Just diagnosed with Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma: What to expect?

Posted by rose53 @rose53, Oct 21, 2021

I was just diagnosed with this uterine cancer. I am 68 and I'm so freightened. Waiting to see doctor for hysteroctomy. This is all I know. I had a biopsy done and this is the result. Anyone please let me know what ro expect and do before hand and any suggestions are embraced. ❤

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Dearest @cmb2022
My name is Rosemarie. I have been keeping up with your post because I want to know how your faring sice your diagnosis. I too was diagnosed with the same cancer at 68 as well. I was lost the day the I was told I had it. I didn't know if I was in denial because I just couldn't believe it and I was numb the first day. The next day when it sunk in, emotions came all kinds and crying all day took over. Then questions, I had no answer to came pouring in so it made it worst. I reached out for support and nature girl helped me so much. She had the same cancer and shared with me her experience. HOPE started for me.. I had to have it or I felt like I was going to go crazy if I didn't. Finally the day came when I had my initial visit with Oncologist doctor, explained what needed to be done and what to expect after it..still hoping, praying,.. After surgery, doctor gave more hope. He said he removed cancer, and no other place visible of it. My dear sister, I was happy I couldn't stop crying.
My experience has humbled me, strengthened me, take nothing for granted and appreciate each day we have because we never know what tomorrow brings but most of all, keep faith intact and never give up on HOPE. That's the power we need to keep us going. Praying for your recovery..

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Thank you so much for the support. This has been a tough journey for me as I am certain most people would say the same. In my heart I know my early diagnosis and surgery are a good thing, but somedays feel like it is a death sentence. I have had wonderful support. I just feel this is something that unless you've experienced you can't relate and that is why I like having the support and life line if you will in this group.
Today was day 2 back at work and much harder as my emotions were all over the place. I spent a great deal of the day in tears and was frustrated with my self. I am exhausted and still not sleeping well. I am hoping and praying that tomorrow is a better day!



Well day 1 was good. I am so very tired. It seemed like such a long day. I resisted the urge to leave early, but may tomorrow. It actually felt good to have a more normal routine.

Our friends are amazing and if the situation was reversed I can say we would be right there if we could.

I am trying to think of a good way to treat myself. My body and mind have been through so much. I think a massage might be in order.

Thank you so much and hopefully we can keep in touch!

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@cmb2022. This is good news. I decided to make my health and wellness a priority so I get a massage biweekly. It's a wonderful release. You've been home for about a month? Is that right? I imagine it would be good to get back to a routine.

I see that Colleen, our Connect Director, has posted below as did another Connect member.

Yes, I'd like to stay in touch too.


Dearest @cmb2022
My name is Rosemarie. I have been keeping up with your post because I want to know how your faring sice your diagnosis. I too was diagnosed with the same cancer at 68 as well. I was lost the day the I was told I had it. I didn't know if I was in denial because I just couldn't believe it and I was numb the first day. The next day when it sunk in, emotions came all kinds and crying all day took over. Then questions, I had no answer to came pouring in so it made it worst. I reached out for support and nature girl helped me so much. She had the same cancer and shared with me her experience. HOPE started for me.. I had to have it or I felt like I was going to go crazy if I didn't. Finally the day came when I had my initial visit with Oncologist doctor, explained what needed to be done and what to expect after it..still hoping, praying,.. After surgery, doctor gave more hope. He said he removed cancer, and no other place visible of it. My dear sister, I was happy I couldn't stop crying.
My experience has humbled me, strengthened me, take nothing for granted and appreciate each day we have because we never know what tomorrow brings but most of all, keep faith intact and never give up on HOPE. That's the power we need to keep us going. Praying for your recovery..

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It's good to see you back here and offering support to another one of us with the same diagnosis as you and me. Your words about humbling, strengthening and taking nothing for granted are so very inspiring. Cancer does change us, doesn't it? How about this? I often look for what I can be grateful for. But a friend recently suggested another word and way to view the world. Awesomeness. It takes it all up a notch just like you did with your post to @cmb2022. It'a awesome to see you back here and thriving.



Thank you so much for the support. This has been a tough journey for me as I am certain most people would say the same. In my heart I know my early diagnosis and surgery are a good thing, but somedays feel like it is a death sentence. I have had wonderful support. I just feel this is something that unless you've experienced you can't relate and that is why I like having the support and life line if you will in this group.
Today was day 2 back at work and much harder as my emotions were all over the place. I spent a great deal of the day in tears and was frustrated with my self. I am exhausted and still not sleeping well. I am hoping and praying that tomorrow is a better day!

