How do you manage daily life with IBS-D?

Posted by pjss48 @pjss48, Dec 11, 2018

I have IBS with diarrhea. I'm taking med for it. Had several bowel movements already today. How do you get things done in house and go out on errands and going to Dr appointments? Driving me crazy!

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I have a long term problem with GERD and more recently with IBS-D. Am on the low Fodmap diet and recently saw a new GI who changed my PPI to Dexilant along with two Pepcid tablets—one before dinner and another at bedtime. This was working—until I became terribly constipated. Dr. told me to take Citrucel for the constipation. I tried the powder and the caplets, both of which caused really bad acid reflux. Forget that! Now I am supposed to take Miralax. I think to myself: here I am on this restrictive Low FODMAP diet to control diarrhea—and now I am supposed to take a laxative
that causes it?? I am wondering why I just don’t eat some of the restricted foods on the diet that used to give me diarrhea? Dr. says Metamucil causes a lot of gas. Well, if I go back to the Metamucil wafers I successfully used for years before the IBS, having gas is better than being plugged up and uncomfortable.

Am I losing my mind here? Has anyone had the problems with constipation on Pepcid or similar meds? Were you able to solve it without a heavy duty laxative like Miralax that more or less restricts you to the house while you wait for it to work?

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@coralbells1 check out heathers website.

She has special fiber and try her tummy tamer tablets with meals Tummy tamers have peppermint, ginger and Finnell which calm things down a lot as you digest. Her products are for sale there or on amazon. Good luck.


@coralbells1 check out heathers website.

She has special fiber and try her tummy tamer tablets with meals Tummy tamers have peppermint, ginger and Finnell which calm things down a lot as you digest. Her products are for sale there or on amazon. Good luck.

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Thanks,but peppermint and ginger (especially peppermint) are notorious acid reflux triggers.


Thanks,but peppermint and ginger (especially peppermint) are notorious acid reflux triggers.

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I agree! It has been proven to keep the sphincter open to the stomach.


I have a long term problem with GERD and more recently with IBS-D. Am on the low Fodmap diet and recently saw a new GI who changed my PPI to Dexilant along with two Pepcid tablets—one before dinner and another at bedtime. This was working—until I became terribly constipated. Dr. told me to take Citrucel for the constipation. I tried the powder and the caplets, both of which caused really bad acid reflux. Forget that! Now I am supposed to take Miralax. I think to myself: here I am on this restrictive Low FODMAP diet to control diarrhea—and now I am supposed to take a laxative
that causes it?? I am wondering why I just don’t eat some of the restricted foods on the diet that used to give me diarrhea? Dr. says Metamucil causes a lot of gas. Well, if I go back to the Metamucil wafers I successfully used for years before the IBS, having gas is better than being plugged up and uncomfortable.

Am I losing my mind here? Has anyone had the problems with constipation on Pepcid or similar meds? Were you able to solve it without a heavy duty laxative like Miralax that more or less restricts you to the house while you wait for it to work?


@coralbells1 check out heathers website.

She has special fiber and try her tummy tamer tablets with meals Tummy tamers have peppermint, ginger and Finnell which calm things down a lot as you digest. Her products are for sale there or on amazon. Good luck.

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Thank you for thinking about me, but the opening to my stomach doesn’t close at all and peppermint makes it real bad. The ginger, I can tolerate and I don’t know about the fennel. I appreciate it!


I have a long term problem with GERD and more recently with IBS-D. Am on the low Fodmap diet and recently saw a new GI who changed my PPI to Dexilant along with two Pepcid tablets—one before dinner and another at bedtime. This was working—until I became terribly constipated. Dr. told me to take Citrucel for the constipation. I tried the powder and the caplets, both of which caused really bad acid reflux. Forget that! Now I am supposed to take Miralax. I think to myself: here I am on this restrictive Low FODMAP diet to control diarrhea—and now I am supposed to take a laxative
that causes it?? I am wondering why I just don’t eat some of the restricted foods on the diet that used to give me diarrhea? Dr. says Metamucil causes a lot of gas. Well, if I go back to the Metamucil wafers I successfully used for years before the IBS, having gas is better than being plugged up and uncomfortable.

