Baclofen for Chemo-induced Peripheral Neuropathy?

Posted by nodunk @nodunk, Aug 27, 2022

Trying this for Chemo Induced Peripheral Neuropathy. Approved for Multiple Sclerosis. Primary care doc thought it was worth a try. Duloxetine didn’t help as it does for some. Anyone else using Baclofen for pain?

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Hi @nodunk, We expanded your discussion title so that others will know what your dicussion is about and be able to share their experience with you. I don't have pain with my PN but have tried many topicals with little to no success for helping the numbness and tingling in my feet and legs. If I remember correctly you have tried lot of different treatments and done a lot of research which is good. Hopefully it will provide some relief for you.

Most of the articles I've found mentioned baclofen in a topical containing baclofen, amitriptyline and ketamine. Is the baclofen part of a topical prescribed by your doctor or is it an over the counter product?


My understanding is that Baclofen affects the central nervous system. Medications like Gabapentin are used more for peripheral neuropathy. My doctor has me on a small dose of Baclofen for muscle spasms. It has helped. She wants to up my dose and I probably will before too long.


Hi @nodunk
I also have chemotherapy induced neuropathy, i have been taking baclofen for Trigeminal Neuralgia pre-chemotherapy, and therefore pre neuropathy. It does nothing for the neuropathy. I have used cold laser therapy for neurapathy and that had worked for the most part. (There are just so many other issues...)
I try to do every day:
Yoga (Happy feet yoga on youtube), myofascial massage, roll with a tiger tail and a hard ball, and I exercise. I was bitten by a tick last week and my neuropathy went full out pain. It has calmed down, but not to where it was. I can not do as much as I did until the rash from lyme disease calms down. I hope my IVig helps that heal faster along with everything else it does.


You are a trooper! Baclofen was a shot in the dark for my CIPN. I believe Neurofeedback if I can ever get it is the answer. Try water aerobics. I usually get 6 hours of relief after using the pool early every morning.


I’ve been taking oral Baclofen for over 20 years as an antispasmodic for my back and leg spasms. It has been beneficial in my opinion, although I still get periodic spasms but tolerable. I never had any expectations of complete relief but I’m good.

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