Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Hi Jerry,
What do you think the problem is? What is been the reaction when you tell your doctors what you think it is? Do they have any ideas of their own? Jennifer

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I think I'd be in unbearable pain if I had done all that you have the past few days. And I'm only 67, as of last week. Congratulations for having taken such good care of yourself, to be as strong as you are at 86.

I hope you can get some rest to let your body recover from what you've put it through.



Hi Jerry,
What do you think the problem is? What is been the reaction when you tell your doctors what you think it is? Do they have any ideas of their own? Jennifer

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There is nothing more disheartening than having your doctor just miss what you're saying. I've done a lot of research on what's going on with me and when I would bring it to my doctors they would kind of say, I'm a doctor don't believe everything that you read. So I bought them each a mug and turned it into a joke. The mug said ' Please don't confuse your Google search with my medical degree " and I gave it to both doctors filled with candy. They both laughed and it lightened the situation to where they would listen to me a little better and not be threatened? by what I said. Jennifer


I promised you all I would let you know when I got approved for Medical Marijuana. Judi and I did it. We then went down to Edgewater FL. and got two 500 mg bottles. $70 each. So we were suppose to start with 5 drops (each drop is a mg.) three times a day and slowly work up to 10 drops 3 times a day. Do the math. 16 days for $70. We are both at 5 drops 3 times a day and no relief. I sure hope it starts to ease our pain. Will Keep you posted.

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Thanks, Jennifer, for your words. I've been taking antidepressants for 15 years. I have major depression disorder and anxiety disorder, along with PTSD, suicidal thoughts, peripheral neuropathy and a variety of other afflictions. I know that there are many people in far worse condition than I am. When I don't feel well, depression is surely worse. I don't know if I can talk to the therapist between appointments. I don't think Medicare would cover it.



Yes if anyone has ideas of how we can get the attention of higher ups... Please let us know !! Every time I here somethings about pain pills it is always negative. I bet there r more people helped then hurt! Sharonmay7<br />
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Jen I had just a regular cyst caused by the 2 discs that were fused several years ago. The neurosurgeon wants to fuse another disc but is putting it off because he is afraid it might cause another cyst from the pressure of the fusion. But the cyst had to be scraped from my spine in such a way that he had to leave a little pinhole in my spine to get it all. I was leaking a little spinal fluid so I had to stay laying on my back for 24 hours which caused me to stay in the hospital an extra 2 days. But it all came out well. That was last December. This past April I had a left knee replacement. That was painful. Marield65


I promised you all I would let you know when I got approved for Medical Marijuana. Judi and I did it. We then went down to Edgewater FL. and got two 500 mg bottles. $70 each. So we were suppose to start with 5 drops (each drop is a mg.) three times a day and slowly work up to 10 drops 3 times a day. Do the math. 16 days for $70. We are both at 5 drops 3 times a day and no relief. I sure hope it starts to ease our pain. Will Keep you posted.

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I totally get it, we may have different little parts and pieces of our disorders that are different, but the result is very similar. You're isolated, you don't feel good, pain is the worst kind of 'don't feel good', and I have found that most people for various reasons drop out of your life. It's not fun for them anymore even though you need them more than you ever have. I'm fortunate to have a couple friends of stuck with me, but I've lost more than I've kept. Hang in there, I know the depression we can get really really challenging. I do a lot of praying at that point. I know everybody here is always willing to listen. And they understand. Jennifer


Yes if anyone has ideas of how we can get the attention of higher ups... Please let us know !! Every time I here somethings about pain pills it is always negative. I bet there r more people helped then hurt! Sharonmay7<br />
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They want to fuse three of my cervical vertebrae, you're kind of complications are what I'm afraid of. I don't need anymore problems, but the way I am now is non-functional, so I don't know what the answer is.

Sorry you're going through so much. I know all of it is a challenge for each one of us in different ways. Hang in there Marie, Jennifer


I promised you all I would let you know when I got approved for Medical Marijuana. Judi and I did it. We then went down to Edgewater FL. and got two 500 mg bottles. $70 each. So we were suppose to start with 5 drops (each drop is a mg.) three times a day and slowly work up to 10 drops 3 times a day. Do the math. 16 days for $70. We are both at 5 drops 3 times a day and no relief. I sure hope it starts to ease our pain. Will Keep you posted.

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Thanks, Jennifer, for your prayers. I do pray, and believe in the power of prayer, but sometimes when I'm the farthest down, I find it hard to pray with much fervor. When I was in the dark hole, I could pray short prayers, and found that I couldn't read at all. I don't remember how long that lasted, but it was quite awhile.

People don't like to, or don't know how to be around suffering people, whether it's chronic pain, cancer, dementia or depression. They're sometimes afraid of saying the wrong thing, or afraid of sitting in silence, or just listening or praying.

I really don't have any local friends, except when I'm at church. We drive 30 miles to the town where we attend church, and almost all of the people live in that town, so we don't connect except on Sunday. I have 3 men whom I consider to be friends, one in SC, one 150 miles away, and I can't think of who a third one might be. Hmm. Every time we move, friends get left behind. Ah, I remember the third one - he lives in Texas.

I love my wife dearly, but she became used up as my support and caregiver, and I try not to load her down with what I deal with in my head. I want her to be my wife. I unload on the therapist every Thursday.

So, I avoid complaining about the pain or depression or anxiety, and I don't bring up the subject of suicide.

Anyway, such is the life of a person with a mental illness.



I agree, and I've stated I understand the support is important. There should be a way to not get this many email. A separate subject for just talking would be great. People could get the support they want and the people that want to read about chronic pain can. At this point it takes a lot of time to go through all of the personal discussions to get to the posts that are about chronic pain. I'm not trying to be difficult, I'm in the same situation you all are, there's been enough people complaining and signing off of this list that it seems like the change needs to be made, that's all I was saying. I'm not trying to start trouble.

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yes, i agree, with respect.


Sometimes a good remedy for pain is to have a strong support network. There are things you can say here that one may not feel comfortable stating on Facebook. Perhaps there can be a separate thread for emotional and social support?

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it is a good idea. i would use this site if it were available. good thinking. you are appreciated. good luck with your precious.


Peach, the real downer here is that the closest real hospital with pain management, etc, is almost a hundred miles away. And we have a lot of speeders here, not real tourists, but folks who think they can drive 80 mph along the coast on roads built for 35 mph. Then they pile up on a 15 mph curve, at one of our most beautiful spots, and complain about the bad roads and slow drivers. If they want to drive 80, they should go over to I-5 which runs from Vancouver BC to San Diego.

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dear msrylou, where is your church located? thanks. sounds good for pain.

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