Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group
Welcome to the Neuropathy group.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet other people who are dealing with neuropathy. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with neuropathy, coping with the challenges and offering tips.
I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentor John (@johnbishop) and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.
We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
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Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.
I’m 67 yrs old and was a fit adult. I came down with muscle soreness in shoulders, hips, back etc, Jan 5th out of the blue. I’m in the process of getting evaluated for the cause but all signs seem to point to PMR? I’m not a doctor , so I don’t want to make that evaluation. My Dr. has put me on Prednisone and that’s the only relief I get. My question is , can you function with this condition and Meds? The pain is unreal.
Hi @claude67,
There is a group here on Connect dedicated to PMR which may be helpful for you:
It also needs to be known and understood that some RX meds can cause Peripheral Neuropathy. These include Ciprofloxacin, , Levaquin and other anti-biotics in a class of drugs called Fluoroquinolones. I mean they are poison and Doctors prescribe them regularly giving folks Neuropathy. Mine was toes first and eventually involved all of both feet. Also some in hands. Burning, stinging, pin pricking and feel like you are on Fire.
I finished taxcel 3 months ago. I had 12 sessions of tacxel weekly, with herceptin/perjeta every 3 weeks.. I did have ice on my feet and fingers. It didn’t seem to help. I was told at one of my consult appointments that the icing should begin half hour before and half hour after treatment. Scheduling at treatment didn’t allow for that and was then told they never heard of that and never do that. But I don’t think I could have tolerated more coldness. I am getting only herceptin now every 3 weeks. Neuropathy is in my toes, fingertips and tongue. Fingernails are extremely dry and a couple are coming apart from the skin underneath. I’ve been rubbing coconut oil, which seems to help some.
Welcome @becky70, It sounds like you might experiencing neuropathy symptoms from your treatment. I'm wondering if you might find the following discussions helpful:
--- Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: What helps get rid of it?:
--- Baclofen for Chemo-induced Peripheral Neuropathy?:
--- Chemo-induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Breast Cancer:
Have you discussed the symptoms with care team to see if they might have some other suggestions?
I can relate to the burning feet!. I can't use Bio- Freeze but I use Aspercreme with Lidocane. Its oder free and it works for 12 hours, also non greasy. GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS
ice only makes the feet more numb-get with a pt who specializes in neuropathy to learn exercises that can help you and take one half a pill of Effexor 2x a day as your med is not working-Michael Storman
Have you or anyone else been using Horizant (gabapentin enocarbil) for neuropathy pain?
Hi, I have been diagnosed with severe large fiber sensory polyneuropathy and have been advised there are no treatment options by two different neurologists.
Hello @cmdont, Welcome to Connect. I know there are no cures for neuropathy but I'm sure there are treatments for your symptoms to provide some relief. The trick is to find out what works for you. I think you might find the following discussion helpful:
--- Diagnosed with moderate/severe poly neuropathy: sensory motor:
Have you done any research on complementary or alternative treatments?