Loneliness: Why am I depressed?

Posted by nanette2022 @nanette2022, Aug 14, 2021

I have everything to be happy for yet I am depressed because I live by myself, I have no family here, and loneliness is starting to get the best of me. I love to write (I am a published author) love to cook (but no one cares to come for dinner) and gardening. Why am I so sad?

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i am lonely; i am depressed. i am alone in this world that covid has built for me.. i was never a social butterfly, but at least i volunteered once or twice a week at the planting fields and tried to go to the senior center once or twice a week. even the library now and then. but covid had made me lonely, isolated and depressed...not that i wasn't before


i am lonely; i am depressed. i am alone in this world that covid has built for me.. i was never a social butterfly, but at least i volunteered once or twice a week at the planting fields and tried to go to the senior center once or twice a week. even the library now and then. but covid had made me lonely, isolated and depressed...not that i wasn't before

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@theai So many people have been affected by Covid, and have had to make dramatic changes in their life. While here on Mayo Connect, you are participating in a group forum. Are there similar forums near where you live, that you can join? A book club, perhaps, or a hobby group? Perhaps your faith community has Zoom meetings that you can attend. I know, it isn't like being there in person, but it does help us feel not so alone!


Dear @nanette2022. Your post leads me to think that the AA groups you've been in don't "click" with you. You haven't yet located your own home group where you can be yourself and provide support to others while allowing them to provide support to you. When someone tells you that you are too negative or too positive (as in telling you that you are bragging) to me this means they are taking your inventory (4th Step). Is there peer recovery coaching where you are? These are folks with many years of recovery under their belts who have been trained to take on this role and help others. This is meant to be at no cost. to you. At least it is where I live in Michigan. Recovery in depression (that's me) and alcohol (that's my family) is complicated. I hope you will keep at it and find what works best for you. Will you please come back here and keep allow all of us to provide you with support and virtual hugs (((nanette2022))).

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Dear Helen, today I found the AA group I needed and that your prayed that I would found; thank you.


yes, it isnt like being there in person but to be alone many times is worst


Dear Helen, today I found the AA group I needed and that your prayed that I would found; thank you.

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That's wonderful news. What do you like about the AA group you found? Does the meeting happen online or in person?


What I liked and was blessed to find was the fact that I was totally accepted, no "if" no "but" just as I am! Today, at the early meeting, when only girls were left, I was able and had the courage to say that there were times when I was so jealous of them...and.. to my surprise, a few said "me too". How about that? Girls admitting to each other that there were times when they were jealous of each other?


i am lonely; i am depressed. i am alone in this world that covid has built for me.. i was never a social butterfly, but at least i volunteered once or twice a week at the planting fields and tried to go to the senior center once or twice a week. even the library now and then. but covid had made me lonely, isolated and depressed...not that i wasn't before

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I have been feeling the same way much of the pandemic. Life is not the same. But even being high risk, I’ve been able to do lots of things outside. Walks with friends, skiing (good quality masks in line ups but off for skiing), dinners outdoors under a canopy with a propane camp fire.

Outdoors is quite safe if not crowded so I wonder if you’d feel safe going back to your field planting volunteer job?

All the best! We’ll get through this.


Nanette, I am a retired RN who struggles with Fibromyalgia pain and post neck surgery pain. I have learned so much from listening to webinars on how our good gut bacteria produce substances which in turn produce the brain’s neurotransmitter called Serotonin. It would help you so much to work with a nutritionist who can help you get your gut bacteria in good shape. It’s certainly important to start out with a soul-based probiotic at bedtime and a lactobacillus and lactobifidus probiotic in the daytime. And eat Wild Caught Sock-Eye or Coho Salmon or take a Molecularly Distilled Fish Oil supplement. Eat roasted walnuts. Secondly, depression is helped so much by getting to sleep no later than 10:30 and waking at 6 or 6:30 am and getting outside to catch the early sunlight. Thirdly, 30 min of brisk walking followed by squats and some hand weight lifting and push-ups (if safe for you) will boost good blood supply (and all the things I mentioned above) into your brain.


Nanette, Oops soil-based not soul-based


I have been feeling the same way much of the pandemic. Life is not the same. But even being high risk, I’ve been able to do lots of things outside. Walks with friends, skiing (good quality masks in line ups but off for skiing), dinners outdoors under a canopy with a propane camp fire.

Outdoors is quite safe if not crowded so I wonder if you’d feel safe going back to your field planting volunteer job?

All the best! We’ll get through this.

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it would be impossible for me to go back at this point. the stroke i recently had has left me unable to do much. i do go out via ambulette to doctors and one time via uber to a comedy show, but it isn't easy or financially feasible to do so often. thank you so much for writing back. it means so much. i've also developed a bit of a social phobia.

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