Body vibrations when falling asleep or waking?
After many google searches for the reason I feel vibration in my head, shoulder and arm just before falling asleep and waking, I found nothing that satisfactorily explained it. Of course anxiety seems to be a common explanation but there was nothing specific enough to help me. I am currently reading Incognito by David Eagleman. It discusses the functioning of the brain as an organ. This morning, going through my routine to get ready for work, I thought of a way to understand the vibrations. Similar to the hypnic jerks we experience occasionally just before we fall asleep, I think the vibrations are intended to arouse me to stay vigilant. Which is the fight or flight mechanism in action. So there is the anxiety connection. Originating in the amygdala. I was thinking Parkinson's or MS but my symptoms don't indicate those conditions, thankfully. It seems counterintuitive to be anxious and sleeping at the same time but the brain can do that. The cerebral cortex sleeps but the life support systems of the brain must stay online, obviously. If you thought you were in danger, sleeping would put you at risk but at some point sleep becomes absolutely necessary. I think the vibrations I have been experiencing are caused by my sympathetic nervous system and not a neurologic disease. Thankfully !
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Your symptoms are exactly like mine. 65 year old very healthy male and I have same vibrations at night in upper chest area as well. I am relieved to see others with same issues as I thought I had onset of PD initially and it freaked me out. Mine also happened about a month after 2nd booster. But I also had Covid 3 weeks before booster which now I'm wondering which one of these is really responsible. I'm done with any further boosters period. I've had this for 5 - 6 months now and was hoping it would go away eventually as booster wore off but not yet. Thanks for letting us know we are not alone.
Thanks for sharing! Years ago I used Remeron to help me sleep, and it was a Godsend (Trazadone caused my feet to swell). If you choose to go back on Remeron, hope it'll help!
@mamabear25, yes I am a vegetarian. I am 48 but can remember having these vibrations in 2009/2010 so I would have been mid 30s. I have had issues with my neck in the past due to a car wreck. I went to a chiropractor for a long time. The neck pain eventually subsided. Possibly I should go back to the chiropractor for a check up. I also have a lot of snoring not sure about sleep apnea. Additionally I have hypothyroidism and swelling in my ankle due to a previous break. I take a multivitamin, vitamin D, B complex, fish oil, E, occasionally biotin and a beef liver pill (vegetarian).
Wanted to share my experience after coming across this page. I’m a 32 year old female and vibrations started about a year ago for me. They seem to be related to times if increased stress, anxiety and panic attacks. For me, they happen only upon waking- it is an intense internal vibration in my head/brain, that radiates through my upper body and arms. Sometimes it’s so intense it takes a while to get my bearings. Even after getting up out of bed, the internal shaky feeling can last for an hour or so as it faded away. It first appeared at a time when I was having daily panic attacks and frequent migraines. I began a lexapro treatment and focused a lot on relaxation, meditation, etc. When this first started, I was terrified I was having a stroke or MS, or it was something awful. My Dr. even ordered an MRI which came back with absolutely nothing wrong with my brain. As my anxiety symptoms reduced, so did the weird vibrations and shakes upon waking up. (By the way, they are completely different than muscle twitches, spasms, or that feeling of falling when almost asleep. It’s hard to explain, but it’s like an intense shaking/vibrating brain sensation for me but I’m totally conscious of it happening) I went several months without the morning wake-up shakes until recently. They have been going on for about a week. It’s worth mentioning that my anxiety and panic attacks have also been happening this week. I’ve learned that stress and anxiety can absolutely cause the strangest physical symptoms in our bodies, and for some reason, this is a weird protection technique from my brain, thinking it’s helping to keep me safe haha. I’ve learned it’s not life-threatening, just annoying and if I can work on reducing the anxiety again, I’m hoping the vibrations will disappear again.
