How about a laugh, (hopefully)

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Dec 31, 2018

I believe laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has actually been scientifically proven to help people with depression issues.
Let’s give it a try so we can all get happy and feel better. Many Epilepsy forums I’ve been on had joke sections. I was probably the biggest joke of all since I didn’t get a lot of the jokes. They said the jokes couldn’t be above 4th grade level for me to understand them so my jokes may be rather simplistic but let’s give it a try.
Have a lovely day everyone,

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LOL. Mary, so if you had to make things up in order to confess, you essentially were taught to lie to the priest. 😈 I also went to a parochial elementary school (1960s) where I learned guilt was the driving force behind every waking hour! 😂 “If you’re not doing it, you must be thinking it.”

As a child, that motivation has you flinching with any raised eyebrow, intake of breath or side eye glance from a teacher, minister, parent, etc.
One moment I remember so vividly was in church. My mom and I would always go to 7:30 AM service and right after was my Sunday school. We had a very strict, intimidating ‘old school’ minister and of course, he was also the principal of our school. This was after Easter and he was telling the story of Jesus coming to the Garden to Mary after resurrection. I had dozed off with my head in my mom’s lap and I remember hearing him, with his big booming voice say, “Lori, Wake up!” OMG. I shot up from my mom’s lap and was on the verge of tears waiting him to come down from the pulpit and grab my ear to take me off to his office. (Yes that happened to all of us at one time or another)

As a child, I didn’t realize the minister had said, “Mary, Wake up..,” that revelation came to me years later when hearing the story again at Easter. LOL. I even told my mom who cracked up. She had wondered why I shot up out of her lap like that and…that I never fell asleep in church again!

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This thread has me laughing so had the keyboard is jiggling! 1950's & 60's Catholic school girl here.

We used to get "days off" that our public school friends did not - think All Saints' Day (November 1st) or Holy Thursday & Easter Monday. So we would go and stand outside the windows' of their classrooms and yell "Hey Pagans! Nah-nah-nah we don't have school today and you do!" When our (very young) assistant pastor walked by and saw us, he stopped us but never ratted us out to "Father" or (the crabby old pastor) or "Sister" (the principal).

Year later, when he was a much-loved pastor of his own church, he still remembered that and several other incidents from my childhood and we had a good laugh.


The wife is sitting on the sofa reading a magazine when her husband walks in loaded down with guns and ammunition. A shotgun, revolver, 2 pistols and AK 47. "I'm revolting" ,says her husband angrily."
"I know you're revolting" she replies "but what are the guns for?" bah da boom


LOL. Mary, so if you had to make things up in order to confess, you essentially were taught to lie to the priest. 😈 I also went to a parochial elementary school (1960s) where I learned guilt was the driving force behind every waking hour! 😂 “If you’re not doing it, you must be thinking it.”

As a child, that motivation has you flinching with any raised eyebrow, intake of breath or side eye glance from a teacher, minister, parent, etc.
One moment I remember so vividly was in church. My mom and I would always go to 7:30 AM service and right after was my Sunday school. We had a very strict, intimidating ‘old school’ minister and of course, he was also the principal of our school. This was after Easter and he was telling the story of Jesus coming to the Garden to Mary after resurrection. I had dozed off with my head in my mom’s lap and I remember hearing him, with his big booming voice say, “Lori, Wake up!” OMG. I shot up from my mom’s lap and was on the verge of tears waiting him to come down from the pulpit and grab my ear to take me off to his office. (Yes that happened to all of us at one time or another)

As a child, I didn’t realize the minister had said, “Mary, Wake up..,” that revelation came to me years later when hearing the story again at Easter. LOL. I even told my mom who cracked up. She had wondered why I shot up out of her lap like that and…that I never fell asleep in church again!

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I have a lot of stories of growing up Catholic and being the product of 16 years of parochial education. We could form a club here lol. My “sanest” Catholic education was in college with Jesuit teachers, lay teachers and the smartest Sisters of Charity I have ever met. We were treated as young adults after the last president (a nun) retired. Had her in my first year and the restrictions were ridiculous. Everything changed in my second year when she was gone.

