Migraine headache: What helps you cope?
I had one patient had sever migraine attack for more than 5 years, become worse last year making all investigation , blood test all negative.
Nowdays migraine more when eating bread, corn, some food. I tried most pain killers no benifit
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Headache Center has a protocol and they have tried it all. Nothing works. I don't know how to "control" something that is always there. It's not like I can catch it before it starts.
Don't you have to be on just Medicare/Medicaid to get the discounts?
I forgot to include hydration and excercise on the list of migraine tools. It seems pretty common knowledge, but I at one point was never drinking enough water, nor did I exercise. Here is a link about exercise and migraines from American Migraine Foundation:
Also, some helpful information about hydration and migraine from WebMD:
I do not get such discounts for my migraine medication, but it is still much better…about $140 instead of $500. I use frovatriptan for a rescue medication..
Yes, I also use a triptan. They aren't at the top tiers though.
Thank you for these links! I agree both of these, exercise and hydration seem to be life forces in themselves! But I am disappointed that there weren't actual examples of exercises specific to migraines. I wonder if there are any?
The impression that I get from going to youtube for exercise precisely for migraines is that neck stretches (if you can do them) are probably the best and breathing exercises (called by so many different names they are ridiculous). Since migraines are so complex it's best that you check with your doctor to make sure that any exercise that deals with stretching your neck muscles won't make things worse.
Does anyone have exercises that help them?
Cyber hugs my friend
Exercise Tips for Migraines and Headaches: https://www.practicalpainmanagement.com/patient/conditions/headache/exercise-tips-migraines-headaches
{{ hugs }} backatcha! Thank you
It doesn't work that way. I don't know anything about Medicare.