COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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“As to attributing symptoms to a single incident, that can be shaky as well.”

All I know is this: Before April 24th, 2021 (the day of my second Moderna shot) I had no symptoms of anything health-related, Covid, prediabetes or otherwise.

Two days later I had burning sensations in my lower left leg. By the first week of May my left foot went numb and I lost hair on my legs. By mid-May I had carpal tunnel and pulsing sensations up my forearms. By end May, orthostatic hypotension and constipation. By June, cubital tunnel. By August my right foot went numb. By my 42nd birthday in October, tinnitus and visual acuity decline. By December, eye cotton wool spot. By January, erectile dysfunction. By February Raynauds/cyanosis. My Apple Watch has been notifying me of atrial fibrillation for the last month…

I have had Covid PCR tests weekly since before this started. Negative each time. Strict diet. No alcohol. Daily exercise.

There is no way on Earth that this was in any other possible regard NOT all attributed to a single event.

I’m very sorry, but I don’t care about your uncited numbers of the presumably unscathed vaccinated US population. I know what happened to me, when it all started and what started it.

There have been people (like myself) seriously and directly injured by these mRNA vaccines, and for anyone to even imply otherwise is honestly rather insulting.

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I did find plastic surgeons are attributing severe reactions to patients with Hyaluronic Acid fillers to Moderna vaccines. COINCIDENTALLY......
We all have natural Hyaluronic Acid in your whole body.
I've learned Large volume hyaluronic acid decreases inflammation. But if it gets broken down to small volume HA... It then CAUSES inflammation. There are studies associating this with Alzheimer's. Maybe the vaccine is breaking down our hyaluronic acid.... That's my in pain for months, non- doctor, non- scientist, common sense guess .....


Unfortunately I never had any neuropathy symptoms until right after my booster shot November 1, 2021. I could not walk the next day my ankles were so weak and I had a superficial blood clot in my left leg. The clot did subside with meds but I still experience numbness in my ankles and now the numbness has radiated to my hands and wrists. I never had these issues before and feel as if my health has rapidly declined .
I am 65 and eat very healthy with an occasional glass of red wine. I used to walk several miles with no problem but now suffer. I will not take anymore vaccine shots since I am very skeptical of the reaction it has had to my body.

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Please find a neurologist and explain your symptoms!


From what I’ve read there’s a lot of overlap in symptoms reported for long Covid and adverse reactions from these vaccines. My hope the same can be said for treatments…

My story: I started having acute onset peripheral neuropathy in my left foot and lower leg right after Moderna shot #2, but not fast enough for Guillain-Barre. Within two months it moved to my hands and my right foot. Then came severe orthostatic hypotension. I had ZERO neuropathy symptoms of any sort before my second shot. My left shin had burning and buzzing starting two days after…then I lost hair along my lower legs within a week that my left foot went numb…

Sadly most of my issues have only been distal so I can’t classify as CIDP either. I am pre-diabetic w/ a constant 5.7 A1c as of 2019 (ironically right before Covid hit us), and yet many of these symptoms also overlap with *long-term uncontrolled* diabetes.

I’ve seen so many doctors and had so many blood tests, scans and EMGs in the last year… all of them except for my skin biopsy came back “unremarkable/unrevealing.” So far all but just one doctor (my second/current neurologist) I’ve seen just dismisses this as “diabetes.” When I ask if this onset and timeliness with Moderna shot #2 is also characteristic with diabetes, they shrug and say “no.”

My feet were getting worse until I started have tinnitus in my left ear. I took a Medrol dosepak (methylprednisolone) and my foot drop and severe numbness dissipated somewhat. No joy on my ear, but it worked a bit for my feet. Sadly after taking the steroid I got a cotton wool spot in my left eye. Then my leg and forearm muscles began atrophying FAST…

I’m now have tinnitus in my right ear too and…sigh.. severe erectile dysfunction. I’m also noticing cyanosis in my feet when sitting during the day(possible thrombosis?)

My only doctor who believes me is thankfully my neurologist. He had originally suggested that the vaccine inflammatory reaction exacerbates latent existing inflammatory conditions. He had also suggested pulse steroid therapy back in Feb, but wanted me to wait until May so see if things would wane. They haven’t…

All of these symptoms…neuro, vascular, seems related to blood clotting and occlusive issues resulting from defective immune responses. Corticosteroids, plasmapheresis and IVIg treat autoimmune conditions, yet on all these forums online…none of the three are mentioned much.

From from what I’ve read, corticosteroids have had more limited success compared to IVIg and (to some extent) plasmapheresis in treating long Covid neuro conditions.

My neurologist readily admits that the onset of all this crap is too fast and corresponds too much to my vaccine administration. He had stated multiple other patients have come to him (healthier than myself) with similar symptoms.

I have had weekly Covid PCR tests required from my daughter’s school for over a year. Each week…”Negative.”

A year out from this “safe and effective” vaccine and I have been left with minimal sensation in my fingers and feet, cold/blue/numb feet during the day and warm/red/burning feet in the evening, ringing in my ears, dark spots in my vision….and I can’t be intimate with my wife anymore. None of this was present before these jabs.

I have spent a year cursing the days I ever exposed my left arm for these injections. Now I am laser focused on treatment. Has anyone received steroid, IVIg and/or plasmapheresis/apheresis treatment on here? Has it proved helpful?

Thanks in advance and I hope this all gets better for us soon. Without medical/media acknowledgement I fear we will never get the care we deserve..

