COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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I received my 4th Pfizer shot on January 28th. To this very day, I am still experiencing nonstop numbness and tingling in my feet and fingers, weird electrical sensations pulsing through my limbs. Some days are better than others, but it never goes away and somedays it just takes over. I have had neck MRIs, EMG, a dozen blood tests looking for auto immune and vitamin issues. Every single test comes back normal. My neurologist believes it may be an auto immune related small fiber neuropathy caused by the vaccine. 2 of my other doctors also believe it is a vaccine side effect. I have tried Neurontin which just made me feel like a zombie and didn't help. I've tried every supplement said to possibly help, no response. I notice when I am stressed or try to do alot of physical activity, it gets worse. After long walks, my feet are numb ,like 2 blocks of ice. Everyone tells me it will go away, whatever "it" is.Whatever it is we are experiencing, I don't believe that there is a test for. Seems like everyone eventually does get better, whether 4 months or a year. I am in my fourth month of this craziness. I have reported it to Pfizer and to VAERS., for what it's worth. As an RN who saw many of my friends and colleagues die of covid before there was a vaccine, I am thankful to still be here , tingling and all. I probably would have stopped at the third shot. However, I am in a high risk group, over 60 and a poor immune system. I also live in an area where many people refused to follow any health precautions, even as the hospitals were piling the dead into refrigerated trucks. I wish everyone well. Oh, BTW, the European health agency (I forget what they are called, equivalent to the CDC) does acknowledge that the Pfizer vaccine can cause paresthesias as a side effect. Why or how to treat it or even diagnose it, no one seems to know.

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I had my 4th Pfizer shot on May 26th 2022 and both hands are numb and tingling starting abruptly on May 28th. I’ve never had these type of symptoms before. I saw my Dr on June 1st and she tested my B12 level which was 300 and told me to take a B12 supplement as she said low B12 can cause this. I’ve been taking 500mcg of Cyanocobalamin B12 for 18 days and have not seen any improvement. The condition has been constant since 2 days after the 4th shot. I’m 57 years old I’ve noticed my typing on my laptop is hindered by this which I need to do for my job. After 3rd dose Nov 2021 I had elevated liver enzymes and would have waited on getting a 4th but my Dr strongly urged me to get it since I had travel to a conference for my work in June. @selene53 have your symptoms improved or worsened? What treatments are you taking for it if any?


I had my 4th Pfizer shot on May 26th 2022 and both hands are numb and tingling starting abruptly on May 28th. I’ve never had these type of symptoms before. I saw my Dr on June 1st and she tested my B12 level which was 300 and told me to take a B12 supplement as she said low B12 can cause this. I’ve been taking 500mcg of Cyanocobalamin B12 for 18 days and have not seen any improvement. The condition has been constant since 2 days after the 4th shot. I’m 57 years old I’ve noticed my typing on my laptop is hindered by this which I need to do for my job. After 3rd dose Nov 2021 I had elevated liver enzymes and would have waited on getting a 4th but my Dr strongly urged me to get it since I had travel to a conference for my work in June. @selene53 have your symptoms improved or worsened? What treatments are you taking for it if any?

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As you know, I had my 4th Pfizer shot Jan 28 and that night the numbness and tingling started. I saw my family doctor and a neurologist several times. I had an EMG, numerous blood tests and a neck MRI. Everything normal.The paraesthesias continued through March. Then in April, my doctor had the idea of putting me on 5 days of prednisone. It seemed to help a little. By May, I felt like I was on the mend with hardly any tingling and numbness. It was 98% better. BUT, a few days ago, I was working in the garden and I felt some tingling in one of my feet and it is now back full strength accompanied with leg pains and back pain. I don't know what to think. I am seeing my doctor again an a week. Throughout this all I have taken Alpha Lipoic Acid on the recommendation of the neurologist, glutamine, my usual vitamins. Also tried gabapentin for several days, which made things worse, so I stopped. Nothing has made the slightest difference.
I live in a small southern Colorado town and have considered traveling to Denver to see a neurologist at a large teaching hospital. I called and the first appointment is 6 months out! December. Maybe I would get an answer up there. My own thought is that I have some some kind of small fiber neuropathy that was triggered by the last vaccine and that may come and go. I would love to get an actual diagnosis however. I wish you the best and hopefully these symptoms will fade for both of us.


