo Clinic is a full day drive from where we live and I/we have done this drive so many times that it feels like the car just knows the way. I do feel blessed to have the insurance that allows me to go to Mayo Clinic and to have the cancer care team who surrounds me. Perhaps this is much like your gynecologist?

Like you, there are days I feel more like a cancer victim instead of a survivor. I feel defeated, exhausted, and just want to curl up in bed. But then other times, in fact most of the time, I realize I am more of a survivor. The term "survivor" implies empowerment and is in charge of their own healing process. Do you think there are times you feel like a survivor?

How are you feeling today, my friend?


@cmb2022 Happy Easter, Chag pesach sameach, Happy Sunday, however you celebrate. I hope you are seeing sun today and far less snow. We had so much rain this week that the snow is almost gone although it's been cold with flurries the past few days.

I apologize for waiting so long to reply. I've not been on Connect much the past few days as work and the family stresses I wrote about earlier have consumed me. With this weekend and the opportunity to rest I'm feeling better.

Wow, I don't recall a physician ever giving me their personal cell number. Your gynecologist is so empathic. Doesn't it feel wonderful to have someone on your team who listens to you and cares for how you feel?

My 3 month follow-up is on April 26 - a little more than one week away. Mayo Clinic is a full day drive from where we live and I/we have done this drive so many times that it feels like the car just knows the way. I do feel blessed to have the insurance that allows me to go to Mayo Clinic and to have the cancer care team who surrounds me. Perhaps this is much like your gynecologist?

Like you, there are days I feel more like a cancer victim instead of a survivor. I feel defeated, exhausted, and just want to curl up in bed. But then other times, in fact most of the time, I realize I am more of a survivor. The term "survivor" implies empowerment and is in charge of their own healing process. Do you think there are times you feel like a survivor?

How are you feeling today, my friend?

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Hi @naturegirl5 ,
Happy Easter to you. We had a small dinner with my sister and her husband and grown children and grandbabies. It was very nice.
I hope things are going okay for your family. I keep you and them in my prayers.

Yes, it was super nice of my gynecologist to do that. I didn't reach out to her (but I did think about it). It did make me feel blessed to be in her care.

Our weather has been cool and rainy for the most part. We did have some snow flurries and today it is fairly cold. I am so anxious for warmer weather.

You are very blessed to have good insurance. Mine isn't the best and the surgery was more expensive than I imagined, but I am blessed to have funds to pay it.

Honestly, I don't feel like a survivor. I keep hoping that will come. I seem to get tired much more easily than I ever remember. By Thursday I am exhausted. On Thursday and Friday after work I napped and I never have done that before. I am so happy that for the most part you feel like a survivor
I pray for a good week, nice weather and safe travels and most of all for a wonderful report as you head to your checkup. I can't wait to hear about it .
Enjoy the rest of your day my friend!


@naturegirl5, I hope your weekend is going well. I wanted to tell you that you crossed my mind several times over the last week and most recently today as I was working in my yard. I wanted you to know that I am thinking about you as you prepare and head to Rochester for your appointment. I pray for a good report and, safe travels and peace of mind.

Take care my friend ❤


@naturegirl5, I hope your weekend is going well. I wanted to tell you that you crossed my mind several times over the last week and most recently today as I was working in my yard. I wanted you to know that I am thinking about you as you prepare and head to Rochester for your appointment. I pray for a good report and, safe travels and peace of mind.

Take care my friend ❤

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Hi @cmb2022 Thank you for your good wishes. I got out of a sort of usual routine of my daily checkins at Mayo Connect over the past week. You have been on my mind this week too and I'm wondering how you are feeling.

How wonderful that you are getting out in your yard today. What are you working on? Are your trees leafing out? Daffodils coming up? Is your grass green? It's still pretty cold where I live. Up until a few days ago we were still getting snow. But last night we had a thunderstorm which was kind of refreshing. It's too soon to get out in my yard and do much of anything but I think tomorrow I will gently move leaves in my flower bed to see if any bulbs are coming up. Always exciting.

Yes, we head for Rochester on Monday. My appointments are on Tuesday and Wednesday. I'll have a CT and see the radiation oncologist a few hours later where he will tell me what the CT shows. Or doesn't show. Then on Wednesday morning I'll see the nurse practitioner who has been providing my cancer check-ups for the past two years. It will be good to re-establish with her as she's been very involved in my care. Still, I'm very nervous about all of this. There is nothing I can do but show up and accept that my feelings are normal under the circumstances.

Thank you for the prayers, wishes for safe travel ,and peace of mind. I will let you know about my results.

I hope you have a good rest of the weekend, my friend.

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