Anyone else experience Weight Gain with long COVID?

Posted by RMS @rinadbq, Oct 8, 2021

I have had ~30 pound weight gain since November 2020 when I initially had COVID. It seems disproportionate to my calorie intake. Any one else with this?

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Same thing has happened to me. Fortunately, my doctors believe me.

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Well, today was the day I finally got to see the endocrinologist and the visit left me shook. She was wonderful and very sympathetic but long story short, no matter how little I eat or how much I workout, I continue to gain weight- up another 4lbs. I am now considered pre-diabetic and blood pressure through the roof.


I had sever covid in 3/2020, was not hospitalised and recovered at home over a 4 week period with my PCP calling 2x daily. in June and December 2020 , I still had very high covid IGM and IGG although I have tested negative for covid. I continued to have memory fog and tiredness which partially subsuded post getting my Pfizer covid shots in 4/2021 - both shots did bring on 2/3 days of flu like symptoms. Got the booster covid shot 10/2021 - which also brought on 2 days of flu like symptoms. In 2/2022 - noticed unexplained weight gain , primarily in the stomach area which was " hard": to the touch. There were no changes in my diet and or lifestyle and I am a very fit 61 year old man who exercises daily. Post seeing my PCP, my immunologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, neurologist and a kidney specialist it was determined that all of my major organs and my blood work looked fine ( perfect was the word used) and my weight gain was associated to / connected with my unique covid history and it was suggested that I look into the Mayo clinic and MGH ( my primary hospital) long haul covid studies / clinics.

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This sounds like what I went thru in 3/20. Adding to that extreme fatigue. I lost a lot of hair and broke 5 teeth. I've never been on any medications. Good health. Active indoors and outdoors. I've had covid twice since then. The 3rd time with long haul again. These symptoms different. I've been told this haul is due to inflammatory syndrome. Started a month after testing positive. Inflammation hit my hands so hard. I couldn't use them for anything and ended having urgent carpal tunnel release in one hand. That surgeon wouldn't touch the other hand due to severity. Sent me to a hand specialist and all this left him scratching his head. In between all this, the Inflammation went to my feet, heart, kidneys, gut and face. I looked like an alien. My PCP put me on Lasix and montelucast. Things have settled a little bit. But with all this I've gained 35lbs and have zero exercise tolerance. Even 5 min in a swimming g pool exacerbates whole body pain, Inflammation and edema. Best of luck to you in fighting your illness.


2 years post covid and with long haul symptoms I have suddenly gained 21 pounds - Dr's have no idea of what triggered this and I have been on lasix to loose the " water weight gain". I am an active very fit 61 year old male. has anyone else had similar issues

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Yes, I also have the same problem. I had Covid January of 2021. Still suffer from the effects of it. Weight gain, no energy, headaches etc. still have loss of taste.


I’m on the same timeline as you with Covid March 2020. Bilateral Covid pneumonia diagnosed in the ER but I told them i would be fine at home with a pulse ox (I work in healthcare) Oxygen went down into 80’s and even in 70’s occasionally. Unfortunately I was so out of it I couldn’t even get myself back to the hospital. I’m lucky to be here. Been dealing with long haul stuff since then. I’m on bipap at night due to central/mixed sleep apnea that began when I had Covid. I never had any kind of sleep apnea before then. I noticed last month a sudden weight gain of about 8 pounds in my belly area. I have not seen the dr for it because… I feel like… what’s the point? Till they know more…. My mind and body can’t take much more of being told it is anxiety or depression or that there is no link. Thank you for making me feel a tiny bit less crazy.

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Thank you for sharing this. I am in same situation as yourself.


I’ve been active and “fit” my whole life and that has changed since long covid. I can’t exercise in any capacity that is beneficial to my health or body and although I am still eating healthy and moving every day I’ve gained 20lbs. Which honestly I’ve probably lost 10-15lbs muscle and gained 30+ of fat. I can’t seem to get enough activity or exercise to make a difference in my body composition and it’s killing me on the inside.


Well, today was the day I finally got to see the endocrinologist and the visit left me shook. She was wonderful and very sympathetic but long story short, no matter how little I eat or how much I workout, I continue to gain weight- up another 4lbs. I am now considered pre-diabetic and blood pressure through the roof.

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Yes, I wrote about this in this group: "Gastro symptoms after Covid - still 1 yr later".
Not only do I have gastro issues which can't be explained but have gained 10 lbs since 9/22. I sometimes only eat 1 meal a day and still exercise but it's almost like I have no control over my body! : abdominal bloating - as if I'm 6 months pregnant, weight gain, feeling full.

I understand your frustration! It's awful when you see the scale keep going up and it makes absolutely no sense!!!


I’ve been active and “fit” my whole life and that has changed since long covid. I can’t exercise in any capacity that is beneficial to my health or body and although I am still eating healthy and moving every day I’ve gained 20lbs. Which honestly I’ve probably lost 10-15lbs muscle and gained 30+ of fat. I can’t seem to get enough activity or exercise to make a difference in my body composition and it’s killing me on the inside.

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I am soo sorry, I fully understand. It’s so frustrating and depressing most days. I go thru it each day. Most people don’t understand any of this. Stay strong.


I lost 35lbs during my second run with C. Weight stayed off for a few months then within 4 months I gained 44lbs. I still had no appetite, was monitoring my calories so I wouldn't gain weight back, walking/biking/swimming (all moderately) I developed a huge round stomach, neuropathy in my feet, edema, I kept saying something's wrong here, this isn't normal. Had all sorts of tests run, numbers all good, kept a detailed list of food and calories and brought it in to my Doc. He said I should not be gaining weight on 1400 calories a day , I'm not a small female 6'. But he didn't know how to help me. I suspected Covid, I have fat in places I never had before, changed my body type. I see I'm not alone. This has been going on for 2 yrs. Frustrating and discouraging. I'd love to figure out how to beat this.


I lost 35lbs during my second run with C. Weight stayed off for a few months then within 4 months I gained 44lbs. I still had no appetite, was monitoring my calories so I wouldn't gain weight back, walking/biking/swimming (all moderately) I developed a huge round stomach, neuropathy in my feet, edema, I kept saying something's wrong here, this isn't normal. Had all sorts of tests run, numbers all good, kept a detailed list of food and calories and brought it in to my Doc. He said I should not be gaining weight on 1400 calories a day , I'm not a small female 6'. But he didn't know how to help me. I suspected Covid, I have fat in places I never had before, changed my body type. I see I'm not alone. This has been going on for 2 yrs. Frustrating and discouraging. I'd love to figure out how to beat this.

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I can sympathize- I was doing 18/6 intermittent fasting and only eating 800 calories in those 6 hours, yet I continued to gain weight. I don’t believe any of the doctors know what the reason is, nor do they have the time to figure it out. Wish there was a study being done to get some answers. My struggle has been going on for 18 months, and being only 5’ tall- every pound shows. Like you, I’ve gained weight in my midsection, which is totally out of character for me.


Hi to all. Just hopeful comment. Finally after almost 2 yrs I have lost 5 lbs and kept it off for few weeks. Dont have reason as I too tried all in past that defied norms and stumped all in healthcare. Think inflammation and everything that was so off in body from covid finally starting to function in right direction so more time will bring back pre covid body🤞Hope this helps to see light at end of tunnel🌈

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