Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

Posted by stellm @stellm, Jun 11, 2021

Has there been any reports of iron depletion in the blood after receiving the Pfizer vaccine?

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Thank you for the stats Sue and I am one of those you dreaded to give that information to. I will not be nasty though, just want tell my side. One, the VAER numbers are most likely not the true story because I am sure there are many people (like me) who didn't report anything to VAERS. I have been on the site but didn't care to share on it. Two, I would never have taken the vaccine had it not been mandated by the government and then by my company which has over 100 employees. Three, there is no proof that the vaccine saved lives, could have seen the same results without the vaccine. It appears that COVID just attacks some more deadly than others. Four, I wonder how many of those 1679 people (your stat above) already had COVID 19 like me before getting the vaccine. Natural immunity after COVID should have been recognized. Anemia is something I should never have had to deal with, we should have had free choice in the vaccines.

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Like others who posted here, I have had anemia for almost a year after receiving the two Moderna Covid-19 vaccines in March 2021. I have never been anemic before, even after having major surgeries with blood loss. A few weeks after I received the second vaccine, I began having extreme fatigue and muscle pain in both arms and legs. I reported on VAERS and was sent a follow-up questionnaire. I have had no other contact with anyone with the CDC or Moderna. My primary care physician is sending me to various specialists to try to find the cause of the anemia. I'm a 63-year-old woman.


Like others who posted here, I have had anemia for almost a year after receiving the two Moderna Covid-19 vaccines in March 2021. I have never been anemic before, even after having major surgeries with blood loss. A few weeks after I received the second vaccine, I began having extreme fatigue and muscle pain in both arms and legs. I reported on VAERS and was sent a follow-up questionnaire. I have had no other contact with anyone with the CDC or Moderna. My primary care physician is sending me to various specialists to try to find the cause of the anemia. I'm a 63-year-old woman.

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It is odd that the CDC or Moderna never has reached out to you. I'm so sorry that I ever took this vaccine as I'm having the same problems you are.


Same problems. HGB low, low ferritin and iron,fatigue. Increased blood sugar. Swelling in eyelids and lower legs n feet. No one reached out to me either. Been to my pcp and 6 specialists. None of them have any answers.


It is odd that the CDC or Moderna never has reached out to you. I'm so sorry that I ever took this vaccine as I'm having the same problems you are.

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They followed up with a questionnaire after I reported on VAERS, but nothing since.


They followed up with a questionnaire after I reported on VAERS, but nothing since.

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The follow-up questionnaire probably provided all the information VAERS needs for now.
The serious side effects are each being considered for further study. This type of research is lengthy and costly, and we may not hear anything until the prepublications summaries of the studies are ready - generally around 1 1/2 - 2 years. I keep watching the journals, so I can share whatever is learned. Part of the problem is that not everyone reports to VAERS, or even to their own provider, whether because they think nothing can be done, or because they have trust issues. That makes it much harder for researchers to gather meaningful data.
Thank you for making your VAERS report and completing the questionnaire.


The follow-up questionnaire probably provided all the information VAERS needs for now.
The serious side effects are each being considered for further study. This type of research is lengthy and costly, and we may not hear anything until the prepublications summaries of the studies are ready - generally around 1 1/2 - 2 years. I keep watching the journals, so I can share whatever is learned. Part of the problem is that not everyone reports to VAERS, or even to their own provider, whether because they think nothing can be done, or because they have trust issues. That makes it much harder for researchers to gather meaningful data.
Thank you for making your VAERS report and completing the questionnaire.

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I have submitted a VAERS report and follow up questionnaire, but I have no hope of anything being done. I said something about it to my primary and loved ones and no one believes me, so it is no wonder people don’t speak up. The pharmaceutical companies don’t care because they are immune from prosecution, and their only interest is profit. I won’t be getting any boosters and never get the flu vaccine anyway.


Yes. My husband has never had any history of anemia or low iron. He received the Pfizer vaccine in March. He began feeling more tired over the next two months. He saw his physician and she suspected some type of internal bleeding based on the blood test, He had an upper and lower endoscopy. No internal bleeding was found. They are going to try the camera endoscopy next week. We don't think this is going to reveal anything. His iron, ferritin and red blood cell count is extremely low. The only change in has been receiving the vaccine.

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I did not realize until I read this post. I am going through what you mentioned about your husband. My Hemoglobin dropped to 10 (from 12) after two Moderna doses and a booster. My doctor ordered bunch of tests for other GI issues and he found out that the hemoglobin had dropped to 8.7. As a result I went through endoscopy, colonoscopy and capsule endoscopy but nothing was found. In the mean time I received five infusions of Iron and going to see a hematologist. It just came to my mind that covid vaccine is the only variable so I started searching internet. I think it does not get reported because it is slow and does not get detected until you feel something is wrong.


I have submitted a VAERS report and follow up questionnaire, but I have no hope of anything being done. I said something about it to my primary and loved ones and no one believes me, so it is no wonder people don’t speak up. The pharmaceutical companies don’t care because they are immune from prosecution, and their only interest is profit. I won’t be getting any boosters and never get the flu vaccine anyway.

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I'm right there with you, took the first two Pfizer shots due to family pressure, now dealing with Anemia. Will never take a booster, don't get the flu vaccine either. No issues until the Covid shot.


My husband is currently experiencing this same issue. His ferriten level is at 5, hemoglobin is down to 11.7, Hemotacrit 37.3, MCV 75.8, MCH 23.2, MCHC 31.3, RDW 15.9. They diagnosed him with microcytic anemia due to chronic blood loss. The did an endoscopy, colonoscopy, and yesterday a CT Enterography. All tests were negative for any abnormalities, bleeding, celiac, Chron's, etc. They want to do a camera endoscopy next, but I truly feel that will probably be just more money and no answers. We've already spent close to $5,000 out of pocket - which was worth every penny if he indeed had bleeding that needed addressing. He is now on prescription iron tablets twice a day. His B12 and foliate were NORMAL. I will continue to watch this post. Thanks to everyone who has shared information. We are NOT anti-vaccine. We very willingly, and happily took them and boosted as soon as we could. But, if this is a legitimate side effect, we should be told so, instead of chasing down a ghost. FYI - I had no problems at all, and my blood is checked every 6 months due to another autoimmune issues I have had since 2002.

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