High Coronary Calcium Score: How do others feel emotionally?

Posted by mcphee @mcphee, Dec 14, 2016

I have a calcium score of 1,950 which is extremely high which means I am at a very high risk for a cardiac event,heart attack,stroke or sudden death.

I take a statin and baby aspirin. I have never been sick, have excellent cholesterol, low blood pressure and I am not overweight. I have no other health problems and I have never been sick. But I feel like a walking time bomb which has caused me a lot of stress. I am 70 yrs old.

I wonder how others with this condition feel emotionally?

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try Praluent also or look into it. i had a high calcium score (462 and I'm nearly 70) and doc put me on Praluent which is a twice-monthly injectible and my LDL dove down from 77 to 22 in one month. from what i know the trick is to get the LDL down so....so far, so good. i don't notice any side effects

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The key to good health is a good doctor you feel comfortable with. Please make sure your doctor supports your good health! If not, find another one.


My initial CAC score was 1014 in 2018 and I had a CTA with FFR a few weeks ago (not to get a new CAC score but that is part of the test) and I had a modest increase to 1185. No crazy diets or supplements, just a balanced diet and moderate exercise in addition to my rosuvastatin and zetia (LDL is 50). Unfortunately, the FFR in my LAD is down to 0.76 and my cardiologist said it is most likely unstentable. I just have to keep on doing what I'm doing and he'll continue to monitor me.

Also, if you have high CAC you may have the same mechanism affecting your cerebral arteries. I have been diagnosed with chronic microvascular ischemia in my brain and MRI's show areas of brain cell death as well as lacunar strokes. You also might want to have your carotids checked, I have up to 39% blockage there as of 2018 as well.

Good luck!

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Hi @keithl56

Sounds like you are doing well! Good for you---I think many people often for good reason panic and look for every pill to take to reduce their risk. What ever someone wants to do in my book is their business--it seems like you took some stress out of your life by being balanced and taking a prescribed med. Out of curiosity---what age were you with a CAC of 1014 in 2018?


Hi @keithl56

Sounds like you are doing well! Good for you---I think many people often for good reason panic and look for every pill to take to reduce their risk. What ever someone wants to do in my book is their business--it seems like you took some stress out of your life by being balanced and taking a prescribed med. Out of curiosity---what age were you with a CAC of 1014 in 2018?

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61 yo


I’m in similar position as you. High score - 1602 - good cholesterol, sugar and weight. Age 63. I eat well for the most part. I was very upset too but my doctor explained that it’s just one marker for risk. I have been taking a statin and he added Zetia. He didn’t seem terribly concerned about it. I have also read that statins can raise your calcium score. Doc really wouldn’t comment on that. Makes me wonder if the test is the best option when you’re taking a statin. Causes a lot of anxiety if it comes back with a high score.

In reply to @keithl56 "61 yo" + (show)

Glad your doing well!


I think for me getting a calcium score was a wake up call--my was not horrible compared to many, but it made me think about the bigger picture. Their is a saying by Confucius “We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one.” I modified this quote a little bit in my mind. I believe we have two lives---the first we are born into, the second is when we learn we are not immortal. For me that 2nd life opportunity is eating better, exercising, taking meds when necessary and trying not to stress too much. CAC scores is but one part of the equation.

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It certainly was a wakeup call for me and started my second life.


I’m in similar position as you. High score - 1602 - good cholesterol, sugar and weight. Age 63. I eat well for the most part. I was very upset too but my doctor explained that it’s just one marker for risk. I have been taking a statin and he added Zetia. He didn’t seem terribly concerned about it. I have also read that statins can raise your calcium score. Doc really wouldn’t comment on that. Makes me wonder if the test is the best option when you’re taking a statin. Causes a lot of anxiety if it comes back with a high score.

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People on Statin should not take this test. Will give you anxiety for no reason especially you are on Statin for a while. Statin increase calcium score 20 to 30% per year. Read
“ how statins can increase calcium scores while reducing cardiac risk” in very well health.com
And also read
“ the annual rate of coronary artery calcification with combination therapy with a PCSK9 inhibitor and a statin is lower than that statin mono therapy “ in nature.com


People on Statin should not take this test. Will give you anxiety for no reason especially you are on Statin for a while. Statin increase calcium score 20 to 30% per year. Read
“ how statins can increase calcium scores while reducing cardiac risk” in very well health.com
And also read
“ the annual rate of coronary artery calcification with combination therapy with a PCSK9 inhibitor and a statin is lower than that statin mono therapy “ in nature.com

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Totally agree. Unfortunately I didn’t know this before I had the test. Thank you for the reading suggestions!


People on Statin should not take this test. Will give you anxiety for no reason especially you are on Statin for a while. Statin increase calcium score 20 to 30% per year. Read
“ how statins can increase calcium scores while reducing cardiac risk” in very well health.com
And also read
“ the annual rate of coronary artery calcification with combination therapy with a PCSK9 inhibitor and a statin is lower than that statin mono therapy “ in nature.com

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I disagree.

Why would information that can be related, not be useful? Sure CAC will likely go up in statins, but the level is still useful.


My initial CAC score was 1014 in 2018 and I had a CTA with FFR a few weeks ago (not to get a new CAC score but that is part of the test) and I had a modest increase to 1185. No crazy diets or supplements, just a balanced diet and moderate exercise in addition to my rosuvastatin and zetia (LDL is 50). Unfortunately, the FFR in my LAD is down to 0.76 and my cardiologist said it is most likely unstentable. I just have to keep on doing what I'm doing and he'll continue to monitor me.

Also, if you have high CAC you may have the same mechanism affecting your cerebral arteries. I have been diagnosed with chronic microvascular ischemia in my brain and MRI's show areas of brain cell death as well as lacunar strokes. You also might want to have your carotids checked, I have up to 39% blockage there as of 2018 as well.

Good luck!

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Thank you for sharing.

I am a bit freaked out myself with a CAC score of 583 at the age of 65.

I read that vitamin K and D3 help to move the calcium to the where it should go and not into the arteries. Did you take any supplements?

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