Post-Covid dizziness/off-balance, as most troubling symptom

Posted by kirstenk2003 @kirstenk2003, Mar 30, 2022

I contracted Covid in December 2021 and am currently dealing with persistent dizziness (off balance, sometimes feels like swaying, rocking, spinning, or a pull to one side). My other most bothersome symptoms are ear ringing, headaches (pressure in the head), feelings of pressure change in my ears, trouble multitasking or thinking, along with developing anxiety/ depression and some elevated heart rate and blood pressure.

Dizziness was not a symptom of my initial infection. I developed dizziness (not BPPV) around January 15th. I saw a physical therapist who determined I had Vestibular Hypofunction and I began vestibular therapy. It seemed to be working and I even returned to my office job for about 3 weeks, restricted hours. Two weeks ago I began feeling worse again. My physical therapist believes my initial issue has improved - so he doesn't know what's causing my current onset of symptoms. I started an antihistamine to combat any allergy related ear fluid, along with an anxiety medication to try and improve my blood pressure and heart rate.

I'm going to see an ENT next, and hope that I haven't waited too long to try other remedies (if there are any). Has anyone else experienced this overwhelming dizziness and had positive results with treatment or answers as to the cause? I'm scared that this is going to be how I feel forever.

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Hello Everyone, I got covid 19 in March 2020. I ended up in the ER emergency room with severe Vertigo. I could not get up out of bed, had to crawl to the bathroom like a snake. Could not lift my head up pass my waist without throwing up. Severe headache with the vertigo. They gave me Meclizine. "Meclizine is used to prevent and control nausea, vomiting, and dizziness caused by motion sickness. It is also used for vertigo (dizziness or lightheadedness) caused by ear problems. Meclizine is an antihistamine. It works to block the signals to the brain that cause nausea, vomiting, and dizziness." After about two days in the hospital on meclizine I was able to come home. I still had nausea, dizziness and vertigo just not as bad. I went to see ENT. Everything was fine. I went to a PT for epley maneuver made it worst for me. I also tried the semont maneuver, Brandt-Daroff exercise. They only one I was able to to do was the Half Somersault or Foster Maneuver. Because I was too dizzy I could lay down on my back. The Half Somersault or Foster Maneuver helped my also. My vertigo is pretty much gone. I still have the dizzy, and lightheadedness when standing up from a sitting position and it feels like I am going to pass out. I had changed my diet. I drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. Eat every couple of hours so my blood sugar doesn't drop. I will have a Belvita breakfast cookie, a smoothie using soy milk. The soy milk seems to help me alot. I will have a hard boil egg, or a toasted whole grain or sprouted bread with Avocado and sunny side egg on top of it. I will also have chicken salad on the whole grain or wheat toast. Other foods to eat: Salads, chicken, turkey, beef, protein drinks, breakfast drinks, etc. I think you get the pictures. I am sure you all are doing the same. I just needed someone to talk to that can relate to me. Because everyone thinks I am crazy or it is all in my mind. I had to change everything about my food intake just to function during the day. Thank you for listening! I hope we all get well and recover from this Covid-19.

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I'm with you and you're not alone and surely not crazy. In fact, it's really in our head when one feels dizzy:) Staying hydrated and eating well helps. Stress is surely another factor and I manage it via yoga/meditation/or whatever makes me laugh.

In my case, the typical med for vertigo doesn't work. Two doctors said what I've is BPPV (Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) and one referred me to physical therapy which has a long wait in my area/network. Took up the challenge to search on the web what's available while I'm still dizzy/feel like vomiting constantly. (Looking at a rolling screen; monitor or cell phone, makes me feel more dizzy) I landed in a chiropractic care that has one doctor who specializes in neuro. After a comprehensive exam, it's confirmed not BPPV (no response to the epley maneuver at all, ear is fine, nothing stands out that will trigger the spinning sensation) The diagnosis is PPPD (Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness)

Going through chiro/neuro therapy and also keeping up on a healthy diet/walking routines. Getting better as day goes.

We will get well and recover from Covid-19.


I am finding that taking Meclazine 3 time per day is reducing my dizziness and I am walking better. Has anyone else tried this antihistamine? If so, what were your results? I have a long way to go to get back to some sort of normalcy, but at least I have experienced a small bit of improvement.


