How about a laugh, (hopefully)

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Dec 31, 2018

I believe laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has actually been scientifically proven to help people with depression issues.
Let’s give it a try so we can all get happy and feel better. Many Epilepsy forums I’ve been on had joke sections. I was probably the biggest joke of all since I didn’t get a lot of the jokes. They said the jokes couldn’t be above 4th grade level for me to understand them so my jokes may be rather simplistic but let’s give it a try.
Have a lovely day everyone,

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A little girl was asked what she wanted most for her birthday and she declared: “A baby brother.”
“Daddy and I would like to give you a baby brother,” said her mom, “but there isn’t enough time before your birthday.”
“Why don’t you do like they do at Daddy’s factory when they want something in a hurry? Put more men on the job.”



Thanks for the memory. I’ve watched the original on TCM when it was on about a year or so ago. If anyone has Netflix, I recommend a four part documentary called Chimp Empire which will really bring home how alike we are.
The current oldest chimp at that time was 65. I learned some amazing things about their day to day life and how territorial and political they are….it was an extremely absorbing and sometimes tense viewing because you didn’t know what was going to happen next with the alpha males.

FL Mary



Thanks for the memory. I’ve watched the original on TCM when it was on about a year or so ago. If anyone has Netflix, I recommend a four part documentary called Chimp Empire which will really bring home how alike we are.
The current oldest chimp at that time was 65. I learned some amazing things about their day to day life and how territorial and political they are….it was an extremely absorbing and sometimes tense viewing because you didn’t know what was going to happen next with the alpha males.

FL Mary

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Used to be my highlight of my trips to the San Diego Zoo when I lived in the area going to electronics school on the Navy base. What surprised me was how smart they are and watching what they did and how they tricked some stupid people teasing them. They are pretty accurate slinging the poo. 🤣



Thanks for the memory. I’ve watched the original on TCM when it was on about a year or so ago. If anyone has Netflix, I recommend a four part documentary called Chimp Empire which will really bring home how alike we are.
The current oldest chimp at that time was 65. I learned some amazing things about their day to day life and how territorial and political they are….it was an extremely absorbing and sometimes tense viewing because you didn’t know what was going to happen next with the alpha males.

FL Mary

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I watched the same 4-part series a couple of weeks ago on Netflix. The parallels to human behavior are remarkable. If you didn't know they were chimps, you might think they were humans. Cheeta lived with people, but these chimps lived on their own and formed independent societies. I think it's really worth watching.


Used to be my highlight of my trips to the San Diego Zoo when I lived in the area going to electronics school on the Navy base. What surprised me was how smart they are and watching what they did and how they tricked some stupid people teasing them. They are pretty accurate slinging the poo. 🤣

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They are intelligent primates that exhibit the same traits as humans. I think they watch us as much as we watch them. You might want to watch Chimp Empire that Mary recommended.


Well, I'm wandering far away from funny, but this topic seems to interest a lot of us...
Back in the Stone Age when I was in school, they used to say that the difference between humans and animals was the use of language and the use of tools. Given what we know and are learning now, I wonder what the official difference is now...maybe none?

Hmm, pooh-throwing sounds a lot like tool use, among 7 year old boys! What do you think, John? Did the chimps at the SDZoo laugh when they hit their targets?

Have a great day, everyone! Thanks for the laughs and interesting thoughts! (Making me wish that I had Netflix!)


Well, I'm wandering far away from funny, but this topic seems to interest a lot of us...
Back in the Stone Age when I was in school, they used to say that the difference between humans and animals was the use of language and the use of tools. Given what we know and are learning now, I wonder what the official difference is now...maybe none?

Hmm, pooh-throwing sounds a lot like tool use, among 7 year old boys! What do you think, John? Did the chimps at the SDZoo laugh when they hit their targets?

Have a great day, everyone! Thanks for the laughs and interesting thoughts! (Making me wish that I had Netflix!)

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They did make a joyful noise 🐵🙈🙉🙊


And Jane replied to Tarzan, "Oops! I guess I shouldn't have waxed the vine when I did the floors."

(Lagrange, that was a good one!)

Does anybody remember the name of Tarzan's monkey?(It wasn't "Maguillicuddy," but my brain is itching again anyway.) Their son was called "Boy," right?

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No. The chimpanzees name was Cheetah! Lol


Well, I'm wandering far away from funny, but this topic seems to interest a lot of us...
Back in the Stone Age when I was in school, they used to say that the difference between humans and animals was the use of language and the use of tools. Given what we know and are learning now, I wonder what the official difference is now...maybe none?

Hmm, pooh-throwing sounds a lot like tool use, among 7 year old boys! What do you think, John? Did the chimps at the SDZoo laugh when they hit their targets?

Have a great day, everyone! Thanks for the laughs and interesting thoughts! (Making me wish that I had Netflix!)

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You aren't really wandering far from funny. Monkey business is funny business.


My new favorite:

Exercise??? I thought you said EXTRA FRIES!!!

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