Adults On The Autism Spectrum

Posted by Mamacita, Alumna Mentor @mamacita, Apr 29, 2018

Maybe you were really shy as a child. Perhaps you took home a huge stack of books from the school library, read them, and returned them the next day. Or did your best friend find you crying in your closet, unable to answer the question "Why?" At any rate, your life could be traced to the Self-Help section of the local bookstore. Unfortunately, most of the books were not much help. ADHD seemed to fit, at times. Your shrink said you might be Bi-Polar, although she wasn't really certain. All you knew was that you rarely fit in, anywhere. One day at work, it hit you square in the face: I don't speak these people's language! Really, it was like you were all playing this game, and everyone knew the rules but you. You couldn't tell a joke, and you never "got" any joke your co-worker tried to tell you. People started getting annoyed with you, because you had a memory like a steel trap. They didn't appreciate it when you called them on the carpet. Who knew? This was my life, and worse. I finally aced several tests that pointed me to the answer to my questions. The Autism Spectrum. Guess what? Little kids with Autism grow up to be Adults with Autism. Diagnosed late in life? This is the place for you!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autism (ASD) Support Group.


@auntieoakley We have someone in our little community building a haunted maze in his front yard. It is on the main road in to town, so there will be a clog of cars and kids come next Thursday. Apparently last year it was so scary some people were haunted by it all year, but can't wait to go back! Two doors down from him, the people have put up their nativity scene and holiday lights.....

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@gingerw There are those mental images again. Two displays at opposite ends of the pole. Amusing.


Lisa, she is much more optimistic. She is getting IV antibiotics and her leg is a little bit better. The doctor said she would be in there for at least four days. We are so pleased with her treatment by Huntsville Hospital.

She has so many chronic illnesses, she is a tough patient to take care of. I had to use a bit of Mama Bear tactics in the ER. One of the team members who had to decide if they admitted her made the statement " If we admit her." I couldn't let that go. Her life depended on it.

No, "When she is admitted. Because she is going to be admitted!" Oral antibiotics had not worked and she was at the point where one more day and she would be looking at amputation. Dr. Falcon had already said she was going to recommend admission.

I was raised to be a "nice Southern lady."
But when it's a matter of life and death, sometimes you just have to stand your ground.

I had written a long post to Colleen and somehow someone messaging me knocked it out into cyberspace. I will try it again later this evening.

Hope you have a restful weekend and take time to enjoy what you love.

Love and light,
Mamacita Jane

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Good for you, @mamacita. You know when to give up the "nice Southern lady" persona and become Mama Bear! Mama Bear helped save your daughter's life!!


I can no longer can drive at night. Anything going on after dark I need transportation. So discouraging at times.

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@mamacita Do you have transportation in your area I gave up driving years ago my choice but we have buses in front , the train,METRO and I use access transportation they pick me up and drop me of this is a great service for me ,


@lioness, we actually have a great transportation system here in Decatur. I am still able to drive, but driving where there are four lanes on either side tends to make me a bit anxious.

We do not, however have transportation from Decatur to Huntsville, where my daughter presently is hospitalized.

The rain has come down in torrents yiday. The wind has been horrific. So we battened down the hatches and are staying put in our Hobbithole. Chili, homemade is on the menu for dinner.

At our age we think it is a grand accomplishment to get a shower and pick up the mail. And I am fine with that.

Love and light,
Mamacita Jane


I can no longer can drive at night. Anything going on after dark I need transportation. So discouraging at times.

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Oh my @parus, I can so relate to that. I am still able to get around where I need to go, for the most part. But if I have to travel to another city, I can assure you I will be white knuckling it. Our last vehicle was built for safety and comfort for our aging bodies. Wi th my ailments, my joints can be so stiff and painful that I need a car that can accommodate that.
Lyrica ( the generic version) has stopped the Fibromyalgia train at least for now. It does nothing for the DDD or spinal stenosis. Or the neuropathy. But aspirin and supplements help.

The trunk of our car usually holds a cane or two, and these days, a walker and a Rollator. Rollator being my ambulatory aid of choice.

I will be 68 my next birthday. Guess I've earned a few moments of sitting by an open fire, reading my pile of books, or watching a movie on Netflix.
I think we've earned our stripes, you and I. We can still do things we enjoy. Maybe we can't go at the pace we used to, but that's ok. I know I have grieved my past life, my ability to get things done. It really sucks. That's just the truth. But I'm learning to slow down and appreciate the pace before me..

It feels pretty good. Thank you for sharing your story. You always have something interesting to say.

Love and light,
Mamacita Jane


@lioness, we actually have a great transportation system here in Decatur. I am still able to drive, but driving where there are four lanes on either side tends to make me a bit anxious.

