Aortic Aneurysms – Introduce yourself & meet others

Welcome to the Aortic Aneurysms group on Mayo Clinic Connect.

An aortic aneurysm is a bulge in the wall of the aorta. The aorta begins deep in the heart as it emerges from the powerful left ventricle, gently arching over the heart, descending into the chest, and finally into the abdomen. Some aortic aneurysms can be harmless; others can lead to catastrophic problems. I invite you to follow this group and connect with others, share experiences, exchange useful information, and learn about aortic aneurysms.

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There are some great conversations going on right now that I think you’ll like. Grab a cup of tea, or beverage of your choice, and lets chat. Why not start by introducing yourself?

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Does your insurance allow you to see another specialist? No matter what, I would get another opinion. This sounds crazy and the doctor sounds reckless. Even if his opinion is correct, the way he answered your questions is not correct.
Good luck! Keep us posted.

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My insurance company gave me a list of about 20 names to pick from in regards to getting a second opinion. They would pay Yang doctor on the list. I have the list but I’ve yet to pick one so far as I’m not sure a second opinion would do anything. I’ve gotten lackadaisical about the whole thing.


Don’t ask me why the word “yang” is in my post. My keyboard adds or makes up words that are misspelled or grammatically incorrect. I have to proofread my posts all the time. It’s a Gmail querty keyboard that self corrects but it makes me look like a 4th grader. Same with Gramarly . Does anyone know of a good keyboard? Anyways I’m going off topic. Sorry.

I have 2 cardiovascular doctors. One calls himself a cardiologist and the other calls himself cardiovascular surgeon. Would a visit to the regular cardiologist help? He belongs to a group that go by the name of “cardiovascular group of New England “. Does that mean he’s more than just a regular cardiologist? I’m thinking of calling his practice and ask him if he is familiar with the cardiovascular system?
I had a St Jude mechanical aortic valve replacement done in 2012 because my cardiologist at the time heard a heart murmur. My aortic valve was leaking and that wasn’t a good sign.
So I went for open heart surgery and they replaced it with a mechanical valve. But now I’m on blood thinners for life. Then there was an aortic aneurysm and eventually it developed a tear and it’s a little over a 3cm as of 2 years ago. Does that mean that even though it has a tear (abdominal aneurysm) but may only be a 3 cm if it’s still the same measurement. I don’t know if it’s grown or not and that bothers me especially when I get a little pain sometimes on my lower left side of my abdomen. I don’t know if I’m wondering for nothing. I’ve also heard it by the name of celiac aneurysm of the celiac branch vessel ( very rare). If it’s in that area does it mean it’s inoperable? Bothers me all the time. Not because it’s painful but it’s an area (and torn) that seems to require extensive surgery. Maybe I’m wondering for nothing.


Hello John @jpmerk,

I see that you joined Connect a while ago, and this is your first post; welcome! Do you have questions or concerns about aortic aneurysms?

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I had an evar procedue for my swotting 5 years ago. Doc says sac in increasing in size


That’s a shame to hear, but make sure they’re still being vigilant about checking it

I had a 4cm AAA they found in August in an MRI for my back. Said not to worry..Had pain last Sunday morning and went to ER, Ran a CT scan and they found it had enlarged to 4.75 and was tearing apart….so my wife and five daughters had to choose between EVARS or full open.
They chose full open…best decision of my life. They found an other tears once inside…the docs here at UVA saved my life….yelp still very sore and it’s a hard road back…but at least I have the opportunity.

My point is, keep checking it, and don’t wait to fix it!
God bless you and good luck


That’s a shame to hear, but make sure they’re still being vigilant about checking it

I had a 4cm AAA they found in August in an MRI for my back. Said not to worry..Had pain last Sunday morning and went to ER, Ran a CT scan and they found it had enlarged to 4.75 and was tearing apart….so my wife and five daughters had to choose between EVARS or full open.
They chose full open…best decision of my life. They found an other tears once inside…the docs here at UVA saved my life….yelp still very sore and it’s a hard road back…but at least I have the opportunity.

