COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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A Dr will read the results and give you or your referring Dr the diagnosis, mine was mild-moderate peripheral neuropathy.


The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines do not contain the spike protein. It contains mRNA (messenger RNA) that make antibodies to the spike protein, should that protein (i.e., the COVID virus) enter your body.

If you were exposed to the spike protein, it was because you contracted COVID.

That you were affected within 15 min is unusual but it couldn't have been due to exposure to the spike protein because the Prizer and Moderna vaccines do not contain the spike protein.

The J&J vaccine is basically a modified adenovirus that carries instructions to your cells to make the spike protein, to provoke your immune system to create antibodies. Did you have the J&J vaccine?

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Can you please clarify what the process is as far as spike protein. My understanding is the same as yours as far as the MRNA vaccine not containing the spike protein. However I thought that the MRNA tells your body to create the spike protein so that your immune system would then create antibodies for it and have them hanging around if you do get infected. It seems what you are saying is that the MRNA in fact instructs the body to create antibodies at first instance to the spike protein. Your response is appreciated in advance.


I rarely comment here but when I saw your question about the Covid vaccines having any effect on neuropathy it hit home.
I have what was diagnosed as idiopathic neuropathy twelve years ago . After having an EMG last year I was diagnosed with distal axonal polyneuropathy.
My symptoms worsened after my third dose of Moderna.
I lost the feeling in both feet while in a sitting position , therefore losing the ability to drive safely.
It’s been two years since I drove and that’s been very difficult as I was an active independent 70 year old .
I am a retired triage nurse working remotely for a family practice on a per diem schedule, which has helped tremendously with my psyche.
MRI’s showed some nerve root compression but not anything that would require surgery. Very happy about that!
I’m very much on the fence about taking the latest vaccine


Here is my experience with the Covid Vaccine. First shot Dec 31,2020. Second shot Jan 31, 2021 on military base. Less than two months later my heart was jumping all over the place very scary. Would be asleep and it would jump and wake me up. The doctors sent me back to Texas. I had a one month holter monitor test showing bradycardia and tachycardia. Documented in the medical journal of cardiology. I was diagnosed by an electrophysiologist with cardiac autonomic neuropathy. Cardiologist told me told me it was a very common problem with the Covid shots. The electrophsiologist told me I was not eligible for an ICD pacemaker/ defibrillator and most people only live seven years after the diagnosis. You have to have an electrical system to have an ICD to be able to shock your heart. I will say this there have been times in the middle of the night that my husband has gotten out of bed to go to the restroom and I am not breathing. He shakes me for awhile I don’t know how long he shakes me but I wake up gasping for air. Unless I can get IVIG therapy and get some of this reversed I am signing a DNR. There is no reason to keep trying to revive someone that doesn’t have the nervous system for it. There was a scandal about two years ago that was in the news that the military new about these side effects and did not make them public. There was supposed to be a congressional hearing but it got squashed by Biden administration.
The reason this scared me so bad is my son was born with congenital heart disease and has tachycardia and an ICD his heart stopped at the age of 14 due to tachycardia. It was an emergency surgery to get his ICD put in.


I am not a nonvaccine person. I simply had an allergic reaction that affected my nervous system. In 15 specialists across many fields including my team of regular doctors no one knows enough about the vaccine to treat the nerve damage it did. When I am out of remission I am on fire all over and pedisone is used to put it back in check. When I am in remission I mimmic MS but dont have the disease. Tingling knees to toes both feet, elboes to hands, cheeks, lips always salty. Stress is a factor in flare up. I always have to wear a mask and sanatize as I can never have another vaccine. Anyone know anything that can help me?


I am not a nonvaccine person. I simply had an allergic reaction that affected my nervous system. In 15 specialists across many fields including my team of regular doctors no one knows enough about the vaccine to treat the nerve damage it did. When I am out of remission I am on fire all over and pedisone is used to put it back in check. When I am in remission I mimmic MS but dont have the disease. Tingling knees to toes both feet, elboes to hands, cheeks, lips always salty. Stress is a factor in flare up. I always have to wear a mask and sanatize as I can never have another vaccine. Anyone know anything that can help me?

