Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Neuropathy group.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet other people who are dealing with neuropathy. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with neuropathy, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentor John (@johnbishop) and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
Let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What concerns would you like to talk about?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


Welcome @karleenhubley, I have numbness in the feet and legs but don't have any pain with my small fiber peripheral neuropathy. I also have had lower back issues since my mid 50s along with degenerative disk disease. I haven't even thought about back surgery but I'm guessing part of my numbness may be attributed to spinal compression on the nerves.

@jenniferhunter may have some thoughts or experience she can share with you on L5 and L5 surgery fixing nerve compression and relieving your symptoms.

When is your surgery?

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I am getting my second , a current MRI, Sept. 15. Then I will speak to a neurosurgeon that my doc. recommends. I will interview him and get another opinion. We must be self advocates.


I've had complete numbness of the entire right side of my face including the inside of my mouth and tongue for the past 34 years. I had MRI's which have not shown any tumors or compressions. I was told back in 1988 that the cause was the result of the herpes virus that attacked my trigeminal nerve.
The numbness has recently gotten worse. Medications do not help. I am searching for people who have the same problem and maybe a solution.
Thank you.


I've had complete numbness of the entire right side of my face including the inside of my mouth and tongue for the past 34 years. I had MRI's which have not shown any tumors or compressions. I was told back in 1988 that the cause was the result of the herpes virus that attacked my trigeminal nerve.
The numbness has recently gotten worse. Medications do not help. I am searching for people who have the same problem and maybe a solution.
Thank you.

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Hi @brian29, Welcome to Connect. There is another discussion you might find helpful for connecting with other members with similar symptoms.

-- Trigeminal numbness:


Thank you Colleen and Mayo Connect!

@jimhd @bburleson1 @swiss @hollander @fonda @gratefulone @mikween @aliskahan @grandma41 @rabbit10 @ujeeniack @gailfaith @ridgerunner @joannem @medic7054 @fleure @beckypain66 @philio66 @peggyj4411 @16jody @twinky @martid @grandma41 @pinkmk @crystalgal @gman007 @mari @amkaloha @bobsconnect @salena54 @robertlclark @upnorthnancy @tonyc55 @painwarrior @ladyjane85 @bobe @dbentley @pgjanes @citylady @mfobrien36 @timmckinney @briansr @superwife – Welcome to our new Neuropathy Group!

Our peripheral neuropathy discussion has grown quite large making it a challenge to find the information. We hope our new Neuropathy Group will make it easier for members to find a relevant discussion to ask their questions and share information. If you don’t find a discussion that meets your need then jump right in and create a new one! Be sure to invite other Connect members to join you. Inviting is easy, just tag a member by using their Connect member name which starts with an “@” sign.

The new Neuropathy Group is your community so let’s help each other by sharing your story, asking questions, and learning while we figure out how to deal with our specific type of neuropathy.


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I was diagnosed with Neuropathy in 2008. Numbness creeping up my legs, but the pain in my left foot dictates how much I walk. In the last three years, I've gone from walking a mile every other day and freely walking our house to measuring my steps each day. I'm on medical cannabis - pills, salve, and vaporizer (inhaler / ecig) and Lyrica. I use three different massagers for my foot. I take a motorized cart whenever possible. I've tried Gabapentin, but the cannabis,
Lyrica, and leg/foot massages help me the most. My dad had this and my brother has a very mild case of neuropathy. I'd appreciate any tips, treatments, or exercises that have helped others. Thanks!


I was diagnosed with Neuropathy in 2008. Numbness creeping up my legs, but the pain in my left foot dictates how much I walk. In the last three years, I've gone from walking a mile every other day and freely walking our house to measuring my steps each day. I'm on medical cannabis - pills, salve, and vaporizer (inhaler / ecig) and Lyrica. I use three different massagers for my foot. I take a motorized cart whenever possible. I've tried Gabapentin, but the cannabis,
Lyrica, and leg/foot massages help me the most. My dad had this and my brother has a very mild case of neuropathy. I'd appreciate any tips, treatments, or exercises that have helped others. Thanks!

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Hello @andyoman50, Welcome to Connect. Sorry to hear you haven't found much that helps with your neuropathy symptoms. There are a few other discussions you might find helpful.