Thanks, I notice it a lot on days I'm not well rested also. I have struggled to work too, which is hard. I have moments throughout the day where I feel good, but then back to dizzy. I'm nervous to push myself too hard and go back to work. I tried Meclizine (similar, for motion sickness), but it didn't seem to help much and makes me so sluggish and tired. Thanks for your replies, I hope we both feel better soon.

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I am trying Meclazine now. I see some slight improvement, but no where near back to normal. But, I am thankful for any improvement.


i think my dizziness is because my head/sinuses feel clogged all the time, it feels like i'm walking around drunk all the time, i haven't had any alcohol in ages...i have never had this before covid...


I developed “brain fog “ once covid left me. Lightheaded and sometimes dizziness was difficult to get over so my doctor advised physical and occupational therapy. The therapy helped with my balance and restored the strength I had lost in my legs. After about a month the “ brain fog “ didn’t stop much but it’s better than what it was and the new strength in my legs kept me from falling over but it had caused me to use a cane and I’m relying less and less on it but I take it with me everywhere I go.


I am so sorry you are having these issues!
I got covid for 1st time 12/27/22 it was like a really bad cold. I recovered within a couple weeks but fatigue persisted. Then I started having bouts of dizziness & vertigo. My situation is complex because I had my right vestibular nerve 4 years ago due to Meniere’s & intractable vertigo (resolved)
Recently my dizziness, balance issues became suddenly severe & now I my feet can’t find the floor.
I was just diagnosed with Bilateral vestibular hypo-function & started VRT therapy. It’s devastating to lose all the progress I had made!


You ate not alone. A low histamine diet and sugar elimination has helped me tremendously. I eventually added regular eating back in but it took a long time. I still have issues if I eat too much sugar. You can do it!


One night a few months ago I started feeling like I was coming down with a cold or the flu. I use a CPAP machine to add to my inability to breathe normally and my machine’s ability to keep up with me became more and more difficult.

It was so bad that I was taken to the nearest emergency room. They checked my breathing difficulties and prescribed oxygen which barely helped.
I felt like I was in a crisis. Scared to death. A swab test in the emergency room and additional blood work determined that I had covid.

I spent the next 10 days in the hospital fighting for my life. I eventually got better and was thinking how glad I was that I took 2 vaccines and 2 boosters.

Wether you’re an antivaxxer or not is a personal choice. For me, I felt that it worked as I may have died. Sorry for going off topic as this is a c-pap room.

Speending 10 days laying in a hospital bed in the hospital I lost my ability to walk. I couldn’t even stand with a walker so I was sent to 12 days in rehab.
I didn’t have my c-pap all that time but it felt ok. Eventually I got off the walker and started walking again with a cane.

I was discharged from rehab and now an occupational therapist and a physical therapist come to my home to continue my therapy. I can walk a long distance without my cane whew! But I drag it along “just in case. I forget to use it sometimes. I’m doing really well.

Brain fog eventually came back along with occasional dizziness, headaches and generalized weakness and fatigue.

My c-pap machine is a RESMED AIRSENSE 11. The best kind. It sends a signal to my pulmonologist’s office through Bluetooth and I have an app to show me how I did the night before. It auto-starts at 4 and ramps up to 10. I find that I can no longer breathe comfortably at 10. It chokes me. I have a Telehealth appointment so he can lower the ten to an 8 and see what happens. A c-pap is no fun. My pillow nose piece leaks, my head gear straps loosen up , my hose wraps around my head and neck and it is generally very uncomfortable and irritating.

I have 1 to 2 instances per night. I only wear it so I don’t keep people awake by my snoring pretty loud. I’m thinking I don’t need it. I’ve been back to feeling
Lightheaded and some dizziness and fatigued. I’m blaming long covid as the culprit. It won’t leave me alone.


I have had dizziness to the point of falling down without a cane. This has been going on for 3 years and I can't seem to find a specialist to help diagnose the problem or propose some treatment except for therapy. I have done maybe 5 series of therapies plus a special balance therapy. So far there has been no improvement. Anyone got any suggestions or recommendations?


Any positive changes for anyone? Has anyone found relief with anything new?
I am scheduled to have a test done called a VNG to see if it shows anything with my inner ear issues I guess. I'm wondering if it's worthwhile to see a Neurologist?

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What kind of doctor is doing a VNG? Is it a ENT? I have had this dizziness and inability to walk well for 3 years and a bunch of doctors appointments, but no one has ever sent me to an ENT.

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