COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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That’s great! It’s crazy how the vaccine has effected people so differently. Unfortunately I wasn’t so lucky. I always taken supplements too, would you mind sharing what you’ve been taking? You never know what may have made the difference.

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D3 2000 mg bid (twice daily)
Vit c 250-500 mg qd (once daily)
Ubiquinol 200 mg bid
N-acetyl-L-Cysteine 500 mg bid
High dose R-lipoic Acid 300 mg bid
Acetyl-L-Carnitine 1000 mg bid
B multivitamin alternating with women’s vitam
B-12 1200 mcg qd (I’m on pariet for reflux which interferes with B-12 absorption)

For depression and cognitive issues I also take
Resveratrol concentrate 250 mg qd
PQQ-10 200 mg

The other thing that I think helped was getting my cholesterol under control with exercise, diet and medication over the last two years. It wasn’t terribly high but of any of my blood work, my neurologist was the most concerned it. I’ve also lowered my alcohol intake, not that it was very high to begin with but very little bit helps.

Note: These have been recommended by a medically trained naturopath and my psychiatrist. I also did some research on mitochondrial dysfunction as my smart neurologist believes that they’ll eventually discover that is the underlying cause of post viral neuropathy.

I’m looking into glutamine right now but am not on it at this point.

All the best! Please research these and consult a doc or medically trained naturopath!


D3 2000 mg bid (twice daily)
Vit c 250-500 mg qd (once daily)
Ubiquinol 200 mg bid
N-acetyl-L-Cysteine 500 mg bid
High dose R-lipoic Acid 300 mg bid
Acetyl-L-Carnitine 1000 mg bid
B multivitamin alternating with women’s vitam
B-12 1200 mcg qd (I’m on pariet for reflux which interferes with B-12 absorption)

For depression and cognitive issues I also take
Resveratrol concentrate 250 mg qd
PQQ-10 200 mg

The other thing that I think helped was getting my cholesterol under control with exercise, diet and medication over the last two years. It wasn’t terribly high but of any of my blood work, my neurologist was the most concerned it. I’ve also lowered my alcohol intake, not that it was very high to begin with but very little bit helps.

Note: These have been recommended by a medically trained naturopath and my psychiatrist. I also did some research on mitochondrial dysfunction as my smart neurologist believes that they’ll eventually discover that is the underlying cause of post viral neuropathy.

I’m looking into glutamine right now but am not on it at this point.

All the best! Please research these and consult a doc or medically trained naturopath!

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Sorry for typos.”every little bit helps”


D3 2000 mg bid (twice daily)
Vit c 250-500 mg qd (once daily)
Ubiquinol 200 mg bid
N-acetyl-L-Cysteine 500 mg bid
High dose R-lipoic Acid 300 mg bid
Acetyl-L-Carnitine 1000 mg bid
B multivitamin alternating with women’s vitam
B-12 1200 mcg qd (I’m on pariet for reflux which interferes with B-12 absorption)

For depression and cognitive issues I also take
Resveratrol concentrate 250 mg qd
PQQ-10 200 mg

The other thing that I think helped was getting my cholesterol under control with exercise, diet and medication over the last two years. It wasn’t terribly high but of any of my blood work, my neurologist was the most concerned it. I’ve also lowered my alcohol intake, not that it was very high to begin with but very little bit helps.

Note: These have been recommended by a medically trained naturopath and my psychiatrist. I also did some research on mitochondrial dysfunction as my smart neurologist believes that they’ll eventually discover that is the underlying cause of post viral neuropathy.

I’m looking into glutamine right now but am not on it at this point.

All the best! Please research these and consult a doc or medically trained naturopath!

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Thanks for taking the time to reply. I’ve already been taking some of the same supplements. The others I’ve looked up and look like some may be helpful for me. Of course I will consult with my doctor about anything I add to my regimen. I have been looking for a medically trained naturopath. Seems harder then I thought it would be. Wishing you continued good health.


Yes in November I had the Pfizer booster and the following day could barely walk . I am now suffering from numbness with my right arm and both feet .


I think there is a definite connection. Actually the neurology began for me when I had Covid-19. Then when I got a booster shot some time later I had the reaction where I couldn’t walk for several hours.


