Continued Post-Nasal Drip and Constant Mucus in Throat

Posted by adominic @adominic, Mar 22, 2022

I was sick the last week or January/first week of February. Home Test-negative, rapid PCR-negative. All COVID symptoms and known prolonged exposure to infected individuals make me believe it was COVID. Since then, I have had a tremendously hard time dealing with post-nasal drip and mucus collecting in my throat. It is clear, sticky and almost impossible to remove from throat by coughing or clearing my throat. Flonase does nothing, allergy pills do nothing. Had anyone else had an issue like this post COVID? How long did it last? What did you do to cope? Small problem in comparison to others that post here, I realize.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

Since I've had this problem post covid (Dec. 2020) and never had a problem before, I've tried many things. I don't think there are enough waking hours to fit in all the different things I've tried.
In reading about it on You Tube, I think mine may be more virus (long covid?) related or a fungus. It was recommended to use Oil of Oregano in the neti pot. I'm trying this tonight.


Since I've had this problem post covid (Dec. 2020) and never had a problem before, I've tried many things. I don't think there are enough waking hours to fit in all the different things I've tried.
In reading about it on You Tube, I think mine may be more virus (long covid?) related or a fungus. It was recommended to use Oil of Oregano in the neti pot. I'm trying this tonight.

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Let us know how that works for you Sheebacat. We all are looking for the magic to cure this stuff.


I tried Zyrtec and many other antihistamines. They don’t work that great.I think the steroids may be a plus for our problem. I’m going to try that Flonase longer than I did before and see what happens. I will try Mucinex also and see what that does. It’s trial and error for us. 🦙

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I've found that the post Covid sinuses issues do better with Aztilin nasal antihistamine. Just two quick sprays up each nostril and pinch sides of nose with head down for a minute then let go and sniff, helps sinuses pressure and runny nose better than anything followed by Zicam nasal swabs.


When I had a probable case of covid in Feb/March 2020 I dealt with coughing and mucous for weeks after other symptoms subsided. I started taking DoTerra OnGuard capsules and they alleviated the symptoms rapidly. I have no idea how or why they worked. They are for
immune support and I have taken them ever since then. I notice that I have less sinus and allergy issues than I used to have when taking the OnGuard. Recently, I putzed around about ordering more OnGuard when mine ran out. I dealt with some kind of virus the past two weeks that tested negative for covid (although I fear it could have actually been covid) and seemed likely to create a sinus infection. Thankfully, I successfully kept it from becoming a sinus infection with use of the neti-pot nasal irrigation, as well as decongestant, musinex, and ibuprofen. I ordered the OnGuard and restarted it this past week. I am now dealing with the last of the mucous and plan to continue taking the OnGuard.


I had this too, and took probiotics which helped a lot.


omg! I have finally found some hope with this thread! I tested positive for Covid on May 25th and the thickest mucus in my throat was the 1st sign and its been horrible since. I did develop a very bad sore throat but the worst of Covid was over in about a week but here I am now 7/8/22 and the white coating in the back of my throat with feeling like I always have something in my throat is lingering and driving me NUTS! I have been to the ENT twice and had scopes done and was dx with gerd/lpr and on meds now for that but I had this as a first symptom so does it just turn into gerd/lpr and any hopes of how long this stays or how to get it to go? I have tried everything and I just keep hearing Long Covid but it takes time and I am praying for something to make it go! I am starting massages. chiropractor and even acupuncture...trying ALL the things! I did buy that Mucus-Clear stuff I saw on Amazon, it has amazing reviews but only had a few days so can't speak on that yet!

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have you had any relief yet?


Since I've had this problem post covid (Dec. 2020) and never had a problem before, I've tried many things. I don't think there are enough waking hours to fit in all the different things I've tried.
In reading about it on You Tube, I think mine may be more virus (long covid?) related or a fungus. It was recommended to use Oil of Oregano in the neti pot. I'm trying this tonight.

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I have used the Neti pot twice now with one drop of Oregano oil. It's almost unbearably painful so I can't say anything good yet. Yesterday I put two drops in a pot of steaming water. The inhalation was rough at first then felt better. Today is good so far.


So glad I found this site! It is not a good feeling to think I was alone and going crazy! Hopefully recounting my experience can help someone who is exhibiting a similar pattern.

It's been about 6 weeks since day 1 of covid (retested at 3 weeks and negative for covid) and I am still having this thick mucus. Tried: Neti pot, benadryl, cetirizine, guaifenesin. It alleviated the symptoms, but did not make it go away.

As a 4th year acupuncture student, I needled myself, which helped (especially with the anxiety this was causing) as well as prescribed herbs for myself starting 2 weeks ago. It seemed to be helping, but last week, I was just at wits end that this was lingering for so long and decided to check out what was wrong with me at the local health clinic.

The NP did not do much except palpate for the enlarged lymph node under my right jaw which was decreasing in size. It is now gone. She gave me a steriod shot of decadron followed by a 6 day pill pack of methylprednisolone, thinking it might be allergies. Unfortunately, it did not do anything. I started taking oregano oil tablets recently (my sister's friend said that was the only thing which helped her finally get rid of a seemingly endless cold). It seems if oregano oil works, then it might be a fungal infection, and the steroids I had taken would not have helped, but made it worse.

It is possible that I may have been on my way to recovery until that week of taking steroids as it halted whatever progress I was making with the herbs. I stopped taking the herbs during the steroid pack to try to isolate what is beneficial and what is not. I will update everyone on the oregano oil and/or herbs. Thank you for everyone sharing their stories and what helped them!


Cromolyn nasal spray on Amazon… works and also helps w brain fog!


Cromolyn nasal spray on Amazon… works and also helps w brain fog!

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