FL Mary going down memory lane and then off to the gym


If you have to go to the gym, don’t forget to take some candy or cookies. That will help make it a little more bearable.
Believe it or not, I also went to Parochial school until I was thrown out because of too many seizures. I don't have any stories to tell since I have no memory of those years although I bet there are some doozies.

1. There’s a new machine down at the gym today

I used it for an hour and felt sick, it’s great though, got everything, KitKats, M&Ms, Snickers, the lot!

2. My local gym costs $120 for an entire year

That’s $60 per visit, not a great deal.

3. I just saw some idiot at the gym

He put a water bottle in the Pringles holder on the treadmill.



"Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose girl."

The priest asks, "Is that you, little Joey Pagano?"

"Yes, Father, it is."

"And who was the girl you were with?"

"I can't tell you, Father. I don't want to ruin her reputation."

"Well, Joey, I'm sure to find out her name sooner or later so you may as well tell me now. Was it Tina Minetti?"

"I cannot say."

"Was it Teresa Mazzarelli?"

"I'll never tell."

"Was it Nina Capelli?"

"I'm sorry, but I cannot name her."

"Was it Cathy Piriano?"

"My lips are sealed."

"Was it Rosa DiAngelo, then?"

"Please, Father! I cannot tell you."

The priest sighs in frustration. "You're very tight lipped, and I admire that. But you've sinned and have to atone. You cannot be an altar boy now for 4 months. Now you go and behave yourself."

Joey walks back to his pew, and his friend Franco slides over and whispers, "What'd you get?"

"Four months vacation and five good leads..."

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I read this to my husband this morning at breakast. It is now lunchtime, and he is still laughing at the punchline!


If you have to go to the gym, don’t forget to take some candy or cookies. That will help make it a little more bearable.
Believe it or not, I also went to Parochial school until I was thrown out because of too many seizures. I don't have any stories to tell since I have no memory of those years although I bet there are some doozies.

1. There’s a new machine down at the gym today

I used it for an hour and felt sick, it’s great though, got everything, KitKats, M&Ms, Snickers, the lot!

2. My local gym costs $120 for an entire year

That’s $60 per visit, not a great deal.

3. I just saw some idiot at the gym

He put a water bottle in the Pringles holder on the treadmill.


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😂😂😂. Jake, I’m laughing so hard at your comments…. Too funny.


If you have to go to the gym, don’t forget to take some candy or cookies. That will help make it a little more bearable.
Believe it or not, I also went to Parochial school until I was thrown out because of too many seizures. I don't have any stories to tell since I have no memory of those years although I bet there are some doozies.

1. There’s a new machine down at the gym today

I used it for an hour and felt sick, it’s great though, got everything, KitKats, M&Ms, Snickers, the lot!

2. My local gym costs $120 for an entire year

That’s $60 per visit, not a great deal.

3. I just saw some idiot at the gym

He put a water bottle in the Pringles holder on the treadmill.


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I'm showing this to my gym teacher on Monday. I got thrown out of kindergarten for being uncooperative. I do remember wanting to draw and color when you had to go around the room with cymbals. I guess I refused but I did get in trouble with Mom because I was not suppose to walk home alone. Kinda of lacking on the public school's part. I generally was a good student but if Dad said I did not have to do anything, then I listened to him rather than the teacher. That didn't go over well. Got 2 weeks detention in high school during retreat when I hid a novel behind the saint's book I was suppose to be reading. I told teacher my dad said I could read any book in our library (2 floor to ceiling bookshelves on either side of fireplace). It was a novel about a French courtesan ...nicely told. I still got detention and had to write something stupid a hundred times every day after class.
These stories do belong in the "laugh" discussion. So funny now that I remember learning early on not to question nuns or teachers until I got to college. The tables have turned.......mmmmm

FL Mary


LOL. Mary, so if you had to make things up in order to confess, you essentially were taught to lie to the priest. 😈 I also went to a parochial elementary school (1960s) where I learned guilt was the driving force behind every waking hour! 😂 “If you’re not doing it, you must be thinking it.”