As you know, I had my 4th Pfizer shot Jan 28 and that night the numbness and tingling started. I saw my family doctor and a neurologist several times. I had an EMG, numerous blood tests and a neck MRI. Everything normal.The paraesthesias continued through March. Then in April, my doctor had the idea of putting me on 5 days of prednisone. It seemed to help a little. By May, I felt like I was on the mend with hardly any tingling and numbness. It was 98% better. BUT, a few days ago, I was working in the garden and I felt some tingling in one of my feet and it is now back full strength accompanied with leg pains and back pain. I don't know what to think. I am seeing my doctor again an a week. Throughout this all I have taken Alpha Lipoic Acid on the recommendation of the neurologist, glutamine, my usual vitamins. Also tried gabapentin for several days, which made things worse, so I stopped. Nothing has made the slightest difference.
I live in a small southern Colorado town and have considered traveling to Denver to see a neurologist at a large teaching hospital. I called and the first appointment is 6 months out! December. Maybe I would get an answer up there. My own thought is that I have some some kind of small fiber neuropathy that was triggered by the last vaccine and that may come and go. I would love to get an actual diagnosis however. I wish you the best and hopefully these symptoms will fade for both of us.

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Yikes, I am so sorry about your situation. I am also in Colorado, in the Denver area.

I wish I had known about these risks when I got my fourth COVID-19 vaccine, my first Moderna after 3 Pfizer in mid-may. I had no adverse reactions to the three Pfizer shots. Ever since the Moderna vaccine, I have been experiencing neuropathy in my feet, hands and all over my body -- for 7 weeks now 😢. The worst symptom is burning mouth syndrome -- it is driving me nuts. I am really worried that I will have neuropathy symptoms for the rest of my life. I had zero such problems until the fourth shot, my first moderna. I am very much regretting that decision. Is there any hope that this will just go away? Does anyone know?


I wish I had known about these risks when I got my fourth COVID-19 vaccine, my first Moderna after 3 Pfizer in mid-may. I had no adverse reactions to the three Pfizer shots. Ever since the Moderna vaccine in mid-May 2022, I have been experiencing neuropathy in my feet, hands and all over my body -- for 7 weeks now 😢. The worst symptom is burning mouth syndrome -- it is driving me nuts. I am really worried that I will have neuropathy symptoms for the rest of my life. I have NEVER had any such symptoms and am a very healthy, fit, active 55 year old man.

I am very much regretting the decision to get a fourth vaccine and to mix and match as has been advocated by so many of the "experts". I really wonder if I would have had this reaction if I had taken another Pfizer, since I had had zero reactions to Pfizer.

Is there any hope that my apparently Moderna neuropathy will go away? Does anyone know?

I am really down about this, super down, and could use some good advice, support, anything.

Thank you. 🙏🏻


As you know, I had my 4th Pfizer shot Jan 28 and that night the numbness and tingling started. I saw my family doctor and a neurologist several times. I had an EMG, numerous blood tests and a neck MRI. Everything normal.The paraesthesias continued through March. Then in April, my doctor had the idea of putting me on 5 days of prednisone. It seemed to help a little. By May, I felt like I was on the mend with hardly any tingling and numbness. It was 98% better. BUT, a few days ago, I was working in the garden and I felt some tingling in one of my feet and it is now back full strength accompanied with leg pains and back pain. I don't know what to think. I am seeing my doctor again an a week. Throughout this all I have taken Alpha Lipoic Acid on the recommendation of the neurologist, glutamine, my usual vitamins. Also tried gabapentin for several days, which made things worse, so I stopped. Nothing has made the slightest difference.
I live in a small southern Colorado town and have considered traveling to Denver to see a neurologist at a large teaching hospital. I called and the first appointment is 6 months out! December. Maybe I would get an answer up there. My own thought is that I have some some kind of small fiber neuropathy that was triggered by the last vaccine and that may come and go. I would love to get an actual diagnosis however. I wish you the best and hopefully these symptoms will fade for both of us.

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Since yours started in January I was hoping it was better by now! That is interesting that Prednisone temporarily cleared it up so wonder if it is the immune system attacking the nerves. I am in Iowa and I do see an internal medicine Dr at a University teaching hospital though she has not referred me to a neurologist yet but I plan to ask about that. Please keep me updated if you are able to see a neurologist in Denver. And if I see one here I will post updates. Hopefully one of us will learn of something that will help!


I wish I had known about these risks when I got my fourth COVID-19 vaccine, my first Moderna after 3 Pfizer in mid-may. I had no adverse reactions to the three Pfizer shots. Ever since the Moderna vaccine in mid-May 2022, I have been experiencing neuropathy in my feet, hands and all over my body -- for 7 weeks now 😢. The worst symptom is burning mouth syndrome -- it is driving me nuts. I am really worried that I will have neuropathy symptoms for the rest of my life. I have NEVER had any such symptoms and am a very healthy, fit, active 55 year old man.

I am very much regretting the decision to get a fourth vaccine and to mix and match as has been advocated by so many of the "experts". I really wonder if I would have had this reaction if I had taken another Pfizer, since I had had zero reactions to Pfizer.