P.S.: Sorry for the TL;DR, but I’ve got no where else I can vent this. It has been very frustrating, exhausting and debilitating.

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Funny you mention the plasmapheresis and IVIg treatments. My severe spine pain + after my Moderna shots , then x10 after booster. I thought might be Myelitis. These are the treatments they use for that, to reverse paralysis when they find this on an MRI. But just pain, not paralysis. And nothing on my MRI. Waited 3 mo to get into neurologist, and she didn't do 1 test. Sent me to a Pain Clinic ( that refered me to her). Rediculous. So how did you find your neurologist? Where are you? Neurologist name. Worked for an airline before was forced to retire when all this started. Begining to think I might have to travel to find someone who listens.
Praying for you.... I'm alone and older, so not effecting me like you. Keep sharing please.thanks.


Wow. This thread went cold almost a month now.

My leg symptoms are worsening now. Fast pulsating shock sensations in my ankles and lower legs.

Neurologist said “it will get better” yet it keeps getting worse.

I had blood vials for SFN autoantibody tests sent out in Early May to help grease the IVIg wheels (only way neuro would consider it). Testing for TS-HDS, FRGR3 and Plexin-IgG. AwAiting results and have second EMG in a week.

Will report back. Link for test info:

P.S. join the Facebook “Neuro V Long Haulers” group. Much more interaction and data exchange on there.


Wow. This thread went cold almost a month now.

My leg symptoms are worsening now. Fast pulsating shock sensations in my ankles and lower legs.

Neurologist said “it will get better” yet it keeps getting worse.

I had blood vials for SFN autoantibody tests sent out in Early May to help grease the IVIg wheels (only way neuro would consider it). Testing for TS-HDS, FRGR3 and Plexin-IgG. AwAiting results and have second EMG in a week.

Will report back. Link for test info:

P.S. join the Facebook “Neuro V Long Haulers” group. Much more interaction and data exchange on there.

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I’m sorry your symptoms are still worsening. I am 18 months out from symptom start (first vaccine) and I still have them. But then, I have also had a second vaccine and a booster. I am finally having slight improvement but I don’t count on it to last. At this point in my life I am just thankful that other than the considerable stress this has caused me I’m not actually disabled from this “syndrome” or whatever you might want to call it. One thing I’ve learned for sure is that No doctor is an expert in this as it’s all new so my advice is to listen to your own body and neither raise nor lower your expectations without valid reason to. As for the Neuro Long Haulers Facebook group I would like to throw a word of caution to anyone thinking of joining that group, I received absolutely no help there and became more stressed out and depressed than I already was from some of the stuff I was reading. Quickly left it behind. Best of luck to you. This thread does run hot & cold but I still check in everyday.


I’ve had both shots and both boosters. All Pfizer. No problems that I didn’t have already.


Wow. This thread went cold almost a month now.

My leg symptoms are worsening now. Fast pulsating shock sensations in my ankles and lower legs.

Neurologist said “it will get better” yet it keeps getting worse.

I had blood vials for SFN autoantibody tests sent out in Early May to help grease the IVIg wheels (only way neuro would consider it). Testing for TS-HDS, FRGR3 and Plexin-IgG. AwAiting results and have second EMG in a week.

Will report back. Link for test info:

P.S. join the Facebook “Neuro V Long Haulers” group. Much more interaction and data exchange on there.

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Yes I’m in that same group. My foot and leg neuropathy has worsened since second Pfizer as well. Good that people are finally talking about it


I understand that everyone reacts to information differently, but I could not have navigated 14 months of vaccine injury without the information and support provided by the Neuro V Long-Haulers Facebook group. Just this week, a member posted a peer-reviewed Harvard study that was helpful in understanding my condition. My outstanding neurologist agrees the likely cause of my sudden sensory and motor polyneuropathy was the vaccines. There is a need for transparency about vaccine injuries on the part of the media, pharma, and government.


I understand that everyone reacts to information differently, but I could not have navigated 14 months of vaccine injury without the information and support provided by the Neuro V Long-Haulers Facebook group. Just this week, a member posted a peer-reviewed Harvard study that was helpful in understanding my condition. My outstanding neurologist agrees the likely cause of my sudden sensory and motor polyneuropathy was the vaccines. There is a need for transparency about vaccine injuries on the part of the media, pharma, and government.

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are you able to share that post here or the title? Good research is always valuable!
Sorry about the V/I btw.


I understand that everyone reacts to information differently, but I could not have navigated 14 months of vaccine injury without the information and support provided by the Neuro V Long-Haulers Facebook group. Just this week, a member posted a peer-reviewed Harvard study that was helpful in understanding my condition. My outstanding neurologist agrees the likely cause of my sudden sensory and motor polyneuropathy was the vaccines. There is a need for transparency about vaccine injuries on the part of the media, pharma, and government.

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I’m glad you found the Facebook group helpful. I found it to be full of fearmongering, politics, and crazy theories but it’s very possible I was “there” at a time when things were different. It’s unfortunate that we have to look for support groups and do our own research and can’t depend on our medical system to figure this out and help us. I have finally spent so much money and undergone so much mental anguish trying to figure things out with minimal interest or help from my physicians that I finally decided to just do the things I know are right and good for me and not even seek help for this anymore unless something new and/or more serious/debilitating occurs. I do not plan to ever again take a COVID vaccine if I can possibly avoid it. Best of luck to you!

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