Fatigue every afternoon - How can I get more energy?

Posted by jmorris58 @jmorris58, Dec 18, 2022

I am 75 and am very tired every afternoon. I need a two hour nap. My blood work is good. Any comments that can help me get more energy?

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I’m 77 and after lunch I really get sleepy but I have insomnia so I don’t dare take naps. Like “approaching 86” said, keep moving, be engaged in something so dog walks, puzzle, word games or Bible study with a friend gets me through that period of time.

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Hi. I’m 74 and have had extreme fatigue after breakfast and lunch for nearly a year. This stopped immediately when I finally cut back on protein. There was a big difference for me going from around 20 grams of protein to just 10 grams sourced from plants or animals. I still need to rest for about an hour in the afternoon, but I don’t sleep and I am happy to be tired when I start getting ready for bed at 8 PM.
Excess protein evidently turns into sugar, which turns me into a sloth. We are told how important protein is for older people, especially when we are healing from an injury, which I am, but my latest ex ray shows progress. Our focus on protein backfires if our body doesn’t use it fairly quickly. I’ve had a life long interest in nutrition, but I only know what I’ve read and experienced myself. Take a look at your protein intake and try adjusting it down by replacing it with some heart healthy fats. Best wishes.


PS: That’s 10 grams of protein at both breakfast and lunch. I probably have another 10 grams divided among two snacks and supper. Total 30 grams. Do note that I am sitting in a wheelchair or using a walker the whole day. I do stand up to work in place with the wheelchair locked directly behind me. Let’s see how fast I can start walking again.


Hello @jmorris58, Welcome to Connect. I had some similar symptoms of being tired later in the day a few years ago and during a doctor's appointment for another problem, the doctor asked me if I snored a lot.🙂 I answered yes and the doctor setup an appointment for a sleep test which determined I had sleep apnea. It took me over a year of using a CPAP before I started noticing I had more energy during the day which I'm sure was due to sleeping better. Here is an article on the topic you might find helpful for suggestions:

-- Self-help tips to fight tiredness:

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I have sleep apnea, diagnosed when I was 50, 26 years ago. As soon as I got a CPAP I became a different person! No afternoon sluggishness or falling asleep while driving. Anyone who snores, even mildly, may have sleep Apnea. Only a sleep test can tell. Btw, I’m now 76 and still use a CPAP.


I am 78 and agree that age is the most significant factor. We are living longer, less active, retiring sooner and think we're 50. I have a lights-out switch on my butt. If I sit and relax I will nod off.

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If you take high blood pressure meds, this often is the cause of decreased energy. The good news is you can change the brand of that medication to may be a better reaction.


Again, here is my plug to do some physical exercise. Gently tough. Small walk. Then I will take an hour nap. These seem to work for me. Hope this helps. Pat
Sometimes you are going to have to push yourself to exercise. But, the benefit out weighs the effort put in.


I have sleep apnea, diagnosed when I was 50, 26 years ago. As soon as I got a CPAP I became a different person! No afternoon sluggishness or falling asleep while driving. Anyone who snores, even mildly, may have sleep Apnea. Only a sleep test can tell. Btw, I’m now 76 and still use a CPAP.

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If you think you have sleep apnea a good thing to try before resorting to a CPAP is to try a chin strap that keeps your mouth closed and forces you to breath through your nose while you sleep


I have sleep apnea, diagnosed when I was 50, 26 years ago. As soon as I got a CPAP I became a different person! No afternoon sluggishness or falling asleep while driving. Anyone who snores, even mildly, may have sleep Apnea. Only a sleep test can tell. Btw, I’m now 76 and still use a CPAP.

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Yes a Cpap changed my life. Been on it since 2007. Get tested.


If you take high blood pressure meds, this often is the cause of decreased energy. The good news is you can change the brand of that medication to may be a better reaction.

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Did not know changing brand would help.


Did not know changing brand would help.

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Yes, a friend of mine has been going through the same thing and has gone through several brands of the same medication and she’s notice. It definitely makes a difference. So I hope you can find some relief.!


I take an hour's nap most days before 3 pm. It helps me sleep better at night when I am not overtired. I also take a Tylenol if part of me is in pain. I get a second wind afterwards. I do not plan my day around it, but more than a couple days in a row without the "siesta" reminds me that I need it.

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