High Calcium Score and PCSK9

Posted by lolagrey @lolagrey, May 19, 2018

My CAC score is 408. I exercise, eat healthy and take appropriate supplements for heart health. I do have a history of high cholesterol and high LDL. My endo and primary want me to take PCSK9 shots as I suffer from hair and memory loss and lethargy when taking statins. They feel the highLDL is FH...familial aster is a history of 2 younger brothers with early heart attacks. I am 65. Any pros or cons on the PCSK9? I am hesitant.

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Hello- I am new on here and I need some help. I have a lot of problems with statin drugs. My cholesterol is way too high and my my heart doctor is thinking about a shot. Since I have had cancer (four lung cancers) he is hesitant about prescribing it to me because it will lower my immune system even more than it is. Do any of you receive these shots? Can you tell me about your experience? Thank you


Hi @merpreb,

I moved your message and combined it with this discussion so that you can meet other members who have discussed different types of treatments to lower cholesterol.
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Hi @merpreb,

I moved your message and combined it with this discussion so that you can meet other members who have discussed different types of treatments to lower cholesterol.
If you click on VIEW & REPLY in your email notification, you will see the whole discussion and can join in, meet, and participate with other members talking about their or their loved ones' experiences.

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@kanaazpereira _ Thank you. This was an early 2018 (I think) message. I have no idea why it says that I just sent this. I didn't. I have now found a new drug that I am tolerating- Livalo. I'll see in a couple of months how it does. My cardiologist says that I am not showing or experiencing any side effects, so we are just going to wait and see. It's genetic, definitely not diet. Thank you.


I just had a high calcium score of 224, and my LDL is high, heart disease is in my family, but I'm concerned about taking the Lipitor my Dr wants me to take I've heard so many side effects of the statins. I'm on low dose aspirin now to any suggestions would be greatly appreciated very nervous about all this

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I could not tolerate statins. For the last six months I have been injecting Repatha twice a month. Recent bloodwork shows my LDL has dropped 50%.


Have been on repatha for six months. My HDL has dropped by 50%. (Unable to tolerate statins). Interested to hear from others on this medication. Side effects?


I hope that your cardiologist is doing a detailed cholesterol assessment. If you are identified as having hypercholesterolemia, they should be able to determine which genetic type you are. There are five classifications and one of them confirms that statins will not work for you. I'm one of those. I ended up reluctantly taking repatha. Wow what a change. My total cholesterol went from 390 to 129. My ldl went from 190 to 29. My suggestion is to find a good cardiologist who will do a complete analysis of your genetic type.
Good luck


Have been on repatha for six months. My HDL has dropped by 50%. (Unable to tolerate statins). Interested to hear from others on this medication. Side effects?

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Please confirm your HDL has decreased?


I hope that your cardiologist is doing a detailed cholesterol assessment. If you are identified as having hypercholesterolemia, they should be able to determine which genetic type you are. There are five classifications and one of them confirms that statins will not work for you. I'm one of those. I ended up reluctantly taking repatha. Wow what a change. My total cholesterol went from 390 to 129. My ldl went from 190 to 29. My suggestion is to find a good cardiologist who will do a complete analysis of your genetic type.
Good luck

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What is the name of the analysis you are referring to? What did your doctor order?

Thank you,


I have familial high cholesterol, not diet related. I had a CAC about 520. (My LDL was the Lp(a) type which is the worst kind for heart disease.) I was not able to tolerate statins because of muscle issues. I have been injecting Praluent (75 mg) for maybe 5 years now. No side effects that I am aware of. Cholesterol dropped about 50 points, LDL dropped way down and along with the overall drop in cholesterol, my very high HDL also dropped but still in the desirable range. Praluent was the best thing that happened to me for my heart health. I still maintain a high fiber diet low in cholesterol, avoiding eggs, dairy, red meat, etc.

I wish everyone good luck with these injectable cholesterol lowering drugs. For me they are a miracle drug.



What is the name of the analysis you are referring to? What did your doctor order?

Thank you,

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Have your cardiologist do a complete cholesterol panel. Mine runs about 500$. It breaks down all the subfractions and does a genetic analysis. Mine was done in Vanderbilt. Can't remember the name, but will look for the info (if I remember) when I get back from vacation.

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