-- Neuropathy & Exercise:
-- Small Fiber Neuropathy: What helps?:
-- Supplement recommendations: What can help neuropathy?:

You might also want to look at the information provided by the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy --

Have you made any lifestyle changes to try and help your neuropathy symptoms?


I was diagnosed with Neuropathy in 2008. Numbness creeping up my legs, but the pain in my left foot dictates how much I walk. In the last three years, I've gone from walking a mile every other day and freely walking our house to measuring my steps each day. I'm on medical cannabis - pills, salve, and vaporizer (inhaler / ecig) and Lyrica. I use three different massagers for my foot. I take a motorized cart whenever possible. I've tried Gabapentin, but the cannabis,
Lyrica, and leg/foot massages help me the most. My dad had this and my brother has a very mild case of neuropathy. I'd appreciate any tips, treatments, or exercises that have helped others. Thanks!

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I noticed that you said your brother and father have similar symptoms. That is true in my family also. My sister and I have many identical symptoms, but have gone different routes with treatment. My Dad, who is 90 and walks two miles every day, has a lot of the pain, and his father did too, but not as many symptoms as us women.
Because Hudson Alpha Institute is in my town, I went to their Institute for Genomic Medicine. It was nice to have someone help me tie together all the puzzling and overlapping symptoms I’ve had for the past seven years. Sadly, the testing did not show any known genetic markers for what my family has, but they assured me that research is always ongoing, and I could be contacted at a later time with more information. It doesn’t change anything, but it’s nice to know that someone is researching on our behalf.


I posted this question on the site for those of us who have neuropathy that’s unrelated to diabetes. Mine is a result of a mistake during surgery that damaged the intercostal nerve.

I’m asking for information on the highly recommended R-alpha lipoic acid. My primary said YES immediately about my taking it. My question is what is the difference between R-alph and just alpha lipoic acid. I can Google it, but I thought someone might have knowledge and experience.
I’m aware Vitamin E with a dl is synthetic and I wouldn’t take it. Is this similar? Thanks!


I posted this question on the site for those of us who have neuropathy that’s unrelated to diabetes. Mine is a result of a mistake during surgery that damaged the intercostal nerve.

I’m asking for information on the highly recommended R-alpha lipoic acid. My primary said YES immediately about my taking it. My question is what is the difference between R-alph and just alpha lipoic acid. I can Google it, but I thought someone might have knowledge and experience.
I’m aware Vitamin E with a dl is synthetic and I wouldn’t take it. Is this similar? Thanks!

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@gshfmb, here are a few references that you might find helpful...

-- Alpha Lipoic Acid

-- Research seeks to identify the mode of action of two age-essential micronutrients,
lipoic acid (LA) and acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR)

-- (R)-Lipoic Acid: Unique ‘Mitochondrial Antioxidant’ Fights Premature Aging

-- Insights on the Use of α-Lipoic Acid for Therapeutic Purposes:


@gshfmb, here are a few references that you might find helpful...

-- Alpha Lipoic Acid

-- Research seeks to identify the mode of action of two age-essential micronutrients,
lipoic acid (LA) and acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR)

-- (R)-Lipoic Acid: Unique ‘Mitochondrial Antioxidant’ Fights Premature Aging

-- Insights on the Use of α-Lipoic Acid for Therapeutic Purposes:

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Thank you so much. I’ve ordered the R-alpha lipoic version. I’m having it delivered to our closest Walmart. I know it will be here September 8. I stopped at a Walgreens and they couldn’t find it. 🙏🏼🤷‍♀️🤩. Appreciate your help!


I have had symptoms of peripheral neuropathy for the last 5 years. Recently they have worsened and driving has been a challenge for me, so much so that I’ve stopped altogether, except for an occasional short trip to the grocery store.
I am trying everything that I can think of , bought a sand dune stepper, massage gun, am starting PT soon, walk at least 5 days a week and am doing some balance exercises.
I opted not to take the meds that are usually prescribed, as I don’t really have pain, it’s mostly the numbness and loss of sensation when sitting or lying down.
Anyone out there have similar
symptoms or solutions that worked for you?

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