Is there any hope that my apparently Moderna neuropathy will go away? Does anyone know?

I am really down about this, super down, and could use some good advice, support, anything.

Thank you. 🙏🏻

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Don’t beat yourself up over this decision as I think it would have happened anyway even if you had gone with Pfizer. I also had heard that you should mix and match for best immunity and had scheduled a Moderna for my 4th after 3 Pfizer shots however backed out and cancelled due to getting nervous since I’d never had a bad reaction after the Pfizer decided to stick with that one for my 4th. Now I have the tingling and numbness in my hands since day 2 after that 4th Pfizer vaccine. I think I just did not need another booster yet because I had been exposed to someone with Covid within a month before that and didn’t get it so my 3rd shot was still working. The only reason I went ahead with the 4th was because it had been 6 months since my 3rd shot and I’m over 50 with other factors that increase my risk if I were to get Covid. My Dr strongly urged me to get it since I had to travel to a work conference so I went ahead with it. So based on my outcome when I didn’t mix and match I’d say it’s likely this would have happened even if you have gone with the Pfizer.


Yikes, I am so sorry about your situation. I am also in Colorado, in the Denver area.

I wish I had known about these risks when I got my fourth COVID-19 vaccine, my first Moderna after 3 Pfizer in mid-may. I had no adverse reactions to the three Pfizer shots. Ever since the Moderna vaccine, I have been experiencing neuropathy in my feet, hands and all over my body -- for 7 weeks now 😢. The worst symptom is burning mouth syndrome -- it is driving me nuts. I am really worried that I will have neuropathy symptoms for the rest of my life. I had zero such problems until the fourth shot, my first moderna. I am very much regretting that decision. Is there any hope that this will just go away? Does anyone know?

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I don't think mixing and matching the mrna vaccines initiated the neuropathy problems. My problems started with the 4th Pfizer and so my doctor told me if, in the future I was to get another covid vaccine, to get Moderna instead. In other words, to mix and match them. I don't think anyone really knows what's going on. My symptoms did go away for about 6 weeks, but now they are back again. Sigh..I tell myself it's still better than being on a ventilator or dead from covid.


Since yours started in January I was hoping it was better by now! That is interesting that Prednisone temporarily cleared it up so wonder if it is the immune system attacking the nerves. I am in Iowa and I do see an internal medicine Dr at a University teaching hospital though she has not referred me to a neurologist yet but I plan to ask about that. Please keep me updated if you are able to see a neurologist in Denver. And if I see one here I will post updates. Hopefully one of us will learn of something that will help!

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Yes, I am going to see my gp again in a few weeks and I'll ask her what she thinks about prescribing another burst of steroids. I do think it is some kind of immune reaction too. It settled down for about 6 weeks and then reappeared when I was going through a whole lot of family stress. I will also see about getting an appointment with a Denver neurologist. I will keep you updated. All the best to you.


Hi everyone, I know we all are talking about the shot and it's effects on us. Well recently my symptoms got even more frustrating now. My neuropathy that I was diagnosed with in 2014 has gotten worse since the shot. Not only that I have pain that feels like lightning bolts going up and down my body now. My stomach issues have gotten so bad that I now have to be gluten free completely. Meaning I have celiac disease and this was not the case before the shot either. Also I found out that the shot has a side effect or adverse reaction and it is called demyelination where the myelin sheath around your muscles is destroyed by the shots.


Sorry you are continuing to have such difficult symptoms. In answer to your question, no I did not have these symptoms prior to my vaccine! I worked full time as an anesthesia provider and was healthy without any type of illness.

It might be a good idea to have your MRI just to rule out any spinal involvement.

Currently, I am receiving IgG infusions every three weeks and I am also receiving immunotherapy. My neurologist did say that he has treated many people for symptoms similar to ours and it was post vaccine. In the beginning I did have difficulty with my primary care MD getting diagnostic testing or referring me to specialty docs. I was very insistent that I see a neurologist and rheumatologist. It took 9 months until I finally got the diagnosis of CIPD related to COVID vaccine.

I hope that you get answers and please keep in touch.

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Hi Kim! Well, I have exciting news. I decided to not go through with the MRI, and instead I went to see a Naturepath Dr. in my area that I had recently met. She put me on a detox program to remove the Covid vaccine out of my system. Within only a week, already my neuropathy symptoms started to fade away. At this point (10 days of detox), I'm about 75% healed from all symptoms. My Naturepath said it takes about a month to have the vaccine out of my system 100%. So, I'm delighted and finally am feeling wonderful. I also have much more energy, and feel so much better. I thought you might enjoy hearing about this.

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