Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

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Hello. I just joined here and am just learning how to navigate the site.
I have peripheral neuropathy with no diagnosis as to the reason for it. So I am looking for pain relief or a possible cure. I am on 1200 gr a day of Gabapenten, but it is not doing a lot for the pain, especially by the end of the day. Any suggestions?


Hello. I just joined here and am just learning how to navigate the site.
I have peripheral neuropathy with no diagnosis as to the reason for it. So I am looking for pain relief or a possible cure. I am on 1200 gr a day of Gabapenten, but it is not doing a lot for the pain, especially by the end of the day. Any suggestions?

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Welcome @jeanm1, Sorry to hear the gabapentin isn't controlling the neuropathy pain. I also have idiopathic small fiber PN but only have the numbness and no pain so medication is off the list of anything that helps for me. I shared my story in another discussion here - It's good to learn as much as you can about your condition and what treatment options are available that might provide relief. Here are my two favorite reference sites for learning:

--- Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy:
--- Neuropathy Commons:

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has a pretty comprehensive list of complementary and alternative treatments here -

Have you looked into any alternative treatments?


Welcome @jeanm1, Sorry to hear the gabapentin isn't controlling the neuropathy pain. I also have idiopathic small fiber PN but only have the numbness and no pain so medication is off the list of anything that helps for me. I shared my story in another discussion here - It's good to learn as much as you can about your condition and what treatment options are available that might provide relief. Here are my two favorite reference sites for learning:

--- Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy:
--- Neuropathy Commons:

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has a pretty comprehensive list of complementary and alternative treatments here -

Have you looked into any alternative treatments?

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Thank you for your reply. It is interesting that my sister also has neuropathy and is also not diabetic. However, she experiences numbness more than pain.
I am presently about to research if CBD oil might help.


Welcome @jeanm1, Sorry to hear the gabapentin isn't controlling the neuropathy pain. I also have idiopathic small fiber PN but only have the numbness and no pain so medication is off the list of anything that helps for me. I shared my story in another discussion here - It's good to learn as much as you can about your condition and what treatment options are available that might provide relief. Here are my two favorite reference sites for learning:

--- Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy:
--- Neuropathy Commons:

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has a pretty comprehensive list of complementary and alternative treatments here -

Have you looked into any alternative treatments?

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My neurologist has suggested I can try a different medication if I want to, but warning that every medication has it's side effects. Since I have not had any side effects from the Gabapentin, I have decided to stay on it for now. Some days are better than others, but some days leave me wondering if I should be switching to something else. I don't like taking any more medication than necessary. I do wonder if more exercise like walking, would help or aggravate
the condition?


My neurologist has suggested I can try a different medication if I want to, but warning that every medication has it's side effects. Since I have not had any side effects from the Gabapentin, I have decided to stay on it for now. Some days are better than others, but some days leave me wondering if I should be switching to something else. I don't like taking any more medication than necessary. I do wonder if more exercise like walking, would help or aggravate
the condition?

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I'm no expert but I think it helps some but may depend on how strenuous or how long. I try to exercise at least 30 to 45 minutes daily although I sometimes miss a day or two. Here's some references on the topic.

--- Benefits of exercise intervention in reducing neuropathic pain:
--- How to Exercise Safely With Neuropathy:


My neurologist has suggested I can try a different medication if I want to, but warning that every medication has it's side effects. Since I have not had any side effects from the Gabapentin, I have decided to stay on it for now. Some days are better than others, but some days leave me wondering if I should be switching to something else. I don't like taking any more medication than necessary. I do wonder if more exercise like walking, would help or aggravate
the condition?

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I believe exercise can/does help.
Was diagnosed with PN on April 7th, 2023.
I do water walking, water aerobics, biking, walking, and weight training.
I have found I have better circulation in my limbs!
I have recently noticed numbness in my left, upper back.
I think, if we keep moving, we can slow down the process concerning PN.
Just M.H.O. I am not a Dr. or N.P.
Hope this helps! Pat


I'm no expert but I think it helps some but may depend on how strenuous or how long. I try to exercise at least 30 to 45 minutes daily although I sometimes miss a day or two. Here's some references on the topic.

--- Benefits of exercise intervention in reducing neuropathic pain:
--- How to Exercise Safely With Neuropathy:

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m my iPhoneOn Jun 4, 20=
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I believe exercise can/does help.
Was diagnosed with PN on April 7th, 2023.
I do water walking, water aerobics, biking, walking, and weight training.
I have found I have better circulation in my limbs!
I have recently noticed numbness in my left, upper back.
I think, if we keep moving, we can slow down the process concerning PN.
Just M.H.O. I am not a Dr. or N.P.
Hope this helps! Pat

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Sounds like a good plan but is often diffic=
ult since I live in a winter climate.  Getting out for a walk can be co=
ld and hazardous under foot!  So I have taken to stair walking, which i=
s also boring!Sent from my iPhoneOn Jun 4, 2023, at 5:42 PM, Mayo Clinic C=
onnect <


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Thank you!Sent fro=
m my iPhoneOn Jun 4, 20=
23, at 5:38 PM, Mayo Clinic Connect <nf+81d0ef79+154222640@n1.hubapplicat=> wrote:=EF=BB=BF


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Hi @jeanm1, When you reply to an email notification like you would a normal email, your post will have all this extra coding in it from your mail program. It's best to click the VIEW & REPLY button at the bottom of the email notification and then you can type in the reply box below the post.

Hope this helps!


I just "contracted neuropathy about 2 months ago, when my legs started to percolate and buzz from the knee to the foot, burning and sizzling when I'm lying down. My legs hurt when I walk very far or try to stand in one place. I'm best sitting down. I'm taking Gabapentin and too many Tylenols or aspirin at night, when it's worst.

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