Long term effects AFTER withdrawing from Effexor

Posted by DissidentDaughter @dissidentdaughter, Aug 4, 2018

I am wondering if anyone has had any experience like this. I weaned off Effexor three years ago. After doing so I have gradually developed what is now becoming debilitating chronic pain. I am wondering if there is any way that being on Effexor for 15 years could have caused me to develop this pain now that I am not on it anymore. Thanks for your thoughts. I can’t seem to find any direct related research on this.

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I wish with all my soul that I had an answer for you. I started weening November 2020. Took the last 37.5 the end of May. I am NOT okay. I cried reading your question because it often feel as if I will never be the same again. Im not sure I remember what "normal" feels like.
In addition, how can I work like this. I certainly cant teach preschool like this. (rage, anger, loss of patience) Where could I work with this loss of brain function? As a single parent, money will run out soon. The house is up for sale but no offers.Its as if the entire world is out to get me. Have you heard about the housing market? Mine= o offers after a month


Has there been any move to bring a class action suit to the original manufacturer of Effexor for not labeling this medication with sufficient warnings?


Effexor needs to be banned! ASAP!

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One point we agree to disagree on.
I know that Effexor helps some people. Others get off of it much easier. You could make that argument about many medications. I was talking to someone here about getting off Klonopin and she said she had no problem at all with it but struggled getting off Gabapentin which I stopped effortlessly. Just the way different medications effect certain people.


I know what you mean but Effexor seems to be the worst for the vast majority of AD takers. When there are many many websites devoted to this one particular drug it makes me stand up and take notice. I personally went through hell with Paxil. It’s a tough one to taper but doesn’t seem to be as notorious as Effexor. My previous doc did put me on Effexor at one point, that lasted about 3 days I was soooo sick.


From what I understand the manufacturers didn't do research on how to properly get people off these meds and they should be held liable for not doing so. If the makers don't know how to get off it who does? Now it's trial and error.


From what I understand the manufacturers didn't do research on how to properly get people off these meds and they should be held liable for not doing so. If the makers don't know how to get off it who does? Now it's trial and error.

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Sad state of affairs.


I took 8.5 months to wean off and was off for 4.5 months before I went back on. Quality of life got worse and worse. It did increase my blood pressure and I suffered a lot of pain after I weaned off. I read that it did suppress pain, but I do have fibromyalgia. The anxiety was horrible and the depression kept increasing. My blood pressure also seems to be going down now that I am taking it again. I'm so disappointed that I wasn't able to stay off of it, but I feel 75% better after just 2 days... I'm thankful for answered prayers because I felt like I was losing it!

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This us a terrible drug for many. It is sad because the medical personnel are not .monitoring patients regularly regarding effexor . it is still being prescribed to patients. DOCTORS have to wake up -. some of their patients are suffering because they are addicted. MDs say they are dependent. If you are the patient- there is no difference.


MDs should monitor their patients regarding fhis drug. Doctors do not listen to their patients about effexor- thus the addiction or dependence is not treated. How sad - even when patients have reported effexor - at times patients are ignored. Shame on the medical personnel and pharmaceutical companies for ignoring them.

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