Adults On The Autism Spectrum

Posted by Mamacita, Alumna Mentor @mamacita, Apr 29, 2018

Maybe you were really shy as a child. Perhaps you took home a huge stack of books from the school library, read them, and returned them the next day. Or did your best friend find you crying in your closet, unable to answer the question "Why?" At any rate, your life could be traced to the Self-Help section of the local bookstore. Unfortunately, most of the books were not much help. ADHD seemed to fit, at times. Your shrink said you might be Bi-Polar, although she wasn't really certain. All you knew was that you rarely fit in, anywhere. One day at work, it hit you square in the face: I don't speak these people's language! Really, it was like you were all playing this game, and everyone knew the rules but you. You couldn't tell a joke, and you never "got" any joke your co-worker tried to tell you. People started getting annoyed with you, because you had a memory like a steel trap. They didn't appreciate it when you called them on the carpet. Who knew? This was my life, and worse. I finally aced several tests that pointed me to the answer to my questions. The Autism Spectrum. Guess what? Little kids with Autism grow up to be Adults with Autism. Diagnosed late in life? This is the place for you!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autism (ASD) Support Group.


I love Mr. Ed, and Wilbur. Does anyone else remember Francis the talking mule? Do we all connect to animals easier than to humans?

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@auntieoakley You betcha!!!!


@Colleen Young, Connect Director, thank you for your kind assistance. We sure enjoy having this little Princess around. But we have learned it truly does take a village.She keeps us on our toes. Plus we just returned from spending the day with our little Mama who is valiantly trying to keep her baby boy developing and growing for as long as she can. She slept five hours last night, which is important. Means she probably did not have contractions duriing that time.

Everyone have a great day today. Oh. One last thing. Did you know that the man who started it all with Pokemon, is Autistic? Showed up on my newsfeed today.


Love and light.


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In the apartment complex (independent living) where I live we all agree it takes a village.


I love Mr. Ed, and Wilbur. Does anyone else remember Francis the talking mule? Do we all connect to animals easier than to humans?

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@auntieoakley Can only speak for myself. The answer is a resounding "YES"!


@sirgalahad, @gingerw, @parus, and @ auntieoakley, I'm a Lone Ranger, Tonto, Cisco Kid kind of girl. Shirley Temple movies, I absolutely adored. Laurel and Hardy. I Love Lucy, Captain Kangaroo.

Ah, the good old days. Gotta get in gear and get things ready for the kiddos. They are coming in tonight from out of state for the,baby shower. I cannot wait to love on my Grands again. Everyone have a great evening.
Love and light

Mamacita Jane


@gingerw, @sirgalahad, and all you beautiful bright lights... Happy Friday to you all.

My plans? Grandmother duty. My kiddos are off on a rare but much deserved Anniversary Date. All of us are presently napping or wishing we could take a nap.

We watched Eureka on Netflix the other evening. Very interesting to watch the little boy "with Autism" save the day with his brilliant gifts. Today we would simply say "Autistic." At least, most of us would

I'm too weary to be brilliant. So I will sign off with a wish and a prayer that each one of you has a lovely, restful weekend. Fill it with time and space for all the healthy, healing, joyful things you have come to know and trust.

Love and light,
Mamacita Jane


@gingerw, @sirgalahad, and all you beautiful bright lights... Happy Friday to you all.

My plans? Grandmother duty. My kiddos are off on a rare but much deserved Anniversary Date. All of us are presently napping or wishing we could take a nap.

We watched Eureka on Netflix the other evening. Very interesting to watch the little boy "with Autism" save the day with his brilliant gifts. Today we would simply say "Autistic." At least, most of us would

I'm too weary to be brilliant. So I will sign off with a wish and a prayer that each one of you has a lovely, restful weekend. Fill it with time and space for all the healthy, healing, joyful things you have come to know and trust.

Love and light,
Mamacita Jane

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@mamacita We welcome the peek into your grandmother duty day. I have 8 step-grandchildren, but have very little contact with them. My step daughter has 5 children from 5 different men, ranging in age from 11 to 23, my "bonus son" has three ages 8 to 13, who live with their mother.
I hope you get time this weekend for a nap! Take pleasure in knowing you gave some respite to your kiddos, and bonded a bit more with the young ones.


@mamacita We welcome the peek into your grandmother duty day. I have 8 step-grandchildren, but have very little contact with them. My step daughter has 5 children from 5 different men, ranging in age from 11 to 23, my "bonus son" has three ages 8 to 13, who live with their mother.
I hope you get time this weekend for a nap! Take pleasure in knowing you gave some respite to your kiddos, and bonded a bit more with the young ones.

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@gingerw, Volunteer Mentor, and @auntieoakley , Happy Saturday! I survived. They came home to my house about an hour ago. I felt like shouting " the Cavalry is here!"

Oy vey, what a time we had. The devil dog got out, Will had to chase him down and get him back inside. Logan broke my tv table accidentally. And can you imagine how long it takes to boil water for his pasta when you have a little baby you cannot take your eyes off ?!! A really, really long time.

Thank goodness they are such good babies. They give me hope for our future. Logan is as smart as a whip. Great care must be given to the details...I yelled at the devil dog, whereupon Logan politely told me " Gramma, we don't say 'stupid.' That's not good to say."
You're right, Logan. You are absolutely correct. But other than that I feel like I did ok with both the babies, last night and this morning. I was even able to get a shower while the baby took a nap. And I made his favorite pasta. That had to count for something.

Truth be told, he did not eat much of it. Because he could not find the Parmesan cheese. I had used the shredded Parmesan, so it was in there. You just couldn't see it. Yes. I know what you are thinking. He is, indeed, a Young Sheldon.

And we are perfectly fine with that.

Now,excuse me while I watch the Alabama/A&M game, totally clueless as to what is going on. I even bought a Dummies Guide To Football, back when Will was playing.

So I could make sense of what was going on. It didn't help.

Here in Alabama you watch the game, or you are actually present at the game. So I keep trying.

I may just take a nap in this recliner while my kiddos go visit family.

It has been a good week end. Trying hard to just be. Relax, take care of me.

And that is my final parting note to you, my friends. Relax. Rest. Try hard to not over think. Or commit to too much, even if it is for a really good cause. And you know us Auties...we are passionate about all of our "good" causes. That passion can lead to Autistic burnout, meltdown, shutdown. So pace yourselves.

I just love y'all! Roll Tide!

Mamacita Jane


How I spent the last few days.


How I spent the last few days.

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@auntieoakley Oh, a baby!!! Just brand new! What a hopeful sight to see! I am so jealous.


He is not mine but I am a pretty handy aunt. Good thing he has a nice comfy barn for winter being born now.

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