Importance of focusing on Positive with Depression & Anxiety.

Posted by BoneHead @stsopoci, May 27, 2019

In my journey with the millions of humans who are brave enough to go down the path of recovery without alcohol, bad drug and more drugs, I have gradually more and more discovered how important it is to crawl out of my deep hole, bad attitude, self-importance, feeling sorry for myself, angry, sad, etc, etc, condition and more toward the LIGHT!!! That means changing and moving for me away from some friends that are very negative about everything. That means walking around the block when I get upset so I can calm down and see the light. That means taking care of myself, exercising, eating right and meeting new friends and keeping old friends that are well-balanced. Positivity in life is available to everyone and it's FREE. I have gone on a path throughout my early days of self-medicating with lots of alcohol, drug, etc. I cleaned myself up in 1996, OCT 13th but I still did not feel right until I could ask for help from a professional. Found out I was GAD (inherited from my MOM) and a few other close seconds. I went on medication for years on various meds until I found the chemical that keeps me pretty normal. BUT, BUT...something else was missing because I still suffered through the negativity of every situation that I could create in a moments time.

I love these groups because you are honest with yourself which is very important.
Finding good friends that understand you and the importance of staying positive with your journey through life.
Taking good care of yourself.
We all are unique so what works for me does not always work for you. I'm on 20mg of Lexipro.
What do other people do to stay positive?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Depression & Anxiety Support Group.

STAY POSITIVE. Be kind to yourself today and then you can be kind to others.


Today while I’m sitting in my townhouse by myself I am planning and reading up on several items I wrote down to work on. I know that if I sit by myself and just think a lot I will eventually start worrying about future events so I plan the day. Going up to the cabin tomorrow to cut grass and sand the deck. The grass takes 2-3 hours because it includes 2 acres of area around the cabin and trails and the road. The deck is harder work and I have an ideal that it will take 2-3 days. Before I go up north I’ll meet with my men for an hour to talk about life.


A little diary book of mine I found recently, with the page dated 1998 was a shocker for me. All the things I mentioned are still part of my life...struggle with: eating issues, exercise goals, depression and on discouraging but funny at the same time. I guess I have moved on a little if I can laugh at that. Laughter is truly the best medicine for me. And music, although it has to be the right kind.


A little diary book of mine I found recently, with the page dated 1998 was a shocker for me. All the things I mentioned are still part of my life...struggle with: eating issues, exercise goals, depression and on discouraging but funny at the same time. I guess I have moved on a little if I can laugh at that. Laughter is truly the best medicine for me. And music, although it has to be the right kind.

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Laughter is good, but I can only cry!!!!


Laughter is good, but I can only cry!!!!

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When laughter doesn't even seem possible is indeed a hard place to be, @smilie. How's it going today?


We all get together with friends and family and talk about what’s happening and catch up on how things are going. But BUT ... please help the group get out of the negativity by talking about other people and how bad or wrong they are and isn’t it awful! After listening to my in-laws for an hour my daughter left and went to the deck. I followed and asked her how’s it going. “The negativity in that room” depresses me” she said. I agreed that we spend to much time making ourselves feel better by putting down others. We sat outside and talked about the exciting future and smiled and laughed.
Inside was no laughing and no smiling but a lot of judging going on.


We all get together with friends and family and talk about what’s happening and catch up on how things are going. But BUT ... please help the group get out of the negativity by talking about other people and how bad or wrong they are and isn’t it awful! After listening to my in-laws for an hour my daughter left and went to the deck. I followed and asked her how’s it going. “The negativity in that room” depresses me” she said. I agreed that we spend to much time making ourselves feel better by putting down others. We sat outside and talked about the exciting future and smiled and laughed.
Inside was no laughing and no smiling but a lot of judging going on.

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@stsopoci You raised your daughter right! Good for her for recognizing it. I have several acquaintances that I used to call friends. They were like that, too, always being negative. It was so draining to be around, and I had to lovingly but firmly step away from them. They didn't understand, and I cannot help them understand, even when explaining my awkward position. I'd rather be around the positive people in a group setting like that.


I was able to deal with anxiety and worry until three years ago. It depleted me to the point of near ruin. I was referred to a wonderful psychiatrist who has been a huge help. I have been fortunate to not have needed it before. Exercising, eating healthy and staying positive have always. been my "medicine." When it took more than that, and needing medication to help, it was difficult for me to accept. I have a new perspective of what this disease does to one's life and now do not look at the medicine as the enemy, but rather the salvation.


Today while I’m sitting in my townhouse by myself I am planning and reading up on several items I wrote down to work on. I know that if I sit by myself and just think a lot I will eventually start worrying about future events so I plan the day. Going up to the cabin tomorrow to cut grass and sand the deck. The grass takes 2-3 hours because it includes 2 acres of area around the cabin and trails and the road. The deck is harder work and I have an ideal that it will take 2-3 days. Before I go up north I’ll meet with my men for an hour to talk about life.

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Like you, I cannot be idle for too long. Staying busy has always been my coping skill. I try to listen to my body though and not overdo it. Otherwise, it wears me down. Staying busy and staying in touch with friends really helps.


Like you, I cannot be idle for too long. Staying busy has always been my coping skill. I try to listen to my body though and not overdo it. Otherwise, it wears me down. Staying busy and staying in touch with friends really helps.

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Hello @lheimrick

I see that you have just started posting on Connect and I'd like to welcome you to our Connect community. I appreciate your posts regarding staying positive as a coping skill. If you are comfortable doing so, please share with us the activities that you find most helpful in order to stay busy and keep connected with friends.

At Connect, we all learn from each other and I'm sure there is much we can learn from you!

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