Am I losing my mind here? Has anyone had the problems with constipation on Pepcid or similar meds? Were you able to solve it without a heavy duty laxative like Miralax that more or less restricts you to the house while you wait for it to work?

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I find fennel teeth tummy soothing.


I find fennel teeth tummy soothing.

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Tea not teeth!


I have a long term problem with GERD and more recently with IBS-D. Am on the low Fodmap diet and recently saw a new GI who changed my PPI to Dexilant along with two Pepcid tablets—one before dinner and another at bedtime. This was working—until I became terribly constipated. Dr. told me to take Citrucel for the constipation. I tried the powder and the caplets, both of which caused really bad acid reflux. Forget that! Now I am supposed to take Miralax. I think to myself: here I am on this restrictive Low FODMAP diet to control diarrhea—and now I am supposed to take a laxative
that causes it?? I am wondering why I just don’t eat some of the restricted foods on the diet that used to give me diarrhea? Dr. says Metamucil causes a lot of gas. Well, if I go back to the Metamucil wafers I successfully used for years before the IBS, having gas is better than being plugged up and uncomfortable.

Am I losing my mind here? Has anyone had the problems with constipation on Pepcid or similar meds? Were you able to solve it without a heavy duty laxative like Miralax that more or less restricts you to the house while you wait for it to work?

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Have you tried the FODMAP diet for 2 to 6 weeks to see if it helps your IBS? Also I’ve been told to try one solution at a time to see if it works, so the diet alone without other meds might be a good first approach. It worked for me. Of course that doesn’t mean that exercise, esp yoga or tai chi, lots of water, no carbonated drinks or use of straws (to reduce bloating), and stress relief such as meditation aren’t important along with any medical solution. Stress is a major trigger for IBS and other GI issues.


I just read some more replies and saw some on Linsess. I get very severe diarrhea with the full dose and still some diarrhea, but not as much on a lower dose. I don’t use it any more. Prunes or prune juice give me bad gas. I take Dexilant in the morning and Ranitidine at night for reflux. I also take 2 Colace in the morning and 3 at night. I also have very bad reflux because the opening to my stomach doesn’t close at all. Citracel gives me severe reflux as does anything with citrus. I also have endometriosis so bad that all of my intestines are one big lump of scar tissue. My bowels and bladder have dropped again and my Urology doctor said no surgery now, it won’t help much.
So I eat a lot of vegetables (not in the cabbage family-too much gas) and fruits, especially bananas and blueberries and exercise like taking a walk or stretching or even lots of vacuuming, gardening, etc. The oatmeal recommended by my urologist is to add bulk to my bowel movements. I soak it with milk and eat it raw not cooked. Try it, it has a nutty texture. I also make a pumpkin mousse which is just pumpkin pie filling made with skim milk, eggs, 3 packs of sweetener, pumpkin and a little pumpkin pie spice. I bake it at 370’ for 55 minutes uncovered and it keeps in the fridge for a week. I add it to my morning cereal like bran flakes or wheat Chex plus the soaked oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of ground flax, some sliced banana and 1/2 cup of frozen blueberries. This breakfast keeps me full and satisfied and keeps my bowels moving.

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Are your constipation issues related to Crohn's disease by any chance ? The reason I ask, is that I have Crohn's and chronic constipation that has turned into a daily battle. I'm always looking for new strategies to try because I feel like I'm running out of options.


Are your constipation issues related to Crohn's disease by any chance ? The reason I ask, is that I have Crohn's and chronic constipation that has turned into a daily battle. I'm always looking for new strategies to try because I feel like I'm running out of options.

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No, no Crohn's. Just celiac disease and long-standing irritable bowel. In the last two and 1/2 years I have gone from being on no medications to being on three: metoprolol, prolia and repatha. There is a definite connection between the medications and the worsening constipation.
At the moment, while waiting to see the gastroenterologist, I am now swallowing tablespoons of that delightful milk of magnesia topped up with an occassional senokot. The m of m is helping. Also, one of the Mayo Clinic Connect members mentioned a product available on Amazon called H2Go (magnesium tablets). Waiting for my order to arrive.

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