Low-grade fevers weeks after COVID: Is this common with long COVID?
I was hospitalized for COVID and home since 2/3. On 2/24 started to have low grade fevers in the evening. Tylenol takes care of the fever. I am on home oxygen still but improving. Mobility and strength is better. Important to note immunosuppression due to cancer therapy a year ago. Lymphocytes are still depleted. Is this common with long COVID?
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I know this is pretty old but I'm wondering if you ever found a cause and/or the fevers stopped? I first got covid Jan 2021 and it took 18 months for my body to return to normal. I had covid again 5 weeks ago and the daily low-grade fevers are back. I do not want another 18 month recovery period 🙁
How are you doing now? Any luck on getting rid of the fevers?
Then how about now, did you completely recover?
Covid January 2021, positive test, very sick for about two weeks, temp 101 - 102. A full recovery by March of 2021.
Woke up in the middle of the night with what felt like exaggerated symptoms of covid Aug 1 2022. Went to ER and tested negative. Doctors said they'd seen plenty "covid pneumonia" that tested negative, and diagnosed me with Covid Pneumonia from a lung MRI or CAT - cant remember which. Temp 100.1 . Over the next week or two I improved and fever was only in the 99's. No improvement since then (today 1/15/2023) - just steady malaise that comes and goes in various strengths. Fever sub-normal in the 97's or low 98's in the morning, and usually 99.5 to 99.9 about 3 or 4 in the afternoon till bedtime. I know them minute my temp goes from 98.6 (normal) to 98.7. Once fever crosses the normal to "just above normal" is the same "fever feeling" as higher 98.+? fever. When it gets to the 99's I KNOW it and feel worse.
My symptoms are brain fog and confusion( maybe because I am 79), occasional tremors, fatigue, shortness of breath , overwhelming desire to sleep at times when my fever is in the 99's, slight headache sometimes. I never sleep during the day as I already have trouble sleeping through the night. Wake up every night at two and four thirty and go back to sleep, up at 7 for the day, asleep by midnight every night. I'm a 79 year old female with Sjogren's, other auto-immune complications, arthritis, history of several pneumonias before covid. My recovery, although not complete, is a great surprise as doctors warned my history did not bode well for covid recovery. Not only was I vaccinated IMMEDIATELY upon each one becoming available, but always masked as well. Now I am still super isolated and careful, masked around everyone, no indoor restaurants, very little grocery shopping. Dr. appointments with every specialist one can think of are my social life. I live alone, and glad to have kids near enough to help if necessary. My mother was a nurse and a visionary. She said an invasive virus was in humanity's future once antibiotics became abundant. Although antibiotics treat bacteria, she felt the entire immune system would become affected so that viruses could thrive more easily.
I want so so much to get well. And I hope all of you out there get well too. 🙂
It’s been 9 months since I tested positive, and I still have a low grade fever that comes and goes, among other persistent symptoms.
Same here! 8 months out and persistent low grade temps with all the long covid symptoms that come and go.
I'm another one. I had COVID in August 2022 but still have a few long-COVID symptoms, primarily intermittent fatigue. What's puzzling me is a persistent elevated temperature. Pre-COVID, my steady-state body temp was 97.7. Since COVID, though, it's never lower than 99.0 and often rises to 100.0+ in the evenings. I've told my doctor, who basically said, "That's interesting. Maybe it will go away in a few months." Do I care?
I’m 37. Did your fevers end up going away? What happened? I’m so frustrated… 🙁
I just got it January 1 and don’t feel like myself yet. Slight fever tonight. It’s very discouraging. How you feeling? Please reach out when you get a chance.