Co-Enzyme Q 10 (100 mg daily) Stops Statin Leg Pain

Hi, I'm taking 20 mg Atorvastatin and my legs were aching. My great Cardiologist told me that statin medications rob the body of the supplement Co Q 10 and taking 100 mg a day would alleviate the problem. I take now Co-enzyme Q 10 100 mg daily and it totally stopped the leg pain. Hope this is helpful to some.

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@stressedmesseddepreassed- Wow, now that's a lot to type 🙂 I was taking 40 mg of Atorvastatin and was having trouble with numbness even though I was already taking 200 mg of CoQ-10. Decided to change to 40 mg of Simastatin and most of the numbness is all gone. I also take a high quality wild caught fish oil (300 mg) and 200 mg of Tumeric.


Well, I was just relating what a top Cardiologist told me, that's all, and it works for me. : ) (He said, "Statins deplete the body of Co Q 10 so I want you to take 100mg of Co-enzyme Q 10 a day and that should stop the leg aches.") And it did! Maybe you were on the wrong dose of a statin and only needed 40 mg. (I take 20 mg. a day).


stressedmesseddepressed: hi.. I am on Rosuvastatin 10mg and have pain in thigh, cause really, not determined, had an MRI with DDD , spine surgery consult was not helpful. I have seen few cardiologists, so far. There was no
referral to Co Q 10. I am trying to find out if this is available. Thanks for this info. I was just advised to get a lab. test, CPK done and not of any problem, it seems. It is small dose, may be. But, I will enquire further.


stressedmesseddepressed: hi.. I am on Rosuvastatin 10mg and have pain in thigh, cause really, not determined, had an MRI with DDD , spine surgery consult was not helpful. I have seen few cardiologists, so far. There was no
referral to Co Q 10. I am trying to find out if this is available. Thanks for this info. I was just advised to get a lab. test, CPK done and not of any problem, it seems. It is small dose, may be. But, I will enquire further.

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FYI - "In a study published this week in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC), researchers based in Denmark measured CoQ10 levels in individuals taking simvastatin (a commonly-prescribed statin), and compared them with individuals not taking statins [1]. The levels in those taking the statin were significantly lower."

But, of course, consult first with your Doctor for possible negative interactions, etc.


stressedmesseddepressed: hi.. I am on Rosuvastatin 10mg and have pain in thigh, cause really, not determined, had an MRI with DDD , spine surgery consult was not helpful. I have seen few cardiologists, so far. There was no
referral to Co Q 10. I am trying to find out if this is available. Thanks for this info. I was just advised to get a lab. test, CPK done and not of any problem, it seems. It is small dose, may be. But, I will enquire further.

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I went through a MRI also but no conclusions why I had burny thigh pain I read the literature it said about Pain in thighs ,the literature the pharmacy gives you in your prescription will tell you it can cause thigh pain I'm not taking it anymore .You can buy CQ10 at drug store.


stressedmesseddepressed: hi.. I am on Rosuvastatin 10mg and have pain in thigh, cause really, not determined, had an MRI with DDD , spine surgery consult was not helpful. I have seen few cardiologists, so far. There was no
referral to Co Q 10. I am trying to find out if this is available. Thanks for this info. I was just advised to get a lab. test, CPK done and not of any problem, it seems. It is small dose, may be. But, I will enquire further.

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Yes it does for those that cholesterol is hereditary but it also will destroy muscle,s there,s a name for by I can't remember if so it's a trade of.


stressedmesseddepressed: hi.. I am on Rosuvastatin 10mg and have pain in thigh, cause really, not determined, had an MRI with DDD , spine surgery consult was not helpful. I have seen few cardiologists, so far. There was no
referral to Co Q 10. I am trying to find out if this is available. Thanks for this info. I was just advised to get a lab. test, CPK done and not of any problem, it seems. It is small dose, may be. But, I will enquire further.

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Are you saying co-enzyme Q 10 is harmful? No, right? Every cell uses it! Our bodies naturally make it!

I don't believe cholesterol is hereditary, that being said coq10 has been shown to keep your LDL levels in a good range.


Yes, and it performs so many vital ! cell functions, too. Be well. Thanks.


stressedmesseddepressed: hi.. I am on Rosuvastatin 10mg and have pain in thigh, cause really, not determined, had an MRI with DDD , spine surgery consult was not helpful. I have seen few cardiologists, so far. There was no
referral to Co Q 10. I am trying to find out if this is available. Thanks for this info. I was just advised to get a lab. test, CPK done and not of any problem, it seems. It is small dose, may be. But, I will enquire further.

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No,no CoQ10 is needed by the body statins can on some people do damage to the muscles

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