Gratitude Discussion Group

Posted by Debbra Williams, Alumna Mentor @debbraw, Nov 24, 2018

Hi everyone! Just before Thanksgiving @michellegraffradford posted a blog called Gratitude Changes Everything. She suggested three techniques to help incorporate gratitude into our daily lives:

  • Start the Day with Gratitude (before getting up think of three people you are grateful for)

  • Maintain a Gratitude Journal to record times when you are grateful

  • Count Blessings – not sheep! (Review the day and remember moments of gratitude)

Her blogpost was so inspiring that a lot of us decided we wanted to form a Gratitude Group to keep the attitude of gratitude going. The blogpost area is not an ideal space for a big discussion group so I am moving the discussion over here to the “Just Want to Talk” Group. Let’s use this space to share and discuss our Gratitude Journey. I’m going to suggest that we each try to take a minute from the day and post here what has made us feel thankful today. It can be as small as a stranger’s smile on the bus or as large as fulfilling a major life dream – or anywhere in between. We can also discuss how we are doing with the three techniques. Sometimes it is easier to form new habits with support from others.

Michelle's full blogpost is at the link below. You may want to review it or print it out to help get started!

I look forward to hearing from others in the Gratitude Group and to having others join us here! Thanks to those who already shared great stories. If you haven't yet, what gratitude will you share today?!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


Stopping by to say thank you for all of the positive words and encouragement. So nice to visit briefly at the cuber table. I do miss y'all!!!! Cyber hugs.

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@parus We're keeping your seat warm for you! Come back to visit whenever it feels right for you. There's always conversations to be had, comments to be made, and insights to be shared with your cyber Buddies. Looking forward to hearing from you and hearing that things have progressed well in your treatments.


@gingerw Thanks so much. I have another BCG treatment Wednesday morning. I am thankful the nurse is doing these and her humor and knowledge have helped so much. There are kind and respectful people and I was due for one!!! I have been through a lot of ka-ka with medical professionals lately. If I were a rude and disrespectful I could understand the attitudes. Maybe this is what it takes in a stressed out world. Not my style. I am learning to be more assertive and this I have learned from others here. Have also learned on my end I at times need to stand my ground. I can do so appropriately even though there are times my letter opener tongue wants to lose itself.
@becsbuddy It was reassuring to work with an RN. I have nearly always been treated well with nurses. It is the doctors and the CMA's. I also have a wonderful pain specialist and going to schedule a rhizotomy in the near future for the cervical pain. He usually sedates for this. He said he can do so under a local as I did well with the numbing agent injections. A relief as the hospital has a new rule and I did not want to spend another night in the hospital-Aargh, the whole idea of out patient surgery!! If a patient receives sedation there must be someone waiting in the waiting room to sign the patient out stating said patient will not be left alone for 24 hours. Evidently the hospital was sued over a situation(s) involving such a matter. I had a transport service for transportation. They refused to do the surgery if I did not agree to stay overnight. I found this out in pre-op. A new ruling. Nothing like a slumber party in the hospital. At least I kept my humor and had the staff in stitches!!!
@hopeful33250 @merpreb and debbraw Always good to hear from you too. Time to stop before I become too syrupy. I have dined well.


@gingerw Thanks so much. I have another BCG treatment Wednesday morning. I am thankful the nurse is doing these and her humor and knowledge have helped so much. There are kind and respectful people and I was due for one!!! I have been through a lot of ka-ka with medical professionals lately. If I were a rude and disrespectful I could understand the attitudes. Maybe this is what it takes in a stressed out world. Not my style. I am learning to be more assertive and this I have learned from others here. Have also learned on my end I at times need to stand my ground. I can do so appropriately even though there are times my letter opener tongue wants to lose itself.
@becsbuddy It was reassuring to work with an RN. I have nearly always been treated well with nurses. It is the doctors and the CMA's. I also have a wonderful pain specialist and going to schedule a rhizotomy in the near future for the cervical pain. He usually sedates for this. He said he can do so under a local as I did well with the numbing agent injections. A relief as the hospital has a new rule and I did not want to spend another night in the hospital-Aargh, the whole idea of out patient surgery!! If a patient receives sedation there must be someone waiting in the waiting room to sign the patient out stating said patient will not be left alone for 24 hours. Evidently the hospital was sued over a situation(s) involving such a matter. I had a transport service for transportation. They refused to do the surgery if I did not agree to stay overnight. I found this out in pre-op. A new ruling. Nothing like a slumber party in the hospital. At least I kept my humor and had the staff in stitches!!!
@hopeful33250 @merpreb and debbraw Always good to hear from you too. Time to stop before I become too syrupy. I have dined well.

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@parus Always good to hear from you. I'm glad that you have good reports!
P.S. My daughter is an RN she will be glad to hear that you give nurses such good ratings!