My point is, keep checking it, and don’t wait to fix it!
God bless you and good luck

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My relationship with my primary care physician has been reduced to a face to face appointment every 3 months. I haven’t had a proper full examination visit in years. He doesn’t do a complete physical.
I went to an ER a while back for Coumadin poisoning. My blood thinner had increased my normally 2.0 - 3.5 all the way off the chart. They said it was at 12 instead.
Could have bled to death. A CT scan was done and while laying on an exam bed he comes up to me and says “ we are going to transfer you to a trauma hospital for emergency surgery”

I asked him how come and not only was I bleeding internally from the high Coumadin level. I also had an aortic abdominal aneurysm and it was torn. The trauma hospital said that they were thinking of taking care of my aneurysm but “ it isn’t bleeding right now but you will need to come back to the hospital but for now since it isn’t bleeding the “team” felt that "you could be discharged because it wasn’t bleeding at the moment so you don’t need emergency surgery right now"
Upon being discharged he said “ see your cardiovascular surgeon ( I happen to have one) ASAP”

I called my surgeon when I got home and he told me that he wouldn’t see me unless the trauma hospital said it was an emergency!!
I told him about the asap instructions and he said “oh all hospitals say that”

I finally convinced him to see me in 2 days. I met his rude and disrespectful secretary and she said “where’s your mask?” before anything else. (Covid protocol)
I had forgotten my Mask at home because I was thinking about my potential surgery.

His aid did a sonogram of the abdominal area and said “all set “
I was led to the exam room and waited. Finally he swings the door open and says “I didn’t see anything”
I said that for 3 years you have been telling me that my aneurysm was ok and “now you’re saying you didn’t see anything?"
2 different hospitals saw it and now you’re saying you didn’t see it?”
He came in rolling his eyes up and made light of it and left. On the way out I said that “could it burst?” And he said “it could but we have ways to take care of that “
I’m thinking supposed it burst while walking in a park? It needs immediate attention because it can quickly become fatal!! Especially when my blood is on a thinner.
He talked over me, he seemed annoyed, he rolled his eyes back and said “ see you next year!” And left the room. No time to discuss my concerns. He was with me for 5 minutes. I spent more time getting my vitals taken.
I told my PCP later and he told me to see my cardiovascular surgeon. ( the same doctor who blew me off because I screwed up his appointment schedule). I called my cardiologist instead because he works in a "cardiovascular of New England” I left 3 voicemails. Never returned my calls. My PCP experience was awful! 10 minute visit. Spent more time with the nurse taking my vitals. He was just like my cardiovascular surgeon. Neither one helped me. The surgeon was annoyed and my pcp saw me face to face and basically did a quick talking to me and “ see you in 3 months “ and left. Now what?


That’s a shame to hear, but make sure they’re still being vigilant about checking it

I had a 4cm AAA they found in August in an MRI for my back. Said not to worry..Had pain last Sunday morning and went to ER, Ran a CT scan and they found it had enlarged to 4.75 and was tearing apart….so my wife and five daughters had to choose between EVARS or full open.
They chose full open…best decision of my life. They found an other tears once inside…the docs here at UVA saved my life….yelp still very sore and it’s a hard road back…but at least I have the opportunity.

My point is, keep checking it, and don’t wait to fix it!
God bless you and good luck

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I went last week and doc said sac is getting bigger.
Need to have a CT. He gave me no idea why. Just wait and see.


I went last week and doc said sac is getting bigger.
Need to have a CT. He gave me no idea why. Just wait and see.

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Glad that they’re checking it out for you! Hopefully if they’re staying on top of it you won’t have any unwanted surprises.
As I mentioned mine was a huge surprise, but the hospital I went to literally saved my I have a lot grace and thankfulness going on today… about week from the day that changed my life forever.
Good luck on your journey!


Welcome to Connect, @tazzy. For which type of aneurysm did you have surgery? Do you have specific questions that you'd like to ask the members in this group? We look forward to getting to know you.

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I had endovascular stenting done 6 years ago.
Check ups every 6 months last check doc found sac has increased.
Waiting for CT follow up.


I'm Rich
Been checking yearly on an abdominal aneurism and now it is at 5 and I' m getting a stent this wednesday. I already had two stents put in a few years back so I'm familiar with the groin surgery. This time there will be surgery on both sides of my groin. I'm 79 and wondering just how safe this procedure is. Hope it helps me live a few more years. Any information on others results is appreciated.

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I had it done 6 years ago. all is well. They do ultrasounds every 6 months to keep an eye on the stent.


HI, Aortic Anuerism fellows
I recently was found to have this "issue". I don't know much about this, so I'll just continue reading your comments
..and others to learn more. Good Luck

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