COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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I have had Neuropathy for about 10 years now.It wasnt so bad for years and never affected my sleep.I have had 2 shots of Astrazeneca in 2021 and a booster of Moderna in January this year.My feet are burning more , prickling up the back of my legs , buttocks, one night it was into my arms and back, I have also noticed my muscles are feeling weak, I go to the gym and push them , it seems ok but they still feel weak.I am seeing a specialist on Wednesday 30th March.

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There is evidence that the nerve damage that may happen with the Covid vaccines is autoimmune-mediated. The immune profile resembles Long Covid. In both the vaccine injuries and long Covid, patients benefit from rest with little aerobic activity. The rest suppresses the autoimmune reaction. People seem to tolerate mild resistance exercise better than aerobic exercise. I hope this information helps.


There is evidence that the nerve damage that may happen with the Covid vaccines is autoimmune-mediated. The immune profile resembles Long Covid. In both the vaccine injuries and long Covid, patients benefit from rest with little aerobic activity. The rest suppresses the autoimmune reaction. People seem to tolerate mild resistance exercise better than aerobic exercise. I hope this information helps.

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I was diagnosed with peripheal neuropathy in Sept 21. After both pheizer vaccines. Not too bad just stiff feet no reason for it they said. Then got booster and next day the tingling and electricity throughout my body started. Question if its from statin or the vaccine. Very coincidental.


I was diagnosed with peripheal neuropathy in Sept 21. After both pheizer vaccines. Not too bad just stiff feet no reason for it they said. Then got booster and next day the tingling and electricity throughout my body started. Question if its from statin or the vaccine. Very coincidental.

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I’ve been sick for four months now after the Moderno boster.. Neuropathy, miserable itching sensation and prickling. With twitching all over.


I was diagnosed with peripheal neuropathy in Sept 21. After both pheizer vaccines. Not too bad just stiff feet no reason for it they said. Then got booster and next day the tingling and electricity throughout my body started. Question if its from statin or the vaccine. Very coincidental.

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Information and support about neurological injuries from the Covid vaccines is available at the Neuro V Long-Haulers Facebook group. Information includes links to published evidence in peer-reviewed scientific journals. The media isn't covering the evidence, including the thousands of pages of adverse effects associated with the Pfizer vaccines. Those documents became available only when Pfizer and the FDA were ordered to release them by a federal judge. The number of vaccinations given was redacted in an apparent effort to hide the high percentage of vaccinations associated with adverse effects, of which many were neurological. Just Google "Pfizer documents". Some "fact checker sites" try to claim critics are misinterpreting the Pfizer documents because the adverse effects were only "associated" with rhe vaccines. But the sheer volume of adverse effects, including serious adverse effects, argues they are real. There is a need for transparency so that the public can make informed decisions about the vaccines, which are new technology.


I’ve been sick for four months now after the Moderno boster.. Neuropathy, miserable itching sensation and prickling. With twitching all over.

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I have addressed this with drs neurologists and no one will acknowledge I have appt at Mayo for Emg curious if their neurological department has any insight


I have addressed this with drs neurologists and no one will acknowledge I have appt at Mayo for Emg curious if their neurological department has any insight

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Please update us after your Mayo appt. Wishing you the best.


I will toss this in for consideration. I go to a world-renowned medical facility and was told by a nurse there that the oncology department is seeing a lot of women with inflamed and/or infected underarm lymph nodes on the same arm where the mRNA "not exactly a vaccine, more an operating system update'" vax, to quote the senior mRNA expert at Scripp's, was given. The oncologists are unofficially tracking stats to see if the number of first-time breast cancers are deviating from historical patterns and occurring in disproportionate numbers on the side of the body where the "vax" was given.

I have a friend who's not been able to wall without pain and difficulty since the second Pfizer vax. His orthopedic surgeon in Palm Beach County has mostly professional athletes as clients and said that he and colleagues are seeing a lot of this complaint of generalized weakness after the vax and they and neurologists are stymied so far as to exactly what is damaged, how to treat it, whether it will improve over time. And the nurse who mentioned the flurry of newly-swollen lymph node cases has a mother whose right leg has been essentially paralyzed since her second vax.

Maybe people are tolerating the first vax (if they do) but the second is a clear overload? No wonder Pfizer wanted 75 years (sic!) to provide lists of reported adverse effects. I'm not anti-vax but I'm militantly pro informed consent. Which none of us were able to give absent the ability to become informed.


I received my 4th Pfizer shot on January 28th. To this very day, I am still experiencing nonstop numbness and tingling in my feet and fingers, weird electrical sensations pulsing through my limbs. Some days are better than others, but it never goes away and somedays it just takes over. I have had neck MRIs, EMG, a dozen blood tests looking for auto immune and vitamin issues. Every single test comes back normal. My neurologist believes it may be an auto immune related small fiber neuropathy caused by the vaccine. 2 of my other doctors also believe it is a vaccine side effect. I have tried Neurontin which just made me feel like a zombie and didn't help. I've tried every supplement said to possibly help, no response. I notice when I am stressed or try to do alot of physical activity, it gets worse. After long walks, my feet are numb ,like 2 blocks of ice. Everyone tells me it will go away, whatever "it" is.Whatever it is we are experiencing, I don't believe that there is a test for. Seems like everyone eventually does get better, whether 4 months or a year. I am in my fourth month of this craziness. I have reported it to Pfizer and to VAERS., for what it's worth. As an RN who saw many of my friends and colleagues die of covid before there was a vaccine, I am thankful to still be here , tingling and all. I probably would have stopped at the third shot. However, I am in a high risk group, over 60 and a poor immune system. I also live in an area where many people refused to follow any health precautions, even as the hospitals were piling the dead into refrigerated trucks. I wish everyone well. Oh, BTW, the European health agency (I forget what they are called, equivalent to the CDC) does acknowledge that the Pfizer vaccine can cause paresthesias as a side effect. Why or how to treat it or even diagnose it, no one seems to know.


Please update us after your Mayo appt. Wishing you the best.

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Thank you and I will


I will toss this in for consideration. I go to a world-renowned medical facility and was told by a nurse there that the oncology department is seeing a lot of women with inflamed and/or infected underarm lymph nodes on the same arm where the mRNA "not exactly a vaccine, more an operating system update'" vax, to quote the senior mRNA expert at Scripp's, was given. The oncologists are unofficially tracking stats to see if the number of first-time breast cancers are deviating from historical patterns and occurring in disproportionate numbers on the side of the body where the "vax" was given.

I have a friend who's not been able to wall without pain and difficulty since the second Pfizer vax. His orthopedic surgeon in Palm Beach County has mostly professional athletes as clients and said that he and colleagues are seeing a lot of this complaint of generalized weakness after the vax and they and neurologists are stymied so far as to exactly what is damaged, how to treat it, whether it will improve over time. And the nurse who mentioned the flurry of newly-swollen lymph node cases has a mother whose right leg has been essentially paralyzed since her second vax.

Maybe people are tolerating the first vax (if they do) but the second is a clear overload? No wonder Pfizer wanted 75 years (sic!) to provide lists of reported adverse effects. I'm not anti-vax but I'm militantly pro informed consent. Which none of us were able to give absent the ability to become informed.

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Vaccines of any kind, not just covid vaccines, can cause swollen lymph nodes in the armpit of the side the vaccine was given on. It usually subsides within 4 to 6 weeks. We advise women to wait a few months after their covid vaccine before getting a mammogram to reduce the chances of false positives.

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