@gingerw Thanks so much. I have another BCG treatment Wednesday morning. I am thankful the nurse is doing these and her humor and knowledge have helped so much. There are kind and respectful people and I was due for one!!! I have been through a lot of ka-ka with medical professionals lately. If I were a rude and disrespectful I could understand the attitudes. Maybe this is what it takes in a stressed out world. Not my style. I am learning to be more assertive and this I have learned from others here. Have also learned on my end I at times need to stand my ground. I can do so appropriately even though there are times my letter opener tongue wants to lose itself.
@becsbuddy It was reassuring to work with an RN. I have nearly always been treated well with nurses. It is the doctors and the CMA's. I also have a wonderful pain specialist and going to schedule a rhizotomy in the near future for the cervical pain. He usually sedates for this. He said he can do so under a local as I did well with the numbing agent injections. A relief as the hospital has a new rule and I did not want to spend another night in the hospital-Aargh, the whole idea of out patient surgery!! If a patient receives sedation there must be someone waiting in the waiting room to sign the patient out stating said patient will not be left alone for 24 hours. Evidently the hospital was sued over a situation(s) involving such a matter. I had a transport service for transportation. They refused to do the surgery if I did not agree to stay overnight. I found this out in pre-op. A new ruling. Nothing like a slumber party in the hospital. At least I kept my humor and had the staff in stitches!!!
@hopeful33250 @merpreb and debbraw Always good to hear from you too. Time to stop before I become too syrupy. I have dined well.

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@parus I’m always happy when patients feel good about their nurses. If you didn’t need a good nurse to watch over you, you wouldn’t need to be in the hospital. On the unit where I worked, if the nurses wasn’t kind, caring, and considerate, she didn’t last long. I was always particular about who I hired!
Yes, the rules about staying overnight after sedation can be a pain, but it’s for your safety. You don’t want to be alone until the drugs are out of your system. Well, many of us would prefer to be alone, but....
It’s so good to hear you being positive and enjoying the slumber party!


@parus I’m always happy when patients feel good about their nurses. If you didn’t need a good nurse to watch over you, you wouldn’t need to be in the hospital. On the unit where I worked, if the nurses wasn’t kind, caring, and considerate, she didn’t last long. I was always particular about who I hired!
Yes, the rules about staying overnight after sedation can be a pain, but it’s for your safety. You don’t want to be alone until the drugs are out of your system. Well, many of us would prefer to be alone, but....
It’s so good to hear you being positive and enjoying the slumber party!

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I have so much gratitude for the wonderful 5 days we’re have spent in Crested Butte, CO. seeing our grandchildren.! The altitude was a problem sometimes, but nothing I couldn’t handle. Never wanted our son to move to Crested Butte, but now I see what a wonderful place it is to visit!


@parus I’m always happy when patients feel good about their nurses. If you didn’t need a good nurse to watch over you, you wouldn’t need to be in the hospital. On the unit where I worked, if the nurses wasn’t kind, caring, and considerate, she didn’t last long. I was always particular about who I hired!
Yes, the rules about staying overnight after sedation can be a pain, but it’s for your safety. You don’t want to be alone until the drugs are out of your system. Well, many of us would prefer to be alone, but....
It’s so good to hear you being positive and enjoying the slumber party!

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@becsbuddy So true you could always tell the dedicated ones from the paycheck ones. I too had to send some abuser,s to the D.O.N.


I have so much gratitude for the wonderful 5 days we’re have spent in Crested Butte, CO. seeing our grandchildren.! The altitude was a problem sometimes, but nothing I couldn’t handle. Never wanted our son to move to Crested Butte, but now I see what a wonderful place it is to visit!

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@becsbuddy beautiful. My son still hasn't reached there goal yet getting closer though .


@parus Always good to hear from you. I'm glad that you have good reports!
P.S. My daughter is an RN she will be glad to hear that you give nurses such good ratings!

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@hopeful33250 My sister retired a couple of years ago as an RN, over 40 years with same hospital system. She also trained as a hynotherapist, and used that in her daily ministrations.


@parus I’m always happy when patients feel good about their nurses. If you didn’t need a good nurse to watch over you, you wouldn’t need to be in the hospital. On the unit where I worked, if the nurses wasn’t kind, caring, and considerate, she didn’t last long. I was always particular about who I hired!
Yes, the rules about staying overnight after sedation can be a pain, but it’s for your safety. You don’t want to be alone until the drugs are out of your system. Well, many of us would prefer to be alone, but....
It’s so good to hear you being positive and enjoying the slumber party!

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@becsbuddy My last colonoscopy in 2015, they waited to tell me until I checked in that having a taxi take me home was not good enough. So, because I didn't want to reschedule and do the prep again, I had the procedure without sedation. Dr told me I get a gold star.

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