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Welcome @www3, I moved your question to this existing discussion to help you connect with others:
- COVID vaccines and neuropathy:


I am not a nonvaccine person. I simply had an allergic reaction that affected my nervous system. In 15 specialists across many fields including my team of regular doctors no one knows enough about the vaccine to treat the nerve damage it did. When I am out of remission I am on fire all over and pedisone is used to put it back in check. When I am in remission I mimmic MS but dont have the disease. Tingling knees to toes both feet, elboes to hands, cheeks, lips always salty. Stress is a factor in flare up. I always have to wear a mask and sanatize as I can never have another vaccine. Anyone know anything that can help me?

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I’m so sorry about your experience. I can’t offer any advice regarding treatment, but as someone who cannot receive additional boosters, I can tell you what I’m doing to try to protect myself. I was diagnosed with vaccine induced neuropathy after my first Moderna booster. Thankfully, I have completely healed. I run the risk of a return of the neuropathy if I get another vaccine OR if I actually get Covid. In place of a vaccine, I received AtsraZeneca’s monoclonal antibody shots. This provided me with antibodies that my immune system did not have to generate, therefore my immune system did not overreact causing damage to my nerves. I was supposed to get my second dose last March but it was no longer effective with the new variants. I am waiting for government approval of a modified version of the AstraZeneca monoclonal antibody treatment or a new version of something similar from Regeneron. I also always wear a mask anywhere indoors since I am under vaccinated at this point. Again, this doesn’t help your current condition but it may be something to investigate so that you feel more protected. Best to you.


I’m so sorry about your experience. I can’t offer any advice regarding treatment, but as someone who cannot receive additional boosters, I can tell you what I’m doing to try to protect myself. I was diagnosed with vaccine induced neuropathy after my first Moderna booster. Thankfully, I have completely healed. I run the risk of a return of the neuropathy if I get another vaccine OR if I actually get Covid. In place of a vaccine, I received AtsraZeneca’s monoclonal antibody shots. This provided me with antibodies that my immune system did not have to generate, therefore my immune system did not overreact causing damage to my nerves. I was supposed to get my second dose last March but it was no longer effective with the new variants. I am waiting for government approval of a modified version of the AstraZeneca monoclonal antibody treatment or a new version of something similar from Regeneron. I also always wear a mask anywhere indoors since I am under vaccinated at this point. Again, this doesn’t help your current condition but it may be something to investigate so that you feel more protected. Best to you.

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No one has even talked to me about the antibody treatment. They did talk to me about antibody treatment when my sister who is 81 got covid 2 years ago and I had to decide on her course of treatment. I also had Moderna. They say it could heal but it will take time. They stopped me 2nd and all other shots. Thank goodness. 2 other people I know, they didnt and their damage might be permanent.


No one has even talked to me about the antibody treatment. They did talk to me about antibody treatment when my sister who is 81 got covid 2 years ago and I had to decide on her course of treatment. I also had Moderna. They say it could heal but it will take time. They stopped me 2nd and all other shots. Thank goodness. 2 other people I know, they didnt and their damage might be permanent.

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Who diagnosed you?


No one has even talked to me about the antibody treatment. They did talk to me about antibody treatment when my sister who is 81 got covid 2 years ago and I had to decide on her course of treatment. I also had Moderna. They say it could heal but it will take time. They stopped me 2nd and all other shots. Thank goodness. 2 other people I know, they didnt and their damage might be permanent.

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Yes, they were used as treatments, but now can be used as protection from Covid. Please consider looking into it if you think it might be helpful to you when they become available again. It took me about 9 months to heal completely. I’m very lucky and very grateful. Good luck.

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