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@cmb2022 Tomorrow will be another day. I know what you mean about some days feeling that cancer is a death sentence. I have moments and days like that especially during the past few months. Can you treat yourself with the kindness like you'd offer your best friend? It's been very tough these past weeks and on top of all of that you are having menopausal symptoms. What can you do for yourself this evening that will be soothing. Just for you? Watch a feel good movie or show on a streaming channel? Or maybe you just need quiet time as it might be hectic at work? I try to accept my feelings for what they are. The response to a very upsetting and difficult situation I am trying to negotiate.

I'm sending you peaceful vibes to help you to sleep tonight.


@cmb2022 Tomorrow will be another day. I know what you mean about some days feeling that cancer is a death sentence. I have moments and days like that especially during the past few months. Can you treat yourself with the kindness like you'd offer your best friend? It's been very tough these past weeks and on top of all of that you are having menopausal symptoms. What can you do for yourself this evening that will be soothing. Just for you? Watch a feel good movie or show on a streaming channel? Or maybe you just need quiet time as it might be hectic at work? I try to accept my feelings for what they are. The response to a very upsetting and difficult situation I am trying to negotiate.

I'm sending you peaceful vibes to help you to sleep tonight.

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That is a good way to look at it. I want to be positive, but it is so hard. Right now just getting myself to work is a chore. I am exhausted from lack of sleep. As for something to treat myself I may catch a show at some point but that isn't likely. I am bombarded with phone calls and visits (which I appreciate, but would rather not have during the work week). I would love to come home and rest for a bit and recharge for tomorrow. As always thank you so much for being an inspiration 💗


@cmb2022 Tomorrow will be another day. I know what you mean about some days feeling that cancer is a death sentence. I have moments and days like that especially during the past few months. Can you treat yourself with the kindness like you'd offer your best friend? It's been very tough these past weeks and on top of all of that you are having menopausal symptoms. What can you do for yourself this evening that will be soothing. Just for you? Watch a feel good movie or show on a streaming channel? Or maybe you just need quiet time as it might be hectic at work? I try to accept my feelings for what they are. The response to a very upsetting and difficult situation I am trying to negotiate.

I'm sending you peaceful vibes to help you to sleep tonight.

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Helen, one of my favorite books is by a doctor who was also a cancer patient titled "Cancer is a word, not a sentence" By Robert Buckman. Your post reminded me of him, a fun, heartfelt and very funny guy.


Helen, one of my favorite books is by a doctor who was also a cancer patient titled "Cancer is a word, not a sentence" By Robert Buckman. Your post reminded me of him, a fun, heartfelt and very funny guy.

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Colleen, I've not heard of this book and so I'm going to look for it. Here is the link for everyone.



It's good to see you back here and offering support to another one of us with the same diagnosis as you and me. Your words about humbling, strengthening and taking nothing for granted are so very inspiring. Cancer does change us, doesn't it? How about this? I often look for what I can be grateful for. But a friend recently suggested another word and way to view the world. Awesomeness. It takes it all up a notch just like you did with your post to @cmb2022. It'a awesome to see you back here and thriving.

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Yes mam nature girl. I have been busy lately catching up but have been reading post . I am more empathetic now when I read the post because I have been there. I want to return what I received.. thanks again🥰


@cmb2022. This is good news. I decided to make my health and wellness a priority so I get a massage biweekly. It's a wonderful release. You've been home for about a month? Is that right? I imagine it would be good to get back to a routine.

I see that Colleen, our Connect Director, has posted below as did another Connect member.

Yes, I'd like to stay in touch too.

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I somehow missed this message earlier. Yes, I've been home for about a month. I just wish that this was over. I feel so selfish because so many have been handed a far worse diagnosis. I just feel like my life has crumbled and I am buried in the rubble. I want to feel grateful and blessed, but I also feel cheated and punished. A friend of mine told me I was blessed with this. I am sorry I don't see how I was blessed to go through this.



It's good to see you back here and offering support to another one of us with the same diagnosis as you and me. Your words about humbling, strengthening and taking nothing for granted are so very inspiring. Cancer does change us, doesn't it? How about this? I often look for what I can be grateful for. But a friend recently suggested another word and way to view the world. Awesomeness. It takes it all up a notch just like you did with your post to @cmb2022. It'a awesome to see you back here and thriving.

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