Good morning, this is what was recorded in the visit notes: "The etiology of X's episodic facial numbness is unclear, but X relates onset to X COVID vaccine. It is possible that X suffered a post-vaccine autoimmune nerve injury." I am now seeing a well-regarded Doctor of Osteopathy and after two treatments the numbness has subsided significantly. That doctor did record the issue as a vaccine injury.

X = my name and gender pronouns

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Thanks for sharing. What kind of treatment has helped, if I may ask .
Thank you


That's so great! Would that were the case for each person's unique biology. The only way to know for sure is take your chances.

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That sounds like great news. If someone were actually tracking these reactions, so many people might not be suffering.


Both my doctors, PCP and neurologist, have attributed the numbness and tingling to a "vaccine injury" after my 4th covid shot. The neurologist said it could have triggered a latent issue, which I didn't know I had any. I am due for an EMG and a C spine MRI. She wants to rue out a demyelination disease and a spine inflammation. She is thinking small fiber neuropathy or maybe even a mild Guillan Barre. After seeing her and being validated however, my anxiety went through the roof. It will take weeks to get anything scheduled here and then what? There doesn't seem to be any solutions. Hopefully time cures all. I certainly can't turn the clock back and not get that shot even though I wish to heavens I didn't do it. I am an RN working with the Native American population and have many friends and colleagues who have died before the vaccine was available. I am high risk myself. So, I thought I was doing a good thing. Sigh. She did say stop taking multi B vitamins and try Alpha Lipoic Acid, which I have already been doing. So far, one month of non stop tingling, numbness and muscles twitches. It's driving me crazy.


Both my doctors, PCP and neurologist, have attributed the numbness and tingling to a "vaccine injury" after my 4th covid shot. The neurologist said it could have triggered a latent issue, which I didn't know I had any. I am due for an EMG and a C spine MRI. She wants to rue out a demyelination disease and a spine inflammation. She is thinking small fiber neuropathy or maybe even a mild Guillan Barre. After seeing her and being validated however, my anxiety went through the roof. It will take weeks to get anything scheduled here and then what? There doesn't seem to be any solutions. Hopefully time cures all. I certainly can't turn the clock back and not get that shot even though I wish to heavens I didn't do it. I am an RN working with the Native American population and have many friends and colleagues who have died before the vaccine was available. I am high risk myself. So, I thought I was doing a good thing. Sigh. She did say stop taking multi B vitamins and try Alpha Lipoic Acid, which I have already been doing. So far, one month of non stop tingling, numbness and muscles twitches. It's driving me crazy.

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I have had family members with these
Same symptoms . They were told to avoid things / Foods that cause inflammation( gluten , alcohol …) after 6 to 9 months they no longer have symptoms . Hang in there!!! I hope this helped !


Both my doctors, PCP and neurologist, have attributed the numbness and tingling to a "vaccine injury" after my 4th covid shot. The neurologist said it could have triggered a latent issue, which I didn't know I had any. I am due for an EMG and a C spine MRI. She wants to rue out a demyelination disease and a spine inflammation. She is thinking small fiber neuropathy or maybe even a mild Guillan Barre. After seeing her and being validated however, my anxiety went through the roof. It will take weeks to get anything scheduled here and then what? There doesn't seem to be any solutions. Hopefully time cures all. I certainly can't turn the clock back and not get that shot even though I wish to heavens I didn't do it. I am an RN working with the Native American population and have many friends and colleagues who have died before the vaccine was available. I am high risk myself. So, I thought I was doing a good thing. Sigh. She did say stop taking multi B vitamins and try Alpha Lipoic Acid, which I have already been doing. So far, one month of non stop tingling, numbness and muscles twitches. It's driving me crazy.

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I’m curious as to why your neurologist recommends stopping the B vitamins. Mine said the exact opposite. However I don’t have much faith in my neuro. Everything I have figured out in this fiasco has mainly been on my own with him just along for the ride. I do take alpha lipoic acid and you will find many others here who do as well. I don’t have much of an opinion as to whether it’s helping me or not. And BTW our stories are very similar except that my symptoms started immediately after the first shot. I have now had a total of 3 so obviously I am not an anti-vaxxer either.

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