Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Neuropathy group.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet other people who are dealing with neuropathy. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with neuropathy, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentor John (@johnbishop) and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
Let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What concerns would you like to talk about?

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Hi. I'm Barb, and I posted a comment yesterday, with no answering reply: I have burning and percolating legs on the shins at night, and my legs hurt during the day, especially if I stand more than 5 minutes in one place. Has anyone had these symptoms? Does this ever end?

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Hi Barb

I had burning shins snd feet. I was put on Duluxetine 60 mg a date. The later added 300 mg Gabapentin three times a day. Really helped me.

So sorry you have not found relief yet.


My neurologist has suggested I can try a different medication if I want to, but warning that every medication has it's side effects. Since I have not had any side effects from the Gabapentin, I have decided to stay on it for now. Some days are better than others, but some days leave me wondering if I should be switching to something else. I don't like taking any more medication than necessary. I do wonder if more exercise like walking, would help or aggravate
the condition?

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I am on Duluxetine and Gabapentin. I walk six miles a day and it helps me. But of course everyone is different. I am 75 and have been walking for last 35 years.


Hello Sally (@sallymagint), welcome to Mayo Connect, we are so glad you found us. This is a great place to ask questions, share your story and learn about others with similar health issues and possible treatments. Neuropathy can be difficult to comprehend sometimes due to number of different types, diagnosis and possible treatments. It's pretty awesome you have found some experienced specialists that are helping you. That is a big step.

Do you have a diagnosis you can share?

Mine is idiopathic small fiber peripheral neuropathy plus a few more issues. I have to share a story about the idiopathic diagnosis. I was at a Minnesota Neuropathy Association that had 3 different speakers. There was a short questions and answers session after each speaker. The first two speakers were asked the same question - how many people around the world are affected by peripheral neuropathy? The first speaker said the number was around 20 million or so. The second speaker said including China about 80 million had some form of neuropathy. The third speaker, an 80+ year old neurologist who still had a small practice and is doing research at the University of Minnesota to develop a inexpensive test to determine if you have peripheral neuropathy, said "in deference to my younger colleagues, idiopathic was named after the idiot neurologist who did the diagnosis. If you live long enough everyone gets neuropathy because the nerves will eventually start dying off". He drew the biggest laugh from the crowd.

Hoping for some answers for you.


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I have numbness in my left calf and top of left foot and some around the feet. I don't have friends, family and souls to take me around. I am attracted and have many interests and was always independent. The numbness causes me to go off balance and must use a walker and hold onto someone too

I had back surgery and had it before the surgery. Surgeon said it should go away with time as nerve was compressed for a long time.


I have numbness in my left calf and top of left foot and some around the feet. I don't have friends, family and souls to take me around. I am attracted and have many interests and was always independent. The numbness causes me to go off balance and must use a walker and hold onto someone too

I had back surgery and had it before the surgery. Surgeon said it should go away with time as nerve was compressed for a long time.

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Hello @rca, Welcome to Connect. I know it must be difficult dealing with the pain and not having any close friends or family around to help when needed to go somewhere. It sounds like your back surgery was done to relieve the pressure on the nerves. Hopefully you will get some relief from the pain with time as the surgeon mentioned.

How long has it been since you had your surgery?


Hi, I'm Dawn. Diagnosed (after several doctor visits and tests) with peripheral polyneuropathy, which has become much worse over the last year. Have a lot of balance issues and fall fairly frequently. Try to get exercise by going up and down shopping aisles (because I can hang on to the cart and pretend I'm walking somewhat normally), but if I do too much of that, I'm awake all night because of unrelenting pain in my legs. Does anyone else experience that? On Gabapentin, but not sure how much it helps. So glad to find this forum for support and information. What a frustrating diagnosis! The neurologist essentially said, don't know why you have it but that doesn't make much difference - there's not a lot you can do about it.

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Hi Dawn, I'm so happy to be in this group with others who know and feel what I'm going thru. Diagnosed just last week with bilateral peripheral polyneuropathy. Not a diabetic, perfectly healthy otherwise. Now I'm suffering 24/7 with leg pain and tingling, difficulty walking...not with balancing but because of pain. Followed up today with Dr. who told me there's no cure. I'm still in denial but coming to terms slowly.


Hi Dawn, I'm so happy to be in this group with others who know and feel what I'm going thru. Diagnosed just last week with bilateral peripheral polyneuropathy. Not a diabetic, perfectly healthy otherwise. Now I'm suffering 24/7 with leg pain and tingling, difficulty walking...not with balancing but because of pain. Followed up today with Dr. who told me there's no cure. I'm still in denial but coming to terms slowly.

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Hi Sarah, I think I'm in a similar place. Coming to terms with the diagnosis slowly and appreciating this group and the support offered. Wishing all the best for you.


Hi Barb

I had burning shins snd feet. I was put on Duluxetine 60 mg a date. The later added 300 mg Gabapentin three times a day. Really helped me.

So sorry you have not found relief yet.

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Hi Lorraine!
Thanks! I'll look into Duluxetine and 300 mg. Gabapentin rather than 100 mg. That should make a difference.


Hi, I'm Dawn. Diagnosed (after several doctor visits and tests) with peripheral polyneuropathy, which has become much worse over the last year. Have a lot of balance issues and fall fairly frequently. Try to get exercise by going up and down shopping aisles (because I can hang on to the cart and pretend I'm walking somewhat normally), but if I do too much of that, I'm awake all night because of unrelenting pain in my legs. Does anyone else experience that? On Gabapentin, but not sure how much it helps. So glad to find this forum for support and information. What a frustrating diagnosis! The neurologist essentially said, don't know why you have it but that doesn't make much difference - there's not a lot you can do about it.

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Hi, Dawn. Welcome! I read your post with a bit of a smile as I just got back from the supermarket, where I spent the past three-quarters of an hour pushing a cart up and down the aisles. Mine is an idiopathic neuropathy, and my neurologist, like yours, was at a loss to give advice. He also didn't seem too interested in puzzling out the cause. At first, that frustrated me. But he's a good guy and otherwise appears 100% committed to helping me. Our last meeting was a month ago. Since that time, I've been doing a lot of self-educating, trying to learn as much as I can about idiopathic neuropathies. (I realize that sounds self-defeating: idiopathic neuropathies wouldn't be called idiopathic if there was much to learn!). However, studying my condition has helped me put together a bunch of good questions to ask my neurologist (at least, I hope they're good questions). This morning I phoned him and made arrangements to meet in a few weeks' time for the two of us to go over my questions. Frankly, at the moment, I can't think of much else to do to keep my spirits up other than to pursue a cause, even if, once found, knowing the cause is of no help. If you've not yet visited their site, you might want to check out the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy; also (and maybe especially) the Foundation's YouTube site, where you'll find dozens of informative videos. Good luck to you! And again, welcome! ––Ray (@ray666)


Hello @rca, Welcome to Connect. I know it must be difficult dealing with the pain and not having any close friends or family around to help when needed to go somewhere. It sounds like your back surgery was done to relieve the pressure on the nerves. Hopefully you will get some relief from the pain with time as the surgeon mentioned.

How long has it been since you had your surgery?

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Thank you for your response. I am not on my computer often as I must do many things throughout the day.
My back surgery was on Jan. 30th. The Pain did go away but the numbness did not. The surgeon mentioned that the numbness may take months to go away, but I no longer have pain. Anyway, I would like to go to an event this Friday night. It's a dinner cruise on the Boston Harbar for alumni of Suffolk University. 7 - 10 pm.

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