As a child, that motivation has you flinching with any raised eyebrow, intake of breath or side eye glance from a teacher, minister, parent, etc.
One moment I remember so vividly was in church. My mom and I would always go to 7:30 AM service and right after was my Sunday school. We had a very strict, intimidating ‘old school’ minister and of course, he was also the principal of our school. This was after Easter and he was telling the story of Jesus coming to the Garden to Mary after resurrection. I had dozed off with my head in my mom’s lap and I remember hearing him, with his big booming voice say, “Lori, Wake up!” OMG. I shot up from my mom’s lap and was on the verge of tears waiting him to come down from the pulpit and grab my ear to take me off to his office. (Yes that happened to all of us at one time or another)

As a child, I didn’t realize the minister had said, “Mary, Wake up..,” that revelation came to me years later when hearing the story again at Easter. LOL. I even told my mom who cracked up. She had wondered why I shot up out of her lap like that and…that I never fell asleep in church again!

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Lol, I was in Mary’s camp! Very small town, no Parochial school existed, one Saturday evening mass, one Sunday morning, and a close knit group of Catholics that our Priest was regular at family and other social events. As children I wouldn’t say we “lied” to the Priest during confession, it’s just that you would have to scrape up the same old things every week that might not have necessarily fallen under the definition of sin per the commandments. A court of law would have thrown the cases out. Sure, the most common confession of “I sassed my parents” fell under not honoring our Mother’s and Fathers, but letting a boy kiss me, not doing all of my homework, and teasing someone are questionable as to where they fell 🤗. Then we we became older teens and maybe things with a boy went past first base, we fell into omitting sins because we knew we’d just never be able to look Father Ed in the eye again when we saw him outside of the confessional! So we’d save those confessions for road trip visits to another Catholic Church. A great religion, I still consider it mine overall, but open confession did strike up an inner turmoil with many of us!


A married man is shopping in a mall for a christmas present for
his wife because he had forgotten to buy it until the day
He walks into a pet store to get a unique and unusual
present for his wife. He looks through the categories of
animals, but can’t find anything, so he asks an assistant if
there is anything unique in the store because he needs to find
something quick.
The assistant thinks for awhile then says,”yes,
we have a parrot that can sing christmas carols.” The man
becomes ecstatic about this and asks the assistant to show him
the parrot.
As he is shown the parrot, the assistant tells him
that the parrot’s name is Chet and the parrot will only sing if
you warm up his feet with a match. So the assistant pulls out a
match and lights it, he then puts it under the parrots foot.
This causes the parrot to sing “Jingle bells”, and the man say,”
Wow, i’ve never seen anything like this.” The man then asks if
the parrot can sing anything else. The assistant puts the match
under Chet’s left foot. Chet then sings “silent night”. The man
is amazed and buys Chet.
He takes Chet home and shows his wife
everything that it can do, and she’s amazed. The wife asks what
would happen if they put the match between Chet’s legs. He
replies,” I don’t know, lets try it.” Without saying more they
light a match and put it between Chet’s legs. Then Chet clears
his throat and starts singing, Chet’s nuts roasting on an open fire…

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OMG-- Thanks for the laugh...and the groan! HAHA



I'm showing this to my gym teacher on Monday. I got thrown out of kindergarten for being uncooperative. I do remember wanting to draw and color when you had to go around the room with cymbals. I guess I refused but I did get in trouble with Mom because I was not suppose to walk home alone. Kinda of lacking on the public school's part. I generally was a good student but if Dad said I did not have to do anything, then I listened to him rather than the teacher. That didn't go over well. Got 2 weeks detention in high school during retreat when I hid a novel behind the saint's book I was suppose to be reading. I told teacher my dad said I could read any book in our library (2 floor to ceiling bookshelves on either side of fireplace). It was a novel about a French courtesan ...nicely told. I still got detention and had to write something stupid a hundred times every day after class.
These stories do belong in the "laugh" discussion. So funny now that I remember learning early on not to question nuns or teachers until I got to college. The tables have turned.......mmmmm

FL Mary

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Funny stories!
After Catholic grade school and high school, I went to Catholic college!
The well-educated nuns there LOVED tricky questions!

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