Anyone here dealing with peripheral neuropathy?

Posted by rabbit10 @rabbit10, Apr 9, 2016

Anyone here dealing with peripheral neuropathy?

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Hi Peggy @pfbacon, I'm sorry you are having so much trouble getting your medication. I'm hoping the states will get their act together sooner rather than later. Maybe you can contact your local representative and challenge them to help you. The state of Virginia has a lot of information on the new laws on their website.


Do you know if they have any chronic pain patient registration list for the state that you can register for and help you get the pain medicine you need?



Hello @djsgigi, welcome to Connect. I think there are a lot of members on Connect that can relate to what you are going through with the diagnosis. It's good that you are trying to learn as much as you can and be an advocate for your health problems. I did find some information that may be helpful for getting your disability approval.

South Carolina Social Security Disability - Disability Benefits Center

@djsgigi can I ask how you are doing with controlling your diabetes? I have no medical background or training but having your diabetes under control would be a big step to help you.


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Hate to admit it but I don't check it,I could eat better and help myself but then I get upset that I have diabetes. if I check my sugar and it's high then I sit there and go into panic attacks wanting it to come down. It's a famn if do and damn if you don't


My Peripheral Neuropathy started about 10 months ago. I have been to a Neurologist and two Chiropractors and no one will write me a prescription for the ReBuilder Model 2407 Electrical Nerve Stimulator. They all have their own prescription or pulsating laser device and feel threatened by a DMD (Durable Medical Device) that can be used by the patient at home. My feet range from being numb, to hot, to cold when I get out of a hot shower. My hands feel tingly, or ache and sometimes hurt outright.

Thursday I have an appointment with a woman who has been my Cardiologist for the past eight years since my heart attack. Besides three other prescriptions she has me on 5 mg Crestor for the past eight years. I am bringing paperwork to her office (copied from on line sites, one of them being the Mayo Clinic)
which state that one of the side effects of Statins can be Peripheral Neuropathy. I already know that she will claim my PN is caused from diabetes. Among the paperwork I am also bringing a lab report drawn by her office on August 15 which states that my Glucose is 101 and my Cholesterol is 129. Several years ago I was told I was pre-diabetic but have never taken any diabetic medication and was since told there was no need for me to keep testing my blood suger. I stopped taking Crestor on October 15 even though it is said to be dangerous without a doctors advice. Well Thursday I will get her 'advice'!


Hi, i am new to the group. I have had type 2 diabetes for two years and am taking Metformin. I was having no luck getting my blood sugar down to below 11 until my wife gotboth of us on a Keto diet. Now, most of my readings are average of 7. Today’s was 4.6 before supper after a day of hard work.
I have dealt with the numbness and tingling in both feet, then both legs. It is now above the waist.
I can deal with that, but I also have extreme muscle weakness in both legs which gets worse if I am working on my feet for hours. I haven’t read of muscle weakness in any of the posts I have reviewed. Is anyone else dealing with that effect of neuropathy, and if so, what can be done about it?


I’d like to know what medications folks are taking to help with the pain from neuropathy?


I’d like to know what medications folks are taking to help with the pain from neuropathy?

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I am in no way connected with the medical field but after seeing a Neurologist and two Chiropractors it is my honest opinion that medications do not work with Peripheral Neuropathy. I am starting a program using a Durable medical Device called the ReBuilder Model # 2407. It is an electrical nerve stimulator which you use in your home 1/2 hour in the morning and 1/2 hour in the evening and my goal is to be able to walk down my front steps without my wife's assistance by New Years.


I would like to know how that goes -- please keep us posted, Mr. Dutchman ... Peggy


I am in no way connected with the medical field but after seeing a Neurologist and two Chiropractors it is my honest opinion that medications do not work with Peripheral Neuropathy. I am starting a program using a Durable medical Device called the ReBuilder Model # 2407. It is an electrical nerve stimulator which you use in your home 1/2 hour in the morning and 1/2 hour in the evening and my goal is to be able to walk down my front steps without my wife's assistance by New Years.

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Yes, please keep us up to date with your progress. I wish you well. Delia


I take EB-N5, a medical food that is a prescription ($105 ffor 3 mos). Black seed oil 2 500 mg softgels, olive leaf extract, and resveratrol and grape seed extract.


I will try to keep you updated. I'm told the unit has shipped and should arrive sometime this week. I have been trying to get this unit since June and now ...........finally!

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