We do not, however have transportation from Decatur to Huntsville, where my daughter presently is hospitalized.

The rain has come down in torrents yiday. The wind has been horrific. So we battened down the hatches and are staying put in our Hobbithole. Chili, homemade is on the menu for dinner.

At our age we think it is a grand accomplishment to get a shower and pick up the mail. And I am fine with that.

Love and light,
Mamacita Jane

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@mamacita That's a lot of traffic here in Calif. we have 4 lanes in both directions on the freeways and most highways at least 3 Got tired of the freeways so gave up the car.


@lioness, yes, it is. Indeed. A lot of traffic on those roads. People hurrying to get to work. People hurrying to get back home after work. And there is always construction going on in Huntsville. Especially, it seems, around the hospital. UAH is one of the top schools in our state. We have a teaching hospital, the Space and Rocket Center, NASA, and many high tech facilities all over the Tennessee Valley. Some of our best doctors are there, and many in my city would go no where else to seek advanced medical care.

Huntsville Hospital actually owns the two functioning hospitals in my town. But public opinion has not caught up with the supposed advances with this recent acquisition. Many residents will not go to either of our hospitals here in town. They would rather go straight to Huntsville, even in an emergency.

The weather is gray and dreary today here in North Alabama. But hopefully the sun will peek its head out from behind the clouds later on today. If not, I will find some enjoyable pastimes to occupy myself, where I don't dwell on the weather outside. I will be dropping in here every so often, just to check on folks.

Have a good Monday, everyone!

Love you big,
Mamacita Jane


@lisalucier , and @colleenyoung, just a bit of an update on @sirgalahad. He has mentioned in a small group on Messenger that he would like me to share his current status with you.

The latest information I have is that he is suffering from cellulitis in his leg. Coinciding with a case of lymphedema, I can only imagine how disconcerting that is. My daughter was released from the hospital yesterday for the same thing.

Sadly, as if this was not enough on his plate, his sister passed away from Cancer. She had refused treatment, having gone to a place where she felt at home...India. This is the last close relative he has. He has a cousin back east that I know of. But he is feeling really alone right now.

He has had many good experiences with Connect. That is why he wanted me to share this information with you. I believe he is in a place of healing right now. Any words of encouragement and support would be most appreciated, I am sure.

As for me, I have been referred to an opthamologist by my PCP. I received a call from his office yesterday. The Office manager told me that my retinal scan showed some changes in the optic nerve. Being Type Two Diabetic, I can say with some certainty that it is Diabetes related.

Of course, I immediately looked at Mayo Clinic online to see what might possibly be in my path. I had no idea how many different conditions one little optic nerve could have! I stopped after about the fourth reading of symptoms and conditions. Most were encouraging. Albeit a little concerning.

I am so grateful for Mayo Clinic. And for Mayo Clinic Connect. You all have become a major player in my life. Thank you.
Love and light,
Mamacita Jane


@lisalucier , and @colleenyoung, just a bit of an update on @sirgalahad. He has mentioned in a small group on Messenger that he would like me to share his current status with you.

The latest information I have is that he is suffering from cellulitis in his leg. Coinciding with a case of lymphedema, I can only imagine how disconcerting that is. My daughter was released from the hospital yesterday for the same thing.

Sadly, as if this was not enough on his plate, his sister passed away from Cancer. She had refused treatment, having gone to a place where she felt at home...India. This is the last close relative he has. He has a cousin back east that I know of. But he is feeling really alone right now.

He has had many good experiences with Connect. That is why he wanted me to share this information with you. I believe he is in a place of healing right now. Any words of encouragement and support would be most appreciated, I am sure.

As for me, I have been referred to an opthamologist by my PCP. I received a call from his office yesterday. The Office manager told me that my retinal scan showed some changes in the optic nerve. Being Type Two Diabetic, I can say with some certainty that it is Diabetes related.

Of course, I immediately looked at Mayo Clinic online to see what might possibly be in my path. I had no idea how many different conditions one little optic nerve could have! I stopped after about the fourth reading of symptoms and conditions. Most were encouraging. Albeit a little concerning.

I am so grateful for Mayo Clinic. And for Mayo Clinic Connect. You all have become a major player in my life. Thank you.
Love and light,
Mamacita Jane

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Thank you for informing us of @sirgalahad. I will certainly post to him today. I'm glad to hear that your daughter was discharged from the hospital. I hope your ophthalmologist appointment goes well! Praying for you all today.


Ah, geez! Isn’t it the way that things go south all at once. Prayers of peace and healing heading your way sirgalahad!

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