Postural orthostatic hypotension: How is it treated?

Posted by Henrietta Pilcher @hpilcher1, Jul 20, 2016

Has anyone had effective treatment for this disorder? I am treated with beta-blocker and Florinef that is causing side effect of disabling fatigue and not being able to function normally, being unable to walk, or to drive a car, and is completely disabling. Has anyone found a reason for this disabling condition?

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My husband has been having times when his blood pressure drops very low when he stands up. He was on midrodine for a short time, but then it got too high. This seems to be a complicated situation to deal with. Has anyone ever been to Mayo Clinic for help?

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Same situation with the midrodine. It worked well for a while, but like you said BP started creeping back up. He does not want to take the midrodine so our doctor working on some other things. It IS very complicated. The doctors don’t seem to know what to do. And we have 3. PCP, cardiologist and nephrologist.


Does anyone have blood pressure that is up and down?

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I am 78 years old and my Blood Pressure goes up and down. Last month at my Primary DoctorOffice my BP was 92/67. He asked if I was dizzy or light headed and I am not…At times my BP will go up to 140/80… This has been going on for a couple years now.. doctors are not concerned because I am not dizzy. I had some imaging done recently on my upper spine and it showed a mass on my Thyroid and I have an appointment at Mayo Clinic with an Endocrinologist and wander it this has something to do with my BP going up and down. I just bought a BP machine to check it at home since it went down to 92/67. Many times after I swim in the am and get home I just get very tired, kind of spacey and have to lay down. I feel like my BP is low…and that is why a got BP Sleeve to check at home. I only take Eliquis 5mg twice a day for medication.


I was put on medicine for postural hypotension when I was younger, I don't remember but I was told that I was "like a zombie" I was told I couldn't function. I have never used medicine for it since and I think I'm fine just a feue big episodes here and their over the years.

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