@edornton , @violinkat , I also had breast cancer. I had a double mastectomy, ovaries removed and a full hysterectomy. I have been taking Anastrozole for more than 5 years. I also use estradiol once or twice a week. My vibrations were occurring prior to breast cancer but I was starting to have hot flashes at that time. So, it still could have been the start of decreasing estrogen. The vibrations disappeared for quite a while but are back now and seem stronger. I am also a vegetarian. Years ago I had some neck issues due to a car wreck. My theories are that it is either hormonal, a vitamin deficiency, or something with my neck.
I have been having similar vibrations daily for the last 6 months, almost always when I transition into sleep or wake in the middle of the night.
It is not sleep myoclonus because it is a very gentle electrical vibration sometimes of my whole, and my body feels euphoric and peaceful. I’m going with the explanation that it’s a Spiritual Activation of my Pineal Gland, until I hear otherwise. 😊
I get a similar feeling of euphoria and body floating when I’m in deep meditation but without the vibrations.
It’s reassuring to hear that other people are having similar experiences.
I like it and hope it doesn’t go away, I believe it has a healing effect.
Did you have covid or vaccine before your vibrations started? I'm just curious. Happy to hear your okay with your issues, I frankly can't stand these night time vibrations. The more I read the more research is coming around about microclots in many due to Covid. I don't know if that applies in the vibration scenario as it seems to be more nerve related, maybe due to inflamation of the nerves but still waiting and hoping they determine exact cause so hopefully folks can deal with this. I will say after 5 months mine seems to be better although not gone by any means.
I had a mild case of CoVid April 2020 and I do remember thinking there was an electrical feel to it, could not exactly pinpoint why. I was required to get the vaccine due to my job, I’m a nurse, so I waited to the last possible minute and got the 1st jab in Oct 2021, the second in Dec 2021 and promptly came down with CoVid Jan 2022, and I was sick. I have been working around CoVid positive people since the start of this. I’ve also been tested twice weekly for almost three years.
The vibrations started June 2022, of course freaked me out but at the same time In my life I was at a peak for shamanic healing and spiritual work so I linked it to that. I still link it to that because as I said it usually comes with a state of peace and euphoria and I know that whenever the body/mind is in that state there is healing going on.
My meditation practice has also reached a new level.
I feel the best I’ve felt in my life. Despite the COVid garbage around me. I refuse to take on a spirit of fear in regards to it. I’ve worked too hard to gain my peace of mind and health to allow any more fears to creep in.
Interestingly enough, I’ve had the same kind of vibrations right at sleep very similar to yours. Also similarly, I have a history of atrial fibrillation and flutter and thought I was going into afib. To the point where I pulled out my Kardia mobile device and checked but was in sinus rhythm.
I do think there is some cardiac connection, not a dangerous one but potentially involving the vagus nerve which has a role in both heart rhythm, afib and also sleep.
No connections for me to covid or vaccines as I’ve had these long before either of those were around. That’s my situation anyway, anecdotal but we’re talking about the nervous system and a CNS phenomenon that involves beta waves potentially, the vagus nerve and possibly even small amounts of adrenaline being introduced during the sleeping process.
The human body is as terrifying as it is amazing and fascinating but I just have to say thank you for mentioning the afib sensation because it caused me a lot of panic this morning and knowing others have sensed that reaction falsely (thinking it’s a flutter or arrhythmia) will give me some peace of mind as I’m jerked out of slumber to this vibrating sensation. Best of luck to you, here’s to permanent sinus rhythm.
I also experience daily tremors, anytime between 2am and waking up. They are most noticeable when laying on my back but also happen when laying on the side and seem to affect my torso only. Since appearing several months ago, after I had all my 4 Covd shots, they did not go away since. Alcohol consumption seems to make the tremors stronger but even when not drinking at all they do not disappear. They feel roughly like an electric toothbrush when switched on and interestingly they are not exactly continous. Every few seconds they stop for a fraction of a second. My GP ordered blood tests which all came back fine. I have gotten used to the sensation but would love to know what causes it, so I will keep monitoring this forum. But reading through many of the comments here I don't think anyone has yet come up with a satisfactory explanation.