Adults On The Autism Spectrum

Posted by Mamacita, Alumna Mentor @mamacita, Apr 29, 2018

Maybe you were really shy as a child. Perhaps you took home a huge stack of books from the school library, read them, and returned them the next day. Or did your best friend find you crying in your closet, unable to answer the question "Why?" At any rate, your life could be traced to the Self-Help section of the local bookstore. Unfortunately, most of the books were not much help. ADHD seemed to fit, at times. Your shrink said you might be Bi-Polar, although she wasn't really certain. All you knew was that you rarely fit in, anywhere. One day at work, it hit you square in the face: I don't speak these people's language! Really, it was like you were all playing this game, and everyone knew the rules but you. You couldn't tell a joke, and you never "got" any joke your co-worker tried to tell you. People started getting annoyed with you, because you had a memory like a steel trap. They didn't appreciate it when you called them on the carpet. Who knew? This was my life, and worse. I finally aced several tests that pointed me to the answer to my questions. The Autism Spectrum. Guess what? Little kids with Autism grow up to be Adults with Autism. Diagnosed late in life? This is the place for you!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autism (ASD) Support Group.

should be celebrating all souls day and all the families and friends that have passed on before us.


me being sillies as trick or treat


My sweet significant other was in STD division of the State Health Department. For well over 35 years, almost 40.

He gave out condoms, shot people up with penicillin, tracked down patients sex partners and got them treated for deadly diseasea, started the first Aids Support Group in our city, and was a shoulder to cry on when he had to give out a death sentence. "You have Aids." Back then it was not curable. Now, it is no longer a death sentence.

And I will light a candle in my window on All Souls Day. And remember all those who left us way too soon

I will celebrate life as it is now in this moment and be grateful.

Love you all bunches,

Mamacita Jane


me being sillies as trick or treat

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@sirgalahad, you know I got your back. Life really is a highway. Sometimes we get stuck in traffic. Sometimes we take a wrong turn.

It's ok. Grace covers it. I got a whole lotta splainin to do aboyr my own sassy selfm. Stick around and you will read all about it
Mamacita Jane


Oy,vey, @gingerw, this Thursday is not what I had planned at all.

I knew I was taking my oldest daughter to two doctor appointments. I was hoping to just drop her off and get back to homeschooling. Then pick her up and maybe we would all go out to eat at a nice family restaurant. Many Autists are notoriously stuck on scheduling and become a tad bit upset if their schedule is interrupted.

Meet the Autistic who does indeed get a tad bit upset when my schedule is all out of whack.

Yep. But thanks be to God and good medicine, I am handling this in stride.
It's not every day you are told that your Diabetic daughter must go to the ER and be admitted in order to receive IV antibiotics for cellulitis. I've seen worse infections as a Social Worker, out in the field. Much worse. But this one is not pretty.

I feel I am behind in my schoolwork, I know I am behind in my laundry. My husband is sick with what appears to be bronchitis. But I have left him in very capable 14 year old hands. God is good. I'm the only one available to do what I am doing. So I'm doing it.

Many Autistic friends are introverts, preferring the comforts of home. I am also one of those. I am hoping against hope that I am able to get out of here and return to my cozy little Hobbit hole. When she is finally in a room, she will be in good hands.

Here in Alabama, and across the nation, we are mourning the loss of a precious little three year old girl who was taken from a neighborhood birthday party. Ten days later she was found in a dumpster in a landfill. Our hearts are broken. I just want to hold onto my babies and never let them go.

Let's all be careful with the little people in our lives, especially as we approach the beginning of another season of holidays. Children are so quick, they can disappear in an instant.

@teresa, and @lisalucier, how do you handle the holidays in your family? Are you all gung ho, starting decorating on the 4th of July? Do you keep decorations up all year round? Or do you do something entirely different? I would like to hear from you all here in this little community. @sirgalahad, which camp do you think I am in? I bet you can guess the first tine.

Let's talk. To start off....Who likes candy corn?...Ok....that went well. Now, who is like me, and goes all out for the Hersheys mini candy bar bags? Yeah...thats what I thought! You guys are the best! and light,
Mamacita Jane


Oy,vey, @gingerw, this Thursday is not what I had planned at all.

I knew I was taking my oldest daughter to two doctor appointments. I was hoping to just drop her off and get back to homeschooling. Then pick her up and maybe we would all go out to eat at a nice family restaurant. Many Autists are notoriously stuck on scheduling and become a tad bit upset if their schedule is interrupted.

Meet the Autistic who does indeed get a tad bit upset when my schedule is all out of whack.

Yep. But thanks be to God and good medicine, I am handling this in stride.
It's not every day you are told that your Diabetic daughter must go to the ER and be admitted in order to receive IV antibiotics for cellulitis. I've seen worse infections as a Social Worker, out in the field. Much worse. But this one is not pretty.

