Do you have vivid dreams with your PD?

Posted by Teresa, Volunteer Mentor @hopeful33250, Nov 14, 2016

@chrisj2491 @caryp43 @denie57 @johnjames @trouble4343 @tntredhead @aperob @hdruss @retairforceman @macbeth. Hello all! I just read a post from one our Parkinson's spouses about extra activity at night and it got me to wondering how many others out there have very vivid dreams at night that might disrupt sleep and cause problems. If you have, please feel free to share your experiences. If you have found a good way to deal with it (meds, etc.) we would like to know about that as well.

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Hi @tntredhead, I was just wondering if you have connected with our Caregiver's Group here at Mayo Connect? There are some great folks in the group who could certainly relate to your situation. I'll tag the mentor for that group @IndianaScott. He will welcome you into the group.

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Kathleen wishes to be connected to Caregiver Group.
Thanks for your help. K


My husband has stopped sleeping at night somedays he is so tired he can hardly talk few days later he is back to normal is there any type of medication that can give him 7-8 hours sleep they are now trying clorasapam. There is not a neurologist at the hospital so im dealing gerentologist who way put more locks on your door so he doesn't wonder.Im at the point of being desperate he has been in hospital for 15day with absolutley no positive results

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Hello @dipper and welcome to Mayo Connect. I see that you posted about your husband's hospitalization. How is he doing now? Is he sleeping better now?


Kathleen wishes to be connected to Caregiver Group.
Thanks for your help. K

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Hi Kathleen,
Please note that I removed your email address from your message as Mayo Clinic Connect is a public forum. Here's how you can connect with the Caregiver Group.

1. Go to the Caregivers Support Group here:
2. Click "Follow for updates"

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