2 Cardiac Arrests = Pacemaker

Posted by jmichelle36 @jmichelle36, Oct 11, 2023

Is it normal to feel pain around the pacemaker site? I am experiencing aches and pinprick pain throughout the day and night around my pace maker, toward my underarm, top of breast and across my chest. What can I do besides OTC to relieve this issue?

I had acute respiratory failure with hypoxia and 26 hrs later (after "great vitals" and a plan to be released from ICU), I had a cardiac arrest asystole. No one can explain why I had an asystole or what my heart condition is. I was in ICU when I was told that I was getting a pacemaker. I didn't have a choice and don't remember any discussion about this. I saw a NP a week after surgery who could not answer my questions. I can't get into the cardio office for a month in regards to the aches and pains. It feels like this was "done to me" and I have since been dismissed by cardio. I have a device check soon, but was told that they won't be able to answer my questions regarding my hospital stay and procedure. I'm am frustrated, in pain, and sad that no one wants to help.

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jmichelle36, I really hate reading post like this. No one who is a patient should feel this way. I hope Collen is monitoring and can give some advice.

First having pain around the pacemaker site is not abnormal. You had surgery. As the anesthesia and pain medications wear off you will start feeling pain. Also you have a foreign body in you. It is going to hurt and feel very different for a long time. What happens is body will eventually encapsulate around the Pacemaker and seal it off. This takes time but it WILL get better.

Just remember you also have wires going to an from pacemaker. So those wires are also foreign bodies and can cause irritation and pain.

I was told it would take about 1 year to become used to it. But your pain should subside. Do not get into rubbing the areas though as will just irritate more. I got mine in 2006 and on my 3rd one. Mine is under my chest muscle so I had even more healing and pain/discomfort because of that.

Did you get a AICD/Pacemaker? Or did you get Pacemaker only? Most times you get both unless it is just low pulse rate.

I assume you were NOT at a Mayo Clinic? You would have been seen ASAP if you complained about excessive pain. What type of pacemaker did you get, Boston Scientific etc. You can reach out to them also and get advise. Did anyone suggest ice pack over surgery site.

The pace clinic is only there to adjust and make sure your pacemaker is working as programmed. You really need a good cardiologist and specifically an electrophysiologist who is an expert in electrical parts of heart and AICD and Pacemakers.

My suggestions is go to a medical facility that has electrophysioligist. I can send a portal message to any on my care team, as well as call. But I am at Mayo Jacksonville.


jmichelle36, I really hate reading post like this. No one who is a patient should feel this way. I hope Collen is monitoring and can give some advice.

First having pain around the pacemaker site is not abnormal. You had surgery. As the anesthesia and pain medications wear off you will start feeling pain. Also you have a foreign body in you. It is going to hurt and feel very different for a long time. What happens is body will eventually encapsulate around the Pacemaker and seal it off. This takes time but it WILL get better.

Just remember you also have wires going to an from pacemaker. So those wires are also foreign bodies and can cause irritation and pain.

I was told it would take about 1 year to become used to it. But your pain should subside. Do not get into rubbing the areas though as will just irritate more. I got mine in 2006 and on my 3rd one. Mine is under my chest muscle so I had even more healing and pain/discomfort because of that.

Did you get a AICD/Pacemaker? Or did you get Pacemaker only? Most times you get both unless it is just low pulse rate.

I assume you were NOT at a Mayo Clinic? You would have been seen ASAP if you complained about excessive pain. What type of pacemaker did you get, Boston Scientific etc. You can reach out to them also and get advise. Did anyone suggest ice pack over surgery site.

The pace clinic is only there to adjust and make sure your pacemaker is working as programmed. You really need a good cardiologist and specifically an electrophysiologist who is an expert in electrical parts of heart and AICD and Pacemakers.

My suggestions is go to a medical facility that has electrophysioligist. I can send a portal message to any on my care team, as well as call. But I am at Mayo Jacksonville.

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Thank you for taking the time to reply. My GP would like for me to see an electrophysiologist. I’m not sure if I need a referral for that. I think I will do more research on the cardio group I was assigned to. I was told that my pacemaker will work when my heartbeat is under 66 bpm. So it’s as needed. Which makes me wonder if I really needed it?
I appreciate your explanation of why I am feeling pain.
I am trying to give myself grace when it comes to healing. I went back to work 3 days after surgery. However, I have FMLA so I can take time as needed. Thanks for reminding me to use an ice pack. I’m in Indiana and I appreciate you!


jmichelle36, I really hate reading post like this. No one who is a patient should feel this way. I hope Collen is monitoring and can give some advice.

First having pain around the pacemaker site is not abnormal. You had surgery. As the anesthesia and pain medications wear off you will start feeling pain. Also you have a foreign body in you. It is going to hurt and feel very different for a long time. What happens is body will eventually encapsulate around the Pacemaker and seal it off. This takes time but it WILL get better.

Just remember you also have wires going to an from pacemaker. So those wires are also foreign bodies and can cause irritation and pain.

I was told it would take about 1 year to become used to it. But your pain should subside. Do not get into rubbing the areas though as will just irritate more. I got mine in 2006 and on my 3rd one. Mine is under my chest muscle so I had even more healing and pain/discomfort because of that.

Did you get a AICD/Pacemaker? Or did you get Pacemaker only? Most times you get both unless it is just low pulse rate.

I assume you were NOT at a Mayo Clinic? You would have been seen ASAP if you complained about excessive pain. What type of pacemaker did you get, Boston Scientific etc. You can reach out to them also and get advise. Did anyone suggest ice pack over surgery site.

The pace clinic is only there to adjust and make sure your pacemaker is working as programmed. You really need a good cardiologist and specifically an electrophysiologist who is an expert in electrical parts of heart and AICD and Pacemakers.

My suggestions is go to a medical facility that has electrophysioligist. I can send a portal message to any on my care team, as well as call. But I am at Mayo Jacksonville.

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To JC76- I’ve had right bundle branch for 20 years which has now moved farther up into the atrium causing 2:1 heart block as diagnosed by a local electrophysiologist. At some point the said a pacemaker would be needed. I’m considering switching to Mayo in Jacksonville. Any advice on which electrophysiologist there you have used and are happy with? Thank you!


To JC76- I’ve had right bundle branch for 20 years which has now moved farther up into the atrium causing 2:1 heart block as diagnosed by a local electrophysiologist. At some point the said a pacemaker would be needed. I’m considering switching to Mayo in Jacksonville. Any advice on which electrophysiologist there you have used and are happy with? Thank you!

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marshgirl, My initial problems started with a left bundle branch block 24 years ago.

I presently see Dr. Kusumoto. He is the director of Electrophysiology Departement and Pace Clinic. He does a lot of research, written books, gives lectures, seminars, and is president of the U.S. Electrophysiology society. Been seeing him since 2006. He has done all my ICD/Pacemakers and ablation surgeries. If you can get him it would be great and would certainly asked for him. But realize he is the director now when I saw him initially he had just joined Mayo.

The pace clinic at Mayo Jacksonville is outstanding. What I have done is 3 months pacemaker checks done at home via a home device called latitude. It will automatically read your pacemaker and send to Mayo Clinic every 3 months. Once a year I come in and they fine tune my pacemaker and check wires, etc.

The electrophysioloigst are all outstanding! And the pace clinic is just a great. I think you will really find the Mayo Jacksonville complex and cardiology/electrophysiology departments outstanding.

If you get a name of who your appointment will be with send it to me and I can forward information about he/she. Mayo also uses a portal system that at anytime you have questions, etc. you can send a portal message to your physician and care team.

You can use the private message MCC has or do on forum. Glad to help.


Hi jmichelle36, So sorry to hear of your pain. Like some of the others said you will feel normal discomfort for a few months as you get use to the device and recover from surgery. When I had mine done I would say it was a few months, but I actually was back to light duty work after 6 weeks. After my surgery i was referred to what is called a Electrophysiologist or EP for short. They specialize with electric issues of the heart and do adjustments to the pacemaker as needed. I still had a regular Cardiologist for what I call the plumbing part of the heart, so I know my insurance paid for both since they took care of different issues. May I ask how long its been since you had it put in? Usually after surgery you would normally have a few follow-ups where this kind of issue would be discussed. Also if you happen to be in the Phoenix, Arizona area I know a great EP Doctor that you could maybe see. But either way look for a EP Cardiologist in your area and I would advise setting up an appointment with them. I would also consult your insurance company as to if they would pay for the doctor you find. Please let me know if I can help further.

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