I feel I am behind in my schoolwork, I know I am behind in my laundry. My husband is sick with what appears to be bronchitis. But I have left him in very capable 14 year old hands. God is good. I'm the only one available to do what I am doing. So I'm doing it.

Many Autistic friends are introverts, preferring the comforts of home. I am also one of those. I am hoping against hope that I am able to get out of here and return to my cozy little Hobbit hole. When she is finally in a room, she will be in good hands.

Here in Alabama, and across the nation, we are mourning the loss of a precious little three year old girl who was taken from a neighborhood birthday party. Ten days later she was found in a dumpster in a landfill. Our hearts are broken. I just want to hold onto my babies and never let them go.

Let's all be careful with the little people in our lives, especially as we approach the beginning of another season of holidays. Children are so quick, they can disappear in an instant.

@teresa, and @lisalucier, how do you handle the holidays in your family? Are you all gung ho, starting decorating on the 4th of July? Do you keep decorations up all year round? Or do you do something entirely different? I would like to hear from you all here in this little community. @sirgalahad, which camp do you think I am in? I bet you can guess the first tine.

Let's talk. To start off....Who likes candy corn?...Ok....that went well. Now, who is like me, and goes all out for the Hersheys mini candy bar bags? Yeah...thats what I thought! You guys are the best! and light,
Mamacita Jane

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Hello @mamacita
I just got back from the Mentor Meet Up last night. We had a great time. I got to spend some quality time with @gingerw and I enjoyed every minute of it. We wished you had been with us! Your "sweet significant other" sounds like a kind, caring person. He had a wonderful career in helping people.

Candy corn is not a favorite of mine, but I can really get into peanut butter cups!


Oy,vey, @gingerw, this Thursday is not what I had planned at all.

I knew I was taking my oldest daughter to two doctor appointments. I was hoping to just drop her off and get back to homeschooling. Then pick her up and maybe we would all go out to eat at a nice family restaurant. Many Autists are notoriously stuck on scheduling and become a tad bit upset if their schedule is interrupted.

Meet the Autistic who does indeed get a tad bit upset when my schedule is all out of whack.

Yep. But thanks be to God and good medicine, I am handling this in stride.
It's not every day you are told that your Diabetic daughter must go to the ER and be admitted in order to receive IV antibiotics for cellulitis. I've seen worse infections as a Social Worker, out in the field. Much worse. But this one is not pretty.

I feel I am behind in my schoolwork, I know I am behind in my laundry. My husband is sick with what appears to be bronchitis. But I have left him in very capable 14 year old hands. God is good. I'm the only one available to do what I am doing. So I'm doing it.

Many Autistic friends are introverts, preferring the comforts of home. I am also one of those. I am hoping against hope that I am able to get out of here and return to my cozy little Hobbit hole. When she is finally in a room, she will be in good hands.

Here in Alabama, and across the nation, we are mourning the loss of a precious little three year old girl who was taken from a neighborhood birthday party. Ten days later she was found in a dumpster in a landfill. Our hearts are broken. I just want to hold onto my babies and never let them go.

Let's all be careful with the little people in our lives, especially as we approach the beginning of another season of holidays. Children are so quick, they can disappear in an instant.

@teresa, and @lisalucier, how do you handle the holidays in your family? Are you all gung ho, starting decorating on the 4th of July? Do you keep decorations up all year round? Or do you do something entirely different? I would like to hear from you all here in this little community. @sirgalahad, which camp do you think I am in? I bet you can guess the first tine.

Let's talk. To start off....Who likes candy corn?...Ok....that went well. Now, who is like me, and goes all out for the Hersheys mini candy bar bags? Yeah...thats what I thought! You guys are the best! and light,
Mamacita Jane

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@mamacita, How is your daughter doing? Is she still in the hospital?


@mamacita, How is your daughter doing? Is she still in the hospital?

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We are still in the ER. They are definitely admitting her. They have to, in order to administer the IV antibiotics that she must have to knock out this horrid infection. Her leg is in really bad shape.

Thank you for your concern! I appreciate your kindness and caring.

I will post when I finally get home.. This hospital is great but the sensory environment is a nightmare . I cannot wait to get home!

Love and light,
Mamacita Jane


Candy corn and Reece’s cups until the 30th, in my world the 31st is the first day of Christmas let the music begin!


We are still in the ER. They are definitely admitting her. They have to, in order to administer the IV antibiotics that she must have to knock out this horrid infection. Her leg is in really bad shape.

Thank you for your concern! I appreciate your kindness and caring.

I will post when I finally get home.. This hospital is great but the sensory environment is a nightmare . I cannot wait to get home!

Love and light